The British Embassy and the Department for International Development (DFID)
are currently seeking a highly qualified Indonesian national to support
policy engagement on forests and climate change. The post will be for a
period of 30 months, working in close co-ordination with the Embassy’s
Programme Co-ordinator on Forests and Climate.
Programme Facilitator, Forests and Climate
British Embassy, Jakarta
The Programme Facilitator will support policy dialogue with central and
local government. Priority areas include: (i) corporate social
responsibility; (ii) governance reforms for low-carbon, sustainable forestry
and (iii) poverty and climate change.
Key responsibilities include:
Working closely with a range of stakeholders to generate policy lessons from a existing initiatives on forests and climate.
Building strategic partnerships with a range of other donor agencies.
Technical advice to government and civil-society partnerships.
Candidates should have a minimum of first or higher degree qualifications.
Candidates are expected to have 5 – 10 years’ experience working for a donor
agency in Indonesia, with responsibility for programme design and management
Expertise in the following areas will be preferable:
Familiarity with working at both national and local government levels.
Experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships
Knowledge and experience of corporate CSR networks and initiatives.
Expertise in natural resources law and governance.
Familiarity with policies on poverty and decentralisation.
Knowledge and experience of multi-donor fora and working.
Closing date for applications 5pm, 6 June 2008. The application letter and
resumes should be sent to []. Only Successful
candidates will be contacted.
May 28, 2008
PhD Scholarships for Research in Indonesia
PhD Scholarships for Research in Indonesia
Expressions of interest are sought for two PhD scholarship positions to
carry out field research in Indonesia on community, environment and
local governance issues.
The successful candidates will work with a team of experienced
researchers - Dr Greg Acciaioli (UWA), A/Prof Anton Lucas and Dr Jim
Schiller (Flinders), Dr John McCarthy (ANU), and A/Prof Carol Warren
(Murdoch), as well as collaborating researchers in the Netherlands and
Indonesia on an Australian Research Council Discovery Project entitled
'Social Capital, Natural Resources and Local Governance in Indonesia'.
The project will focus on case studies of local decision-making on
environmental issues in the context of conservation and development
programs in different regions of Indonesia. It aims to improve
understanding of contemporary community dynamics in a range of cultural
and ecological settings, as well as the practical implications of local
participation and capacity building interventions for achieving equity
and sustainability outcomes.
The two candidates will be based at Flinders University in Adelaide and
Murdoch University in Perth respectively, with location and supervision
determined by the focus and site of each student's component of the
project. It is anticipated that one student will work in a coastal
community where marine conservation issues are the focus of research,
while the second student will focus on a primarily agrarian research
site in which World Bank / AusAID / NGO local capacity building,
conservation and development projects are being conducted.
Essential criteria include:
* a first-class Honours or Masters degree with a thesis component in a
relevant social science field
* advanced fluency in Indonesian language
* field research or other equivalent community/overseas experience
* ability to work independently and as part of a team
Potential applicants should send an initial expression of interest (2
pages) addressing the following points:
a) personal details - name, birth date, citizenship status, address,
phone and email
b) academic qualifications - degrees, major areas of study,
undergraduate grade point average, honours result
c) title of honours thesis or other significant piece of research, and a
brief account of the main argument and approach/methodology adopted
d) level of competence in quantitative and/or qualitative research
e) level of proficiency in the Indonesian language
f) study, work or volunteer experience in Indonesia
g) research interests
h) contact information for two referees who can comment on your academic
background and suitability for undertaking this research project
Each scholarship is for a three-year period with a stipend of $25,118
per annum (tax free) and up to $10,000 of additional funding for
fieldwork in Indonesia. A relocation allowance will be provided where a
move to Adelaide or Perth is required to join the project.
A shortlist will be determined by the research team in September, at
which point applicants will be requested to submit full formal
applications and documentation to either Flinders or Murdoch University.
The successful candidates are expected to take up their appointments no
later than February 2009.
Please forward initial expressions of interest as outlined above by
email to:
Professor Carol Warren, Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University
Expressions of interest are sought for two PhD scholarship positions to
carry out field research in Indonesia on community, environment and
local governance issues.
