Oct 31, 2008
International Consultant - UNDP
Post Title: International Consultant
Type of Contract: SSA
Starting Date: Mid-January 2009 (TBD)
Duration: 30 consultancy days, including 2 missions
Location: Chisinau, Moldova
Project: Moldova 2009 National Human Development Report “Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova and Policy Options to Adapt”
I. Background
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the world’s environment, society and economy today. Its impact can already be seen across the globe, and Moldova will not be immune. As climate change impacts are inevitable, the need to adapt to the changing climate becomes more pressing, not just in the way we live, but in the way we do development. In response to this challenge, the 2009 National Human Development Report (NHDR) is dedicated to the climate change from human development perspective. Moldova, in the context of NHDR, will develop a detailed account of the socio-economic policy implications of climate change in the country. The main purpose of this activity is to support the national policy dialogue on the socio-economic implications of climate change and policy options at the national level.
Moldova is highly prone to climate-related natural disasters such as droughts, floods and hail. The socio-economic costs of hazard damage in Moldova are significant, constituting 5-15% of GDP. The catastrophic drought of 2007 and the 2008 summer floods are a manifestation of an overall trend of current climatic conditions in a country with high incident of rural poverty and heavy reliance on the productive systems, such as agriculture, sensitive to climate variability and long term change.
With the support of UNDP and UN agencies in Moldova, the National Human Development Report will address the key issues of poverty, socio-economic welfare, gender, and migration, with particular emphasis on climate related risks to rural economies and local livelihoods. This fully responds to the UN’s efforts to effectively mitigate devastating impact of recent natural disasters in Moldova and avert its short and long term implications on human development.
The study on Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova and Policy Options to Adapt, as an integral and key substantive part of the 2009 NHDR (the other part being the calculation and interpretation of human development indices), has to demonstrate, through rigorous economic analysis, that climate change is of critical importance to the short-, medium- and long-term development priorities of Moldova. To that end, the study will produce a nationally-owned, credible and widely disseminated analysis of the impact of climate change on the economy as a whole and on selected sectors important to the national development, both at national and sub-national level.
The purpose of the project would be to provide evidence and analysis on the economics of climate change that is specific to Moldova. The study will contribute to a more detailed understanding of the costs of climate change impacts in the absence of adaptation policies and measures at the national level, with particular focus on the priority sectors subject to the anticipated impacts. The project aims to provide economic analysis for decision-makers that need to manage the impacts of climate change by minimizing negative impacts and maximizing any beneficial opportunities. Therefore, the project aims to provide policy recommendations for the Moldovan government for implementation of adaptation measures that will benefit the human development of the country.
II. Organizational Setting
The International Consultant will work under the overall supervision of Country Office management and direct supervision of the UNDP Portfolio Manger, in close cooperation with a local expert team (think-tank). After the local expert team is identified (tentatively by December 2008), the International Consultant will assume the leading role for the analytical part of the 2009 NHDR - the report on Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova and Policy Options to Adapt. He/she will provide oversight, guidance and leadership, as well as substantive inputs based on regional/global experience and lessons learnt. The local expert team will join efforts with the International Consultant and will be contributing with collecting and analyzing Moldova-specific data (social, economic, demographic, environmental, etc.). The local expert team shall also be responsible for the human development indices part of NHDR.
Technical (substantive) support will be provided by the UNDP Regional Technical Advisor and Headquarters on costing methodologies, climate change information, review and comments on draft reports.
Logistical support will be provided by the local expert team.
III. Time-frame
The contract is provided for a total of 30 consultancy days which, upon further consultations, will be
The assignment is expected to start in mid-January 2009, and continue through September 2009 (tentatively), when the NHDR final draft is expected to be circulated for review, discussions and approval. The specific sequencing and time-frame of activities will be established once both the International Consultant and the local expert team are identified.
IV. Responsibilities
The International Consultant will be responsible for conducting the study and its timely submission of the analytical report on Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova and Policy Options to Adapt.
The study will be carried out in two phases. Phase I is a scoping exercise, gathering information on climate change in Moldova and building consensus on priority issues, as well as defining the scope of work, in consultation with national expert team and stakeholders. This phase will also identify the composition of expert team, roles, responsibilities and timeframes for expert inputs. Phase II is a detailed analysis, reporting and awareness raising on the subject matter.
Phase I: Initial scoping exercise and consultation with key stakeholders.
This exercise would determine the disaggregated level of country data and analysis in relation to the impacts of climate change and assessment of the costs of adaptation policy options.
• Desk review of climate change initiatives, activities, research and existing capacities in Moldova and in the region that has relevance and identifies current adaptive capacity in the country.
• Comprehensive stakeholder analysis in the key sectors.
• Review of current vulnerability and risk assessments available in Moldova; Identification of gaps in assessing the impact of climate change nationally; addressing the gaps as much as the scope of the study requires.
