Sep 11, 2008

ACIAR-Smallholder Agribusiness Research and Development Manager

ACIAR-Smallholder Agribusiness Research and Development Manager
Type: Contract
Location: Makassar, Indonesia
Organisation: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) forms part of Australia's official development assistance program. ACIAR's main role is the identification of agricultural and natural resource policy and management problems of developing countries, commissioning collaborative projects between Australian and developing country research institutions and publishing and communicating the results of the research.
Closing Date: 14-Sep-2008

As part of a whole-of-government approach under the Australia-Indonesia Partnership, ACIAR is managing a major component of the Smallholder Agribusiness Development Initiative (SADI) in Indonesia, which commenced in late 2006. The ACIAR-SADI subprogram aims to strengthen adaptive agricultural R&D services for smallholders and agribusiness in selected provinces of Indonesia, and to ensure that R&D outcomes are effectively packaged and delivered for application. ACIAR-SADI supports adaptive research in the value chains of key commodities, focusing on issues ranging from technical limitations in supply chains through to post harvest and marketing issues. To qualify as a priority commodity, the commodity should be important to smallholders and the province, have good market potential, have technical or market issues or opportunities with a high chance of being resolved through adaptive research and have the potential to support stronger linkages between farmers and markets. ACIAR-SADI works closely with the two other subprograms of SADI (managed by other organizations) to enhance smallholder agricultural production and marketing and private sector agribusiness development. The other subprograms: 1. help farmers to improve the supply of commodities, giving them the option of tapping improved research results and linking them to buyers, and 2. links the private sector to research and establish more effective and stable supply relations with producers. ACIAR-SADI helps local research institutions improve their capacity to provide practical demand-driven research results to firms and producers).
Applicant Requirements:
We are seeking to fill a senior, international contract position as Subprogram Manager based in Makassar, Indonesia. The appointee will have responsibility for managing a small team of staff involved in planning, implementation management, monitoring and reporting functions. This requires strong interpersonal skills, the ability to lead strategic planning and implementation of the Sub-program and the ability to manage relationships with Indonesian and international R&D agencies. The manager will also need skills in administrative and financial management of donor projects in SE Asia (preferably Indonesia), preferably with in-country project leader experience. Applicants should have an agriculturally-related degree, with postgraduate qualifications and experience in management of donor programs highly desirable. An understanding of Australian and SE Asian agriculture and research systems is required. A second phase of SADI (to 2013) is anticipated, subject to approval of the design by the Australian Government. The appointee will initially be contracted for approximately 2 years and subject to performance and confirmation of the second phase of the program a further contract would be offered. An attractive senior remuneration package will be negotiated
Application instructions:
Selection documentation is available on or by phoning + 61 2 6217 0500. To discuss the position further, contact Dr John Skerritt on + 61 2 6217 0510 or + 61 407 269 081 or email Applications specifically addressing the selection criteria, outlining relevant experience, and including names of three referees and contact details should be forwarded by 14 September 2008 to: The Recruitment Officer, ACIAR GPO Box 1571, CANBERRA ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA email:
Restrictions: No restrictions on nationality
Other Contact Details:
The Recruitment Officer, ACIAR GPO Box 1571, CANBERRA ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA email:
Contact Person: Dr John Skerritt