The successful candidates will work with a team of experienced
researchers - Dr Greg Acciaioli (UWA), A/Prof Anton Lucas and Dr Jim
Schiller (Flinders), Dr John McCarthy (ANU), and A/Prof Carol Warren
(Murdoch), as well as collaborating researchers in the Netherlands and
Indonesia on an Australian Research Council Discovery Project entitled
'Social Capital, Natural Resources and Local Governance in Indonesia'.
The project will focus on case studies of local decision-making on
environmental issues in the context of conservation and development
programs in different regions of Indonesia. It aims to improve
understanding of contemporary community dynamics in a range of cultural
and ecological settings, as well as the practical implications of local
participation and capacity building interventions for achieving equity
and sustainability outcomes.
The two candidates will be based at Flinders University in Adelaide and
Murdoch University in Perth respectively, with location and supervision
determined by the focus and site of each student's component of the
project. It is anticipated that one student will work in a coastal
community where marine conservation issues are the focus of research,
while the second student will focus on a primarily agrarian research
site in which World Bank / AusAID / NGO local capacity building,
conservation and development projects are being conducted.
Essential criteria include:
* a first-class Honours or Masters degree with a thesis component in a
relevant social science field
* advanced fluency in Indonesian language
* field research or other equivalent community/overseas experience
* ability to work independently and as part of a team
Potential applicants should send an initial expression of interest (2
pages) addressing the following points:
a) personal details - name, birth date, citizenship status, address,
phone and email
b) academic qualifications - degrees, major areas of study,
undergraduate grade point average, honours result
c) title of honours thesis or other significant piece of research, and a
brief account of the main argument and approach/methodology adopted
d) level of competence in quantitative and/or qualitative research
e) level of proficiency in the Indonesian language
f) study, work or volunteer experience in Indonesia
g) research interests
h) contact information for two referees who can comment on your academic
background and suitability for undertaking this research project
Each scholarship is for a three-year period with a stipend of $25,118
per annum (tax free) and up to $10,000 of additional funding for
fieldwork in Indonesia. A relocation allowance will be provided where a
move to Adelaide or Perth is required to join the project.
A shortlist will be determined by the research team in September, at
which point applicants will be requested to submit full formal
applications and documentation to either Flinders or Murdoch University.
The successful candidates are expected to take up their appointments no
later than February 2009.
Please forward initial expressions of interest as outlined above by
email to:
Professor Carol Warren, Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University
Vacancies at RECOFTC, Bangkok (due June, 22)
Dear colleagues,
Greetings from Bangkok!
The Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC) holds a unique and important place in the world of forestry. It is the only international not-for-profit organization that specializes in capacity building for community forestry and devolved forest management.
RECOFTC engages in strategic networks and effective partnerships with governments, nongovernment organizations, civil society, the private sector, local people, and research and educational institutes throughout the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. With over 20 years of international experience and a dynamic approach to capacity building—involving research and analysis, demonstration sites, and training products—RECOFTC delivers innovative solutions for people and forests.
RECOFTC has recently developed a new strategic plan for beyond September 2008 and is currently negotiating with various organizations for funding support. Subject to the availability of funds, RECOFTC looks forward to appointing several qualified and experienced personnel in the next six to eight months, and seeks expressions of interests from interested individuals for the following key posts. Women and people from Asia-Pacific countries are encouraged to apply. Please click on the following positions for full job details.
Coordinator - Program Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation
Manager - Regional and Country Analysis and Support
Manager - Capacity Building Services
Manager - Communications, Marketing and Fundraising
Marketing and Fundraising Officer
Applications for these positions close on 22 June 2008. More information
Greetings from Bangkok!
The Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC) holds a unique and important place in the world of forestry. It is the only international not-for-profit organization that specializes in capacity building for community forestry and devolved forest management.
RECOFTC engages in strategic networks and effective partnerships with governments, nongovernment organizations, civil society, the private sector, local people, and research and educational institutes throughout the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. With over 20 years of international experience and a dynamic approach to capacity building—involving research and analysis, demonstration sites, and training products—RECOFTC delivers innovative solutions for people and forests.
RECOFTC has recently developed a new strategic plan for beyond September 2008 and is currently negotiating with various organizations for funding support. Subject to the availability of funds, RECOFTC looks forward to appointing several qualified and experienced personnel in the next six to eight months, and seeks expressions of interests from interested individuals for the following key posts. Women and people from Asia-Pacific countries are encouraged to apply. Please click on the following positions for full job details.
Coordinator - Program Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation
Manager - Regional and Country Analysis and Support
Manager - Capacity Building Services
Manager - Communications, Marketing and Fundraising
Marketing and Fundraising Officer
Applications for these positions close on 22 June 2008. More information
May 21, 2008
Marie Curie Fellowship
The Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC) welcomes Marie Curie Fellowship applications in its fields of research.
CMCC is a new established Italian non profit research institution supported by the Ministry for the Environment and Territory, the Ministry for Education, University and Research and the Ministry for Economy. CMCC is operated by a Research Consortium consisting of different Italian public and private research Institutions and led by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).
Main research areas are:
* Climate variability and change
* Global ocean and climate
* Climate and chemistry
* Aerosols and radiative effects
* Predictions and scenarios of GHG emissions
* Assessment of the economic value of impacts of climate change
* Analysis of mitigation and adaptation policies
* Impacts on soil and coasts
* Impacts on agriculture, forest, and natural Ecosystems
The 'Marie Curie Actions' have long been one of the most popular and appreciated features of the Community Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. They have developed significantly in orientation over time, from a pure mobility fellowships programme to a programme dedicated to stimulating researchers' career development. In the Seventh Framework Programme, the 'Marie Curie Actions' have been regrouped and reinforced in the 'People' Specific Programme. Individual Fellowship applications can be based upon two schemes:
* Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF)
* International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)
For more info on conditions for eligibility and latest available calls visit the FP7 People Programme website at or CMCC website at
Next deadline is 19 August 2008!
Warm regards
Giulia Galluccio
Project Manager
Euro Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)
Cso Magenta 63, 20123 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39 02 520 36988; Fax: +39 02 52036946;
CMCC is a new established Italian non profit research institution supported by the Ministry for the Environment and Territory, the Ministry for Education, University and Research and the Ministry for Economy. CMCC is operated by a Research Consortium consisting of different Italian public and private research Institutions and led by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).
Main research areas are:
* Climate variability and change
* Global ocean and climate
* Climate and chemistry
* Aerosols and radiative effects
* Predictions and scenarios of GHG emissions
* Assessment of the economic value of impacts of climate change
* Analysis of mitigation and adaptation policies
* Impacts on soil and coasts
* Impacts on agriculture, forest, and natural Ecosystems
The 'Marie Curie Actions' have long been one of the most popular and appreciated features of the Community Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. They have developed significantly in orientation over time, from a pure mobility fellowships programme to a programme dedicated to stimulating researchers' career development. In the Seventh Framework Programme, the 'Marie Curie Actions' have been regrouped and reinforced in the 'People' Specific Programme. Individual Fellowship applications can be based upon two schemes:
* Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF)
* International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)
For more info on conditions for eligibility and latest available calls visit the FP7 People Programme website at or CMCC website at
Next deadline is 19 August 2008!
Warm regards
Giulia Galluccio
Project Manager
Euro Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)
Cso Magenta 63, 20123 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39 02 520 36988; Fax: +39 02 52036946;
Call for Proposal EIDHR dan NSA&LA EU
Informasi mengenai pembukaan calls for proposals terbaru dimuat di Kompas, 14 April 2008 hlm 38 (Teropong) untuk program EIDHR (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights) dan NSA&LA (Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development).
Informasi selengkapnya untuk tiap program dapat dilihat di website kami:
EIDHR di :
Ini adalah restricted call for proposals, applicants diminta untuk menyerahkan concept notes. Lembaga yang concept notes-nya lolos seleksi tahap pertama akan diminta untuk menyerahkan full application forms. Deadline untuk menyerahkan concept note adalah 16 Juni 2008.
Wahyu Handoyo
European Union - Delegation of the European Commission
To Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam
Wisma Dharmala Sakti 16th Floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman 32 Jakarta 10220
Tel (62 21) 25 54 62 65
Fax (62 21) 25 54 62 01
Informasi selengkapnya untuk tiap program dapat dilihat di website kami:
EIDHR di :
Ini adalah restricted call for proposals, applicants diminta untuk menyerahkan concept notes. Lembaga yang concept notes-nya lolos seleksi tahap pertama akan diminta untuk menyerahkan full application forms. Deadline untuk menyerahkan concept note adalah 16 Juni 2008.
Wahyu Handoyo
European Union - Delegation of the European Commission
To Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam
Wisma Dharmala Sakti 16th Floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman 32 Jakarta 10220
Tel (62 21) 25 54 62 65
Fax (62 21) 25 54 62 01
2008 International Essay Contest for Young People
2008 International Essay Contest for Young People
Dear Friends of Peace,
Young people from around the world are again invited this year to enter the 2008 International Essay Contest organized by UNESCO and the Goi Peace Foundation with the sponsorship of the Earthrise Society.
The theme for this year s contest is "My project to create positive change in my environment. How can I foster sustainable development in my community?" Please submit your innovative ideas and concrete plans/projects to address the social, cultural, environmental or economic problems faced by your community.
The deadline for entry is June 30, 2008.
First prize winners will receive a cash award and a trip to Japan.
Please see the complete guidelines on
The 2008 International Essay Contest anouncement is also prominently highlighted on UNESCO website at
To read winning essays from last year's contest, please kindly visit the website
Please kindly spread the information about the Essay Contest to young people in your network and display the 2008 Essay Contest on your website(s) and publish it in your information material.
Thank you so much for your kind cooperation! And good luck to all youth leaders!
May Peace Prevail on Earth!
The GOI Peace Foundation
Dear Friends of Peace,
Young people from around the world are again invited this year to enter the 2008 International Essay Contest organized by UNESCO and the Goi Peace Foundation with the sponsorship of the Earthrise Society.
The theme for this year s contest is "My project to create positive change in my environment. How can I foster sustainable development in my community?" Please submit your innovative ideas and concrete plans/projects to address the social, cultural, environmental or economic problems faced by your community.
The deadline for entry is June 30, 2008.
First prize winners will receive a cash award and a trip to Japan.
Please see the complete guidelines on
The 2008 International Essay Contest anouncement is also prominently highlighted on UNESCO website at
To read winning essays from last year's contest, please kindly visit the website
Please kindly spread the information about the Essay Contest to young people in your network and display the 2008 Essay Contest on your website(s) and publish it in your information material.
Thank you so much for your kind cooperation! And good luck to all youth leaders!
May Peace Prevail on Earth!
The GOI Peace Foundation
World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (WBGSP)
The mission of the World Bank Group is to reduce poverty and improve living standards through sustainable development and investment in people. The World Bank Institute (WBI) is at the forefront of the Bank's efforts to promote learning and deliver to the stakeholders, the best thinking and experience emerging from around the world on issues crucial to reform and socio-economic development.
In 1987, the World Bank, with funding from the Government of Japan, established the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (WBGSP) for graduate studies in subjects related to economic development. Each year, the Program awards scholarships to individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake graduate studies at renowned universities throughout member countries of the Bank.
Through its management of the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) and the Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSM Fellowships), WBI supplements its training programs by providing opportunities for graduate study to promising professionals from developing member countries.
Since the inception of the Program, the Government of Japan has provided about 186 million dollars to the Scholarship Program. The Program's objective is to help create an international community of highly trained professionals working in the field of economic and social development. The World Bank and the Government of Japan require the scholars to return to their home countries on completion of their study Programs and apply their enhanced knowledge and skills to contribute to the development process in their respective regions and communities.
Starting in 1992, a number of Partnership Programs have been launched, largely to respond to the need for graduate study Programs which combine academic rigor with specialized training in the practical aspects of policy-making. The objective of these Programs is to prepare the participants for effective policy-making roles in their home countries and regions.
To apply for a JJ/WBGSP scholarship under the Regular Program, an applicant must read carefully the application procedure as outlined in documents below:
Eligibility Criteria
Application Guidelines
Universities to Study in 2008-2009
Application Forms for academic year 2009 - 2010 will be available in November 2008.
Applicants interested in applying for one of the Partnership Programs must apply directly to the partner university.
Read more:
In 1987, the World Bank, with funding from the Government of Japan, established the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (WBGSP) for graduate studies in subjects related to economic development. Each year, the Program awards scholarships to individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake graduate studies at renowned universities throughout member countries of the Bank.
