Mar 12, 2009


Location : Banda Aceh, INDONESIA
Application Deadline : 11-Mar-09
Type of Contract : Service Contract
Languages Required :
Expected Duration of Assignment : 10 months
Refer a Friend Apply Now
UNDP Indonesia's mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We aim to be a bridge between Indonesia and all donors as well as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Governance Reforms, Pro-Poor Policy Reforms, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment Management, with the overarching aim of reducing poverty in Indonesia. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in a variety of crosscutting initiatives focused on HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and information and technology for development.

I. Organizational Context
Under overall guidance and direct supervision of the Project Coordinator of CSO Project in Banda Aceh, the Project Officer will provide programmatic and operational backstopping to the projects "Support to Strengthen the Capacity and Role of CSOs in the Recovery of Communities in Aceh and Nias."

Duties and Responsibilities
II. Functions / Key Results Expected
Summary of key functions:
Implementation of project strategies and activities, adapts processes and procedures;
Management of the CSO project in the target areas;
Provides effective communication, data management, reporting, and knowledge building practices.
1. Ensures implementation of project plan focusing on the achievement of the following results:
Provision of supports in ensuring strategic management of project resources through the promotion of effective planning, cost effectiveness, and resource mobilization strategies.
Establishment detailed work plans for project implementation in coordination with partners.
Attainment of project results and ensuring the processes and procedures.
2. Ensures effective micro management of the project under the supervision and guidance of the Project Coordinator focusing on the following results:
Ensure the appropriateness of project implementation in the areas of contract/assets/procurement, finance, and human resources.
Provision of technical assistances to the partners as required
Effective coordination and supervision of Project Assistants
Coordination and liaison with other PO
Oversee and ensure timely implementation of all the project activities.
Establishment of monitoring framework with partners in the field, including performance indicators.
Conducts monitoring of project activities, including field visits, to assess overall project implementation with respect to project objectives, outputs, and indicators, and when necessary suggest corrective measures to be undertaken.
Provides reports on field monitoring trips that incorporate operational and programmatic concerns and remedial actions to address these concerns.
Undertakes trouble-shooting of project problems and suggest corrective actions where necessary;
Assist in developing terms of references, including for consultants and monitoring missions.
Serves as Acting Project Coordinator in his/her absence; and
Performs other relevant duties as required.
3. Ensures effective communication and provision of reporting materials related to the project focusing on achievement of the following results:
Develop solid relations with relevant Government departments, civil society groups, and other project partners particularly at local levels.
Maintain communications with partner organizations in the field to coordinate and troubleshoot programmatic and operational issues.
Collection , management, and processing of data related to the project as required
Assist Program Coordinator in the preparation of project status reports for UNDP, and for submission to donors, Government and other partners.
Incorporation of lesson learned and best practices to the project implementation processes.
Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
III. Impact of Results
The key results would have impacts on the achievement of the over all project results as part of the programme of the Unit in attaining Country Programme Action Plan.

V. Competencies
Corporate Competencies
Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values
Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Treats all people fairly without favoritism.
Functional Competencies
Knowledge Management and Learning
Promotes a knowledge sharing and learning culture in the office.
Ability to provide programme and policy advice on assigned areas.
Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development.
Development and Operational Effectiveness
Ability to perform a variety of specialized tasks related to results management, including support to design, planning, managing data and reporting.
Ability to conduct formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of CSO projects, mobilize resources.
Strong IT skills.
Ability to manage and work in a team with different skills and backgrounds.
Ability to provide inputs business processes re-engineering, implementation of new system, and affect staff behavioral/attitudinal change, management and leadership.
Focuses on impact and result for the implementing partners and responds positively to feedback.
Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills.
Maintain relationships with implementing partners and stakeholders.
Personal commitment to development; and willingness to travel to project sites
Behavioral Competencies
Ability to work under pressure and with a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team;
Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
Excellent interpersonal skills;
Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude, and responds positively to constructive feedback;
Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure

Required Skills and Experience
IV. Recruitment Qualifications
Master degree in social sciences, economics, public administration, business administration or other relevant field with minimum 2 (Two) years of professional experience in development programming; (or)
Bachelor degree or equivalent in social sciences, economics, public administration, business administration or other relevant field with minimum 6 (six) years of professional experience in development programming, preferably with experience working for international development organizations;
Working experience in NAD with exposure to environment in Acehnese communities will be an added advantage.
Experience in dealing with implementing partners, CSOs and Government officials.
Previous experience with UN would be an advantage
Language Requirements:
Fluency in English and proven ability to write reports in English.

“Female candidates are encouraged to apply”
“ UNDP Indonesia reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP Indonesia at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and education requirements.”