• Conduct consultations with the stakeholders on the methodology and content of the study, based on national priorities.
• Identify required composition of expert team.
• Brief the National counterparts (e.g. Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Ministry of Economy and Trade, etc.) and UNDP, as well as other cooperating partners on the results of the Phase I.
Phase II: Cost - benefit analysis of climate change and adaptation.
Use existing and develop new analysis to assess impacts and costs of climate change in Moldova, including the following:
1. Compile a range of climate change scenarios for Moldova, based on various emissions projections (IPCC), to determine potential negative changes in the biophysical systems that can be expected due to climate change in Moldova.
2. Examine the impact of these scenarios on Moldova’s economic growth and development objectives, including distributional impact on the poorest.
3. Determine the extent to which climate has changed (climatology, hydrology, 10-15 years behind), including the evidence of extreme weather events, scale and associated costs of damages caused due to historical climate, on the basis of existing data, or extrapolate them from global/general projections.
4. Identify the most vulnerable sectors of economy as well as geographic areas subject to climate change impacts (stemming from the current structure of economy in Moldova a predetermined emphasis will be placed on Agriculture).
5. Identify one or two key sectors on which the success of the mid-term (2008-2015) and long-term development plans depend, in order to demonstrate social and/or economic impacts of climate change.
6. Investigate the economic, social and environmental consequences of climate change in Moldova, especially in monetary terms/costing, taking into account the risks of increased climate variability and major irreversible impacts.
7. Quantify, as far as possible, the adaptation costs expected at different levels of global climate change scenarios, including taking no action (i.e. business as usual) scenarios;
8. Draft Policy recommendations based on the above analysis and provide recommendations on choices relevant to Moldova’s development objectives. Issues to be addressed include:
• What is the “order of magnitude” for climate risks and the net economic costs of climate change impacts?
• What is the menu of “no-regret/low-regret” adaptation options for Moldova or win-win measures?
• What is the estimate of net benefits of adaptation options to specific climate change impacts for the purpose of choosing between different options?
• How can international financial flows further support adaptation to already observed climate change and enhance climate-resilient development paths?
• How can public and private capital be leveraged / enhanced to support efforts to both adapt to climate change and enhance climate-resilient development paths?
• How can these opportunities be utilized to help meet Moldova’s stated objectives within human development?
V. Expected outputs (deliverables)
The key product expected is the comprehensive analytical report that should comprise the following:
Executive summary;
Review of existing research and available data on climate change impact;
Description of the assessment methodology;
Situation analysis with regard to socio-economic impacts of climate change on priority sectors/issues (with particular emphasis on agriculture and rural livelihood economies);
Review the cost of adaptation options through ranging them (no regret, no cost, low cost; etc.), determine the options for change in policies and business practices that would help to better adapt to climate change in Moldova;
Recommendations on adaptation measures.
The analytical report, presented by the International Consultant, is expected to be in line with the key basic principles that govern the NHDR process, including:
- national ownership (through involvement of key relevant stakeholders and the development of national capacities of those who contribute to the compilation of the report);
- independence of analysis;
- quality of analysis;
- participatory and inclusive preparation;
- flexibility and creativity in presentation (clear and user-friendly manner); and
- clear options for sustained follow-up, including explicit dissemination strategies.
VI. Qualifications and Experience
Advanced university degree (Master's or PhD level) in environmental economics or other related field;
At least 7 years of work experience in the field of sustainable environment and good environmental governance, sound knowledge on climate change;
Experience in conducting research/analytical studies combined with capacity development efforts;
Affiliation with recognized international think-tanks, applied research institutes and/or universities is expected;
Demonstrated skills in drafting reports, knowledge and competencies/experience in policy analysis, capacity development and mainstreaming issues such as climate proofing, human rights and gender;
Experience with a UN organization is an asset;
Strong interpersonal and communication skills, ability to work effectively with stakeholders with different backgrounds, including government officials and civil society;
Strong skills in the use of computers for word processing, spreadsheets, database statistical data analysis and internet-based communication tools;
Fluency in both written and spoken English is mandatory, knowledge of Russian or Romanian would be considered an asset.
Interested persons should submit their applications, consisting of a duly completed Personal History Form (P11, attached below), detailed CV, Cover Letter and a Financial Proposal (fee per day) for carrying out the tasks, with the mark: "International Consultant on Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova" by 31 October 2008, 17:30 (local time) to the following address: UNDP Office, 131, 31 August Str., MD 2012, Chisinau Moldova, or alternatively by email to vacancies-moldova@undp.org
Only those short-listed will be contacted.
Failure of candidates to submit a duly completed P11 form, as well as false representations on this form, shall constitute sufficient grounds for withdrawal of further consideration of the application. All information provided in the P11 form will be treated as strictly confidential.