Through its management of the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) and the Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSM Fellowships), WBI supplements its training programs by providing opportunities for graduate study to promising professionals from developing member countries.
Since the inception of the Program, the Government of Japan has provided about 186 million dollars to the Scholarship Program. The Program's objective is to help create an international community of highly trained professionals working in the field of economic and social development. The World Bank and the Government of Japan require the scholars to return to their home countries on completion of their study Programs and apply their enhanced knowledge and skills to contribute to the development process in their respective regions and communities.
Starting in 1992, a number of Partnership Programs have been launched, largely to respond to the need for graduate study Programs which combine academic rigor with specialized training in the practical aspects of policy-making. The objective of these Programs is to prepare the participants for effective policy-making roles in their home countries and regions.
To apply for a JJ/WBGSP scholarship under the Regular Program, an applicant must read carefully the application procedure as outlined in documents below:
Eligibility Criteria
Application Guidelines
Universities to Study in 2008-2009
Application Forms for academic year 2009 - 2010 will be available in November 2008.
Applicants interested in applying for one of the Partnership Programs must apply directly to the partner university.
Read more:
MBA Scholarship Program (sampurna foundation)
MBA Scholarship Program
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship
2009 Intake
General Information
Sampoerna Foundation Overview
Sampoerna Foundation was established in March 2001 in response to the urgent need to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Amid severe budgetary cuts to education due to the prolonged economic crisis, its founders realized the importance of private sector institutions filling the gap in those educational areas critical to Indonesia’s development.
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship
The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides the qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master of Business Administration degree at leading business schools overseas. Upon completing the program, scholars are expected to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow citizens.
Application deadline is May 30, 2008.
Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
Read more:,en/
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship
2009 Intake
General Information
Sampoerna Foundation Overview
Sampoerna Foundation was established in March 2001 in response to the urgent need to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Amid severe budgetary cuts to education due to the prolonged economic crisis, its founders realized the importance of private sector institutions filling the gap in those educational areas critical to Indonesia’s development.
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship
The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides the qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master of Business Administration degree at leading business schools overseas. Upon completing the program, scholars are expected to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow citizens.
Application deadline is May 30, 2008.
Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
Read more:,en/
The American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is pleased to announce the availability of the 2009-2010 Fulbright scholarships to study in the United States. Grants are competitive, comprehensive, and generally cover tuition and fees, textbook allowance, monthly maintenance, international airfare and health insurance. ALL disciplines and fields of study are eligible for a Fulbright award, EXCEPT medical field in patient care or medical training.
Master’s Degree Program
· a Sarjana (S1) degree
· a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale)
· a minimum TOEFL score of 550
Deadline: May 31, 2008
Fulbright-Freeport Master’s Degree Program
· Indonesian citizen from Papua who are faculty members at state or private institution of higher education
· a Sarjana (S1) degree
· a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale)
· a demonstrated commitment to the development and service of Papua
· a minimum TOEFL score of 500
Deadline: May 31, 2008
Fulbright Tsunami Relief Initiative Program
· Tsunami reconstruction efforts or future relief development activities in Aceh, Nias and the northern part of Sumatra
· a Sarjana (S1) degree
· a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale)
· a minimum TOEFL score of 520
Deadline: May 31, 2008
PhD Program – Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program
· Preference will be given to individuals who serve or plan to serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia
· a Master’s degree
· a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale)
· a minimum TOEFL score of 575. A score of 550 will be considered for certain fields.
Deadline: May 31, 2008
Research Programs
Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Research Program
Read more:
Fulbright Senior Research Program
Read more:
Other Programs
Fulbright Foreign Language (Bahasa Indonesia) Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program
Read more:
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professional
Read more:
Fulbright Visiting Specialist Program
Read more:
International Fulbright Science and Technology Award for PhD Study
Read more:
Community College Summit Initiative Program
Read more:
International Leadership in Education Program (ILEP)
Read more:
Application document is available by download from:
Application and specific questions regarding the application process can be sent to:
Gedung Balai Pustaka Lt. 6
Jalan Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720
Only hardcopy application sent directly to AMINEF or via mail. NO application sent via e-mail will be accepted.
