Bersama ini disampaikan pengumuman dan TOR untuk sebuah lowongan kerja sebagai Project Coordinator untuk RECOFTC di Sulawesi Selatan. Mungkin ada yang berminat melamar atau dapat menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini kepada mitra atau rekan yang berminat. Pengumuman ini merupakan pengumuman susulan di mana batas waktu pemasukan lamaran diperpanjang sampai dengan 4 Juli 2008.
Posisi sebagai Project Coordinator ini untuk bekerja antara periode Juli 2008 - April 2010 dengan kantor di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Lamaran dapat dikirmkan cukup melalui email saja.
Terima kasih
Tony Djogo
Country Coordinator
RECOFTC Indonesia
Jalan Gunung Batu
We are currently seeking qualified and committed professional to fill the following position:
RECOFTC Project Coordinator for
Project: “Enhancing Capacity for Improved Community Based Forest Management in Indonesia: Phase 2”
RECOFTC is seeking a Project Coordinator for the ‘Enhancing Capacity for Improved Community Based Forest Management; Phase 2’ project in Indonesia. The project is funded by Ford Foundation Indonesia and is implemented by RECOFTC in collaboration with various partners at all levels.
The successful candidate will work in concert with the Enhancing Capacity for Improved Community Based Forest Management in Indonesia: Phase 2 and the Capacity Building Products and Services Unit of RECOFTC, Bangkok; to direct develop and implement community forestry capacity building in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This position is full time for a period starting from July 2008 until April 2010.
Full details of the Term of Reference is available at Applications should be sent to the address below by 4 July 2008, and should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and current contact details of three referees. Please quote the position on the envelope or email. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. A remuneration package in line with qualifications and experiences will be negotiated with the selected candidate.
RECOFTC, P.O. Box 1111, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10903; Tel: 66-2-9405700 ext.1211; Fax: 66-2-5614880; Email: ,, and Website: