Climate Adaptation Specialist
I. Objective/Purpose of the Assignment
1. To prepare the Central and West Asia CWRD Climate Change Implementation Plan (CCIP) following the guidelines, ADB Preparation of Climate Change Implementation Guidelines and Template, August 2008.
II. Background
2. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is responding to the challenge of climate change by taking an active role in promoting the mainstreaming of mitigation and adaptation considerations throughout the Asia and Pacific Region.
3. ADB’s Climate Change Implementation Plan (CCIP), currently in draft form, is envisioned as a guiding framework to enable Regional Departments to leverage additional climate change investment funds, and help their respective DMCs develop and implement region-wide, country-specific, and sectoral climate change investments and action plans to 2015. This CCIP needs to be formulated at the level of each Regional Department (RD), in parallel with the formulation of other RD CCIPs, and in alignment (where plausible) with each DMCs Country Partnership Strategy (CPS)
III. Detailed Tasks/ Scope of Work
4. CWRD has formed a Climate Change team drawn from each division. The Climate Change Adaptation Specialist will work directly with the leader of the CWRD Climate Change Team in the formulation of the CCIP.
5. Tasks will include:
A. Preparation and Editing of the Climate Change Implementation Plan
• The Climate Change Adaptation Specialist will take overall responsibility for preparation and editing of the CCIP. In this role; the Adaptation Specialist
(i) Act as the team leader for the CCIP;
(ii) Identify key stakeholders and organize necessary meetings and workshops to engage them in the CCIP preparation
(iii) Work closely with CWRD Climate Change Team members to ensure alignment of the CCIP with departmental strategy and programs
(iv) Develop an annotated outline for the CCIP;
(v) Gather, review, and analyze all relevant information related to climate change adaptation required for preparation of the CCIP;
(vi) Coordinate the activities and inputs of the Climate Change Mitigation Specialist
(vii) Draft the CCIP in accordance with ADB Preparation of Climate Change Implementation Plan Guidelines and Template, August 2008
(viii) Organize a review of the draft CCIP by ADB and other relevant stakeholders; and
(ix) Prepare the final CCIP; and
(x) Prepare a power point presentation on the background, main findings, and key recommendations of the CCIP.
B. Knowledge Review
• Identify key issues and needs, key DMC stakeholders/focal points, and priority sectors and investment activities [(partly based on ADB investment portfolio (CPS)]
• Review ADB's climate change related documents, including the CCIP draft Guidelines, and become acquainted with the target Regional Department’s mitigation and adaptation priorities, and ongoing programs relevant to the CCIP.
• Carry out ongoing desktop research to review and assess existing literature/information on climate change impact and adaptation, and review efforts at the regional, country and sectoral levels to identify gaps that can be supported by ADB.
• Conduct a stock-taking of target DMC climate change documentation
C. Drafting of the CCIP
• Support CWRD Climate Change Team to formulate strategic framework for the CCIP. This includes formulating a methodology to allow for the incorporation of specific inputs (e.g. CPS, carbon credit investment portfolio, climate change road maps, screening and risk assessment guidelines, downscaled projections,).
• During CCIP formulation, through a review of CWRD activities and reports, help identify operational entry points for the incorporation & mainstreaming of complementary and stand-alone adaptation interventions (pilots, TAs, studies) in existing and future projects
• Identify key areas of ADB support for adaptation interventions including; incorporating vulnerabilities risks into CPSs; adjusting sector strategies for climate realities; screening of investment projects; and incorporating social dimensions.
• Identify policy options/mechanisms to be implemented within ADB, DMCs, the private sector, and at the community level/NGOs (i) for carbon investment; and, (ii) to reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts
D. Stakeholder Consultations
• Conduct DMC field visits, in coordination with RD, and coordinate and lead inter-agency stakeholder consultations with relevant government, multilateral development banks, donor, and civil society stakeholders, both for mitigation & adaptation, to identify entry points between DMC climate change priorities (National Climate Change Program) and DMC/ADB priority investments (legal, policy, financial)
• Advise CWRD on the status of target DMCs: Adaptation Plans (NAPAs, UNFCCC National Communications); priority needs based on country/sectoral impacts; existing sectoral risk assessments & availability of relevant downscaled models; in-country adaptation research capacity/existing adaptation research; portfolio of climate adaptation funds available to DMC [Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF), Adaptation Fund (AF), Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), Climate Investment Fund (CIF), bilateral, etc.]; institutional impediments
• Help identify, in dialogue with CWRD, appropriate adaptation tools, policies, and practices for CCIP consideration.
E. Final draft CCIP
• Incorporate inputs from participating DMC stakeholder and CWRD consultations, and help finalize RD CCIP
• Identify funding sources; and develop compendium of mitigation and adaptation funds, & rules of engagement.
IV. Reporting Requirements & Implementation Arrangements
6. The Climate Adaptation Specialist will report to the leader of the CWRD Climate Change Team. Follow-up reports will be provided, through the RD, to the CCIP Committee through the Coordinating Group (RSID/RSES). Reporting requirements include:
• CCIP outline/framework and methodology for CWRD CCIP
• First draft for RD CCIP
• Final draft CCIP
V. Professional & Technical Requirements
7. Essential Qualifications
• Adept at leading high-level multi-stakeholder consultative sessions on strategy development
• Well-versed with various carbon development, and risk management & adaptation institutional & frameworks and strategies, planning approaches, policy reforms, portfolio at risk and screening methodologies, current climate change research
• Familiarity with international climate change stakeholders, DMC climate change focal points, international NGOs, & climate change research institutes, and funding mechanisms
• Familiar with project design, management and administration requirements in large institutions
• Ability to clearly articulate international standards on climate change mitigation & adaptation, & related sectoral issues
• Well versed in sectoral climate change issues (e.g., in agriculture, land-use, renewable energy, coastal zone management, water resource management), and emissions and disaster impact scenarios
8. Academic Qualifications
• Graduate degree (or equivalent combination of academic training and experience) in climate change, business planning, environmental science/natural sciences, or relevant discipline.
VI. VI Level of Effort
The assignment will be based in Manila, Philippines, with travel to the field, and is expected to be for 3.5 person-months (intermittent over 5 months), starting October 2008.