For more information, please send e-mail to:
Phone: (021) 345 2016
Fax: (021) 345 2050
Office hours: 8.00 – 16.00, Monday - Friday
The American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is pleased to announce the availability of the 2009-2010 Fulbright scholarships to study in the United States. Grants are competitive, comprehensive, and generally cover tuition and fees, textbook allowance, monthly maintenance, international airfare and health insurance. ALL disciplines and fields of study are eligible for a Fulbright award, EXCEPT medical field in patient care or medical training.
Master’s Degree Program
· a Sarjana (S1) degree
· a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale)
· a minimum TOEFL score of 550
Deadline: May 31, 2008
Fulbright-Freeport Master’s Degree Program
· Indonesian citizen from Papua who are faculty members at state or private institution of higher education
· a Sarjana (S1) degree
· a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale)
· a demonstrated commitment to the development and service of Papua
· a minimum TOEFL score of 500
Deadline: May 31, 2008
Fulbright Tsunami Relief Initiative Program
· Tsunami reconstruction efforts or future relief development activities in Aceh, Nias and the northern part of Sumatra
· a Sarjana (S1) degree
· a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale)
· a minimum TOEFL score of 520
Deadline: May 31, 2008
PhD Program – Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program
· Preference will be given to individuals who serve or plan to serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia
· a Master’s degree
· a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale)
· a minimum TOEFL score of 575. A score of 550 will be considered for certain fields.
Deadline: May 31, 2008
Research Programs
Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Research Program
Read more:
Fulbright Senior Research Program
Read more:
Other Programs
Fulbright Foreign Language (Bahasa Indonesia) Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program
Read more:
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professional
Read more:
Fulbright Visiting Specialist Program
Read more:
International Fulbright Science and Technology Award for PhD Study
Read more:
Community College Summit Initiative Program
Read more:
International Leadership in Education Program (ILEP)
Read more:
Application document is available by download from:
Application and specific questions regarding the application process can be sent to:
Gedung Balai Pustaka Lt. 6
Jalan Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720
Only hardcopy application sent directly to AMINEF or via mail. NO application sent via e-mail will be accepted.
For more information, please send e-mail to:
Phone: (021) 345 2016
Fax: (021) 345 2050
Office hours: 8.00 – 16.00, Monday - Friday
Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate Study in Management Scholarship 2009 Intake
Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate Study in Management Scholarship
2009 Intake
General Information
Sampoerna Foundation Overview
Sampoerna Foundation was established in 2001 in response to the urgent need to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Amid severe budgetary cuts to education due to the prolonged economic crisis, its founders realized the importance of private sector institutions filling the gap in those educational areas critical to Indonesia’s development.
Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate Study in Management Scholarship Program
The Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate Study in Management Scholarship Program is a means to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides a full scholarship package to a maximum of 5 (five) outstanding young Indonesians who demonstrate excellent academic, professional, personal and leadership qualities to pursue Magister Management or Master’s of Business Administration degree at leading business schools in Indonesia as recommended by Sampoerna Foundation.
Application deadline is July 31, 2008. Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
Read more:,en/
2009 Intake
General Information
Sampoerna Foundation Overview
Sampoerna Foundation was established in 2001 in response to the urgent need to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Amid severe budgetary cuts to education due to the prolonged economic crisis, its founders realized the importance of private sector institutions filling the gap in those educational areas critical to Indonesia’s development.
Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate Study in Management Scholarship Program
The Sampoerna Foundation National Graduate Study in Management Scholarship Program is a means to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides a full scholarship package to a maximum of 5 (five) outstanding young Indonesians who demonstrate excellent academic, professional, personal and leadership qualities to pursue Magister Management or Master’s of Business Administration degree at leading business schools in Indonesia as recommended by Sampoerna Foundation.
Application deadline is July 31, 2008. Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
Read more:,en/
May 18, 2008
Berbagai lowongan di burung indonesia (28 may 2008)
Burung Indonesia adalah organisasi nirlaba yang bergiat dalam pelestarian
burung liar dan habitatnya di Indonesia.
