Aug 13, 2008

Postgraduate Studentships 2009: Miriam Rothschild Studentships in Conservation Biology

Postgraduate Studentships 2009: Miriam Rothschild Studentships in Conservation Biology
The Arcadia Fund has kindly provided funding for research studentships in Conservation Biology, to be based in the Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK. We expect to fund two students from less developed
countries to start in autumn 2009, with a third student to start a year later. We will also fund one EU student to start in either 2009 or 2010.

Further information about Department of Zoology, postgraduate training and the research being undertaken in conservation science can be found at: Applicants should contact a potential supervisor and agree a project before applying.

Please contact the most appropriate supervisor attaching a CV and description of the project that you would like to carry out.

Once a supervisor has agreed to the project we require a letter of application, stating the studentship being applied for, naming the potential supervisor and proposed project, a one page description of the proposed project, a CV, and the names and full addresses (including email) of two academic referees.

Please send these to the Graduate Admissions Secretary, Linda Wheatley,l.wheatley@zoo

. . The closing date is 15th December 2008.