Sep 11, 2008

SERASI Project (ICT Manager and IO)

The SERASI project is recruiting for two local hire positions: ICT Manager and Information Officer (descriptions attached and below). We would be grateful if you would kindly circulate these opportunities in case you or your colleague might know if suitable candidates.

For those of you who are not yet familiar with our project, SERASI is a USAID-funded project supporting Indonesia’s continuing evolution into a peaceful, just and democratic nation, demonstrating respect for pluralism and protection of human rights for all citizens. We provide rapid and flexible programmatic, administrative and logistical support for USAID’s strategic grants and technical assistance program to mitigate social conflict and support peacebuilding initiatives nationwide. Our program currently includes activities planned for Aceh, Papua, Sulawesi, and the Malukus. SERASI is implemented by the International Relief and Develop (IRD), an international non-profit organization in Indonesia. We are eager to explore areas of collaboration with new partners and would welcome opportunities for discussions in this regard.

Thanks much and best wishes,

Kim DeRidder

Kim J. DeRidder

Chief of Party

SERASI Project

Intiland Tower

9th Floor/ Suite 904

Jl. Jendral Sudirman 32

Jakarta 10220


Tel: +62 (21) 5785-3780 & 5785-3223

Fax:+62 (21) 5785-3781