WWF Indonesia - Conservation Spatial Plan and Community Based- Natural Resources Management Coordinator in Papua

WWF Indonesia - Conservation Spatial Plan and Community Based- Natural Resources Management Coordinator in Papua
WWF-Indonesia is an independent member of WWF, the global conservation organization, that operating close to 100 countries worldwide. WWF-Indonesia is registered under the Indonesia law, governed by a board of trustees . In Indonesia, we works in 24 sites, spread throughout 16 provinces. Our programs are built around strategic themes ; Freshwater, Forest and Terrestrial Species, Marine & Marine Species, and Climate Change and Energy. We are looking for dedicated, hardworking, highly motivated individuals to join our team with qualification bellow :

Major Accountabilities
To lead and coordinate spatial plan works at all project sites in Papua, to support the project objectives
Responsible for capacity building of WWF-ID GIS staff on conservation spatial analysis.
Developing CB-NRM (Community Base - Natural Resource Management) concept, design pilot project and strengthen capacity on participatory mapping in Papua.
Ensuring the implementation of CB-NRM pilot project
Min. bachelor degree (S1) in Geography, preferably has a master degree.
Willing to be placed in Jayapura
Minimum 10 years experience in environmental conservation, wildlife protection and/or protected area management, including previous experience at a senior level
Thorough knowledge on Conservation Spatial Plan for terrestrial conservation and sustainable forest management.
Strong knowledge and skills in policy - advocacy for sustainable terrestrial resource use in an era of decentralization
Extensive project management experience, including financial and HR management
The candidate should have strong leadership, communication skill and interpersonal skills.
Please submit you application, CV with recent photograph & other relevant document to

WWF-Indonesia adalah bagian independen dari WWF, organisasi konservasi global yang meliputi hampir 100 negara di seluruh dunia. WWF-Indonesia sebagai organisasi berbadan hukum, dikelola oleh sejumlah pengurus yayasan. WWF Indonesia memiliki 24 wilayah kerja yang tersebar di 16 provinsi. Program kami berkonsentrasi pada beberapa tema strategis; Perairan, Kehutanan dan Spesies Terestrial, Kelautan & Spesies Laut, serta Perubahan Iklim dan Energi. Kami membutuhkan individu yang berdedikasi, pekerja keras, dan memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk bergabung bersama tim kami dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Tugas/Kewajiban Pokok:
Mampu memimpin dan mengkoordinasikan rencana kerja spasial di seluruh lokasi proyek di Papua, dalam rangka mendukung tercapainya tujuan proyek.
Bertanggung jawab terhadap perkembangan kapasitas staf GIS WWF-Indonesia dalam analisa spasial konservasi.
Mengembangkan konsep CB-NRM (Community Base - Natural Resource Management), mendesain proyek perintis dan menguatkan kapasitas pemetaan yang partisipatif di Papua
Memastikan implementasi proyek perintis CB-NRM
Min. S1 Geography, lebih diutamakan yang S2
Bersedia ditugaskan di Jayapura
Memiliki minimal 10 tahun pengalaman dalam konservasi lingkungan, perlindungan hutan dan atau manajemen wilayah proteksi, termasuk pengalaman pada level senior.
Memiliki pengetahuan yang lengkap mengenai Rencana Spasial Konservasi untuk konservasi terestrial dan manajemen hutan yang tepat
Memiliki pengetahuan dan keahlian yang baik dalam kebijakan-advokasi untuk penggunaan sumber daya yang tepat dalam ranah desentralisasi
Berpengalaman dalam manajemen proyek ekstensif yang meliputi manajemen sumber daya manusia dan keuangan
Kandidat harus memiliki kepemimpinan yang kuat, kemampuan & keahlian komunikasi serta hubungan interpersonal.
Kirim lamaran Anda, CV, foto terbaru, dan dokumen lain yang mendukung ke


WWF-Indonesia is an independent member of WWF, the global conservation organization, that operating close to 100 countries worldwide. WWF-Indonesia is registered under the Indonesia law, governed by a board of trustees . In Indonesia, we works in 24 sites, spread throughout 16 provinces. Our programs are built around strategic themes, such as forest, marine, freshwater, species, climate change and toxic chemical. We are looking for dedicated, hardworking, highly motivated individuals to join our team with qualification bellow:

Major Accountabilities: 1. Responsible on the implementation of all activities at national level, including generating income from existing members and broadening engagement to the forest managers that fall bellow the minimum entry requirements against GFTN participation rules.
2. Generate new resources to counter the sustainability of the program besides maintaining the existing partnership with corporate, government and civil society.
3. Smooth alignment with other projects within WWF-Indonesia in relation to building network within corporate sector in forestry to foster sustainable forest management and promoting credible certification systems.
4. Recap all progress and report to the Forest Director and GFTN-Support Unit as well as to donors as necessary.
1. Min. bachelor degree (S1) in forestry, preferably has a master degree.
2. Has a minimum of 5 years experience in natural resources conservation management, extensively work with government, Corporate Sector and other stakeholders, national and international.
3. Previous experience in project and people management
4. The candidate should have strong leadership, communication skill and interpersonal skills.
5. The candidate is solution oriented and proficient in English both oral and written.
Please submit you application, CV with recent photograph & other relevant document to