Oct 31, 2008

Post-doctoral position in the research area "The Environment and Natural Resources"

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy seeks candidates for a
Post-doctoral position
in the research area "The Environment and Natural Resources"
Applicants interested in the activities of the research area (see our homepage) should have (or close to
completion) a Ph.D. degree in economics or a related field. Candidates should be fluent in English, have
an outstanding academic record and show the potential for excellence in research.
We expect the candidate to have a strong quantitative background and interest in applied modelling.

position’s primary focus will be on the application of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models to
issues related to climate policy and climate change. Thus, knowledge of CGE modelling - though not
required - is of advantage. In addition, there will be room to follow individual research interests within the
foci of the research area.
Being internationally renowned in research and policy consulting, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy
provides excellent support to potential candidates who are interested in developing their career in
research and teaching.
The position is initially for two years but may subsequently be extended. Salary is determined according to
the salary scheme of the German public sector (max EG14 TV-L, depending on the candidate’s
qualification). Part-time employment is possible.
This call remains open until we are able to fill the position. Applicants should submit a letter of interest,
curriculum vitae, relevant publications and 2 letters of recommendation to: (We encourage applications
via e-mail)
Angela Husfeld
Institut für Weltwirtschaft
an der Universität Kiel
24100 Kiel, Germany
The Kiel institute is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
For further information, please contact Dr. Sonja Peterson (mail: sonja.peterson@ifw-kiel.de, tel: +49-
Please visit our homepage at: http://www.ifw-kiel.de/research/the-environment-and-natural-resources