Saat ini Burung Indonesia tengah mengembangkan program restorasi ekosistem
di kawasan hutan produksi yang memiliki ekosistem penting dengan potensi
keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi di beberapa wilayah prioritas di
Indonesia. Restorasi ekosistem di hutan produksi merupakan inovasi
pengurusan hutan yang mengedepankan
Untuk mewujudkan rencana ini, dibuka kesempatan seluas-luasnya untuk
bergabung bersama Burung Indonesia pada posisi:
1. Forest Conservation Investment Manager (Kode : FCIM)
2. Regional Leader for Forest Conservation Investment (2 orang)
(Kode : RLF)
3. Field Officer (4 orang) (Kode : FO)
4. Policy Analyst and Legal Support (Kode : PAL)
5. Forest Management Specialist (Kode : FMS)
6. Business and Financing Specialist (Kode : BFS)
7. GIS Specialist (Kode : GIS)
8. Senior Conservation Biologist (Kode : SCB)
9. Visual Communication Specialist (Kode : VCS)
10. Media and Public Relation Officer (Kode : MPR)
Gambaran umum pekerjaan
Forest Conservation Investment Manager merupakan pimpinan program
pengembangan restorasi ekosistem yang bertanggung jawab dalam pencapain
program baik aspek teknis maupun administrasi. Regional Leader for Forest
Conservation Investment bertugas untuk memastikan pelaksanaan kegiatan di
lapangan termasuk kajian situasi tempatan, membangun komunikasi dengan para
pihak setempat dan proyeksi investasi masa depan. Regional Leader for Forest
Conservation Investment didukung oleh Field Officer yang melakukan
pengkajian lapangan tentang keanekaragaman hayati dan habitatnya serta aspek
sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat. Policy Analyst and Legal
Support, Forest Management Specialist, Business and Financing Specialist dan
GIS Specialist akan bekerja menyiapkan segenap aspek legalitas, pembiayaan
dan pengembangan bisnis serta perencanaan dan manajemen kawasan restorasi.
Senior Conservation Biologist akan memastikan pemantauan kondisi
keanekaragaman hayati di lokasi restorasi. Publikasi mengenai restorasi
ekosistem kepada masyarakat luas maupun kelompok tertentu akan menjadi tugas
Visual Communication Specialist dan Media and Public Relation Officer.
1. Latar belakang pendidikan:
a. Posisi 1 dan 2 (FCIM dan RLF) : Kehutanan/Ekonomi
b. Posisi 3 (FO) :
Kehutanan/Pertanian /Biologi
c. Posisi 4 (PAL) : Hukum
d. Posisi 5 (FMS) : Kehutanan
e. Posisi 6 (BFS) : Ekonomi
f. Posisi 7 (GIS) :
g. Posisi 8 (SCB) : Biologi
h. Posisi 9 (VCS) : Desain
Grafis/Desain Komunikasi Visual
i. Posisi 10 (MPR) :
2. Memiliki pengalaman menjadi manajer projek konservasi atau
pengembangan masyarakat (posisi 1)
3. Memahami regulasi pengurusan kawasan hutan Indonesia (posisi 1, 2,
4, 5)
4. Memiliki pengalaman melakukan survei keanekaragaman hayati dan
sosial (posisi 3)
5. Memiliki pengalaman membangun dan memelihara kerja sama dengan
pemerintah, kelompok masyarakat, organisasi non pemerintah dan sektor swasta
(posisi 1, 2, 3, 4)
6. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja dalam bidang manajemen hutan (posisi
1, 5)
7. Memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan bisnis, penanaman
modal atau pengusahaan hutan (posisi 6)
8. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja menangani aspek GIS termasuk pemetaan,
penginderaan jauh (posisi 7)
9. Memiliki pengalaman merancang dan melaksanakan kajian keragaman
hayati serta analisisnya (posisi 8)
10. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bidang desain grafis dan menguasai
aplikasi komputer seperti Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,
Macromedia Freehand (posisi 9)
11. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang komunikasi (posisi 10)
12. Bersedia melakukan banyak perjalanan dinas ke lapangan (posisi 1, 2,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
13. Bersedia bekerja secara penuh di lokasi-lokasi terpencil (posisi 3)
14. Menguasai dengan baik Bahasa Inggris secara lisan dan tulisan (semua
Lamaran dan CV serta referensi harus diterima sebelum tanggal 28 Mei 2008
dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi
syarat yang akan dipanggil utuk wawancara. Lamaran dapat dikirimkan melalui:
Email : recruit@burung. org Atau PO Box.310/BOO,
Bogor 16001, INDONESIA
Henny M Sembiring
GAA Division
Burung Indonesia
Jl. Dadali No. 32, Bogor 16161
Telp. 0251-357 222
Fax. 0251-357 961
Website: http://www.burung. org
burung liar dan habitatnya di Indonesia.
Saat ini Burung Indonesia tengah mengembangkan program restorasi ekosistem
di kawasan hutan produksi yang memiliki ekosistem penting dengan potensi
keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi di beberapa wilayah prioritas di
Indonesia. Restorasi ekosistem di hutan produksi merupakan inovasi
pengurusan hutan yang mengedepankan
Untuk mewujudkan rencana ini, dibuka kesempatan seluas-luasnya untuk
bergabung bersama Burung Indonesia pada posisi:
1. Forest Conservation Investment Manager (Kode : FCIM)
2. Regional Leader for Forest Conservation Investment (2 orang)
(Kode : RLF)
3. Field Officer (4 orang) (Kode : FO)
4. Policy Analyst and Legal Support (Kode : PAL)
5. Forest Management Specialist (Kode : FMS)
6. Business and Financing Specialist (Kode : BFS)
7. GIS Specialist (Kode : GIS)
8. Senior Conservation Biologist (Kode : SCB)
9. Visual Communication Specialist (Kode : VCS)
10. Media and Public Relation Officer (Kode : MPR)
Gambaran umum pekerjaan
Forest Conservation Investment Manager merupakan pimpinan program
pengembangan restorasi ekosistem yang bertanggung jawab dalam pencapain
program baik aspek teknis maupun administrasi. Regional Leader for Forest
Conservation Investment bertugas untuk memastikan pelaksanaan kegiatan di
lapangan termasuk kajian situasi tempatan, membangun komunikasi dengan para
pihak setempat dan proyeksi investasi masa depan. Regional Leader for Forest
Conservation Investment didukung oleh Field Officer yang melakukan
pengkajian lapangan tentang keanekaragaman hayati dan habitatnya serta aspek
sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat. Policy Analyst and Legal
Support, Forest Management Specialist, Business and Financing Specialist dan
GIS Specialist akan bekerja menyiapkan segenap aspek legalitas, pembiayaan
dan pengembangan bisnis serta perencanaan dan manajemen kawasan restorasi.
Senior Conservation Biologist akan memastikan pemantauan kondisi
keanekaragaman hayati di lokasi restorasi. Publikasi mengenai restorasi
ekosistem kepada masyarakat luas maupun kelompok tertentu akan menjadi tugas
Visual Communication Specialist dan Media and Public Relation Officer.
1. Latar belakang pendidikan:
a. Posisi 1 dan 2 (FCIM dan RLF) : Kehutanan/Ekonomi
b. Posisi 3 (FO) :
Kehutanan/Pertanian /Biologi
c. Posisi 4 (PAL) : Hukum
d. Posisi 5 (FMS) : Kehutanan
e. Posisi 6 (BFS) : Ekonomi
f. Posisi 7 (GIS) :
g. Posisi 8 (SCB) : Biologi
h. Posisi 9 (VCS) : Desain
Grafis/Desain Komunikasi Visual
i. Posisi 10 (MPR) :
2. Memiliki pengalaman menjadi manajer projek konservasi atau
pengembangan masyarakat (posisi 1)
3. Memahami regulasi pengurusan kawasan hutan Indonesia (posisi 1, 2,
4, 5)
4. Memiliki pengalaman melakukan survei keanekaragaman hayati dan
sosial (posisi 3)
5. Memiliki pengalaman membangun dan memelihara kerja sama dengan
pemerintah, kelompok masyarakat, organisasi non pemerintah dan sektor swasta
(posisi 1, 2, 3, 4)
6. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja dalam bidang manajemen hutan (posisi
1, 5)
7. Memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan bisnis, penanaman
modal atau pengusahaan hutan (posisi 6)
8. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja menangani aspek GIS termasuk pemetaan,
penginderaan jauh (posