Agroforest Management Officer (AMO)-based in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
The Position
ICRAF Indonesia has numerous on-going projects related to smallholder agroforestry that include rubber, cacao and other fruit and timber species as key components in Jambi, Aceh, Lampung, Kalimantan and Java.
The research for development projects also provide some support on tree crops (rubber, cacao, timber and fruit trees), nurseries and land use planning in their target areas. ICRAF has accumulated wealth of information and knowledge on a range of technological options and modeling tools for assessing agroforestry options. In order to strengthen the dissemination of appropriate rubber and timber, fruit, vegetable based agroforestry technology under different projects, ICRAF is opening a new AMO position. The officer will contribute to its research program to assess traditional and emerging agroforestry systems and take a leading role in developing, testing and promoting improved agroforestry systems for smallholder farmers in Indonesia. In addition to technical and socio-economic aspects, the AMO will also take a leading role in training, testing and implementing computer simulation models in the evaluation of agroforestry options under different contexts. It is expected that the AMO will need to spend about half of her/his time in the field, mainly in Aceh Barat.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the supervision of Leader of the Agroforest Management Unit of ICRAF Bogor, the AMO will perform the following tasks:
· Under supervision of ICRAF scientists, complete the establishment of demonstration plots of Rubber Agroforestry System (RAS) in Aceh Barat, with a clear strategy for regular monitoring and observations of bio-physical, social and economic aspects of RAS prepare protocols for demonstration plots of improved Rubber Agroforestry Systems (RAS) relevant for Aceh Barat.
· Provide technical supervision and guidance to ICRAF and partner colleagues on development and promotion of tree crop based agroforestry.
· Organize training and other capacity enhancing activities for farmers, government and NGO officials in order to develop local capacity for agroforestry development.
· Develop and maintain effective communication and partnership between ICRAF, farming communities and partner institutions in Aceh Barat, Jambi and Kalimantan.
· Assist in the research (field surveys, data collection and compilation, field reporting) related to environmental aspects (biodiversity, carbon, hydrology) of traditional agroforestry (currently planned for Aceh).
· Take lead in training and support activities for ICRAF partners, students and visitors on various agroforestry models developed or enhanced by ICRAF modelers (e.g. Spatially Explicit Individual-base Forest Simulation, FALLOW and WANULCAS).
Must have at least the following qualifications:
· An S2 (MSc) with relevant experience or S1 (BSc) with at least five years of relevant experience on smallholder agroforestry (preferably rubber), data collection (bio-physical, social and economic), compilation, interpretation and analysis and reporting.
· Experience in participatory on-farm research, training-of-trainers (TOT), field supervision and working with farmers, NGOs and government institutions.
· Good networking skills and knowledge
· Experience with simulation models; good aptitude for computer modelling
· Excellent communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English (reading, writing, oral and presentation); command of Bahasa Aceh will be an advantage.
· Prepared to spend considerable time in the field.
Applicants are invited to send a letter of application, accompanied by curriculum vitae, transcript of record, names and address of two referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address).
Applications should indicate 'AMO Application' on their application letters and email submission. All correspondence should be addressed to:
Human Resources Unit, ICRAF
Fax: (0251) 625416
This is an immediately opening position. Applications will be considered until July 10, 2008
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