Jun 2, 2012
Professor in Forest Economics and Forest Planning
The Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg seeks to appoint a
W3 Professor in Forest Economics and Forest Planning
Preferred commencement date: 01.04.2013
The successful applicant is expected to represent the field of Forest Economics and Forest Planning in research and teaching. This comprises the management of forest enterprises, forest economical instruments, economics of ecosystem goods and services, as well as forestry and timber markets. The successful candidate is expected to have a comprehensive understanding of the management of forests and other natural resources and the ability to integrate business oriented approaches with those of environmental economics.
The Professor will be responsible for teaching in Forest Economics, Forest Planning and Management, and theory of forest markets. It is expected is that the successful candidate will develop and offer the relevant modules and assume coordination tasks in the relevant degree programs including international MSc courses of the faculty. In addition, an active role in the graduate School “Environment, Society, and Global change” is desired. The acquisition of substantive third party funding, the development of international research cooperation as well as collaboration in the relevant centres of the University such as the “Centre for Renewable Energy” are expected.
Conditions of employment are: Doctoral degree, habilitation or equivalent scientific qualifications, and demonstrated teaching ability at University level; Demonstrated excellence and experience (based on peer reviewed publications) in the above-listed research fields; Documented competence in the acquisition and successful completion of externally funded research projects and in the establishment of national and international research networks; Excellent teaching skills in German and English language; Leadership skills, and excellent ability to communicate, to work in teams and interdisciplinary environments at the level of the faculty and university; Willingness to participate in self-administration at faculty and university level.
The University of Freiburg aims at increasing the number of female professors and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply for this position. The University is committed to the aim of a family friendly workplace. Disabled applicants will be preferred in case of equal qualification.
Your application should include the following documents: CV, List of publications and invited presentations, Copies of 5 important, recent publications, List of ongoing and successfully completed projects incl. their financial volume, Teaching portfolio incl. description of teaching and learning methods employed and evaluations of the applicants courses/modules by students and/or peers
Concept for future research and teaching at the University of Freiburg.
Please send your application in digital and paper form to the Dean of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Postfach 79085 Freiburg i. Br., dekanat@ffu.uni-freiburg.de. Deadline for application is 16th July 2012. Applications in English are preferred. More information about the position as well as the application process can be found at:
The position is permanent and the salary is according to the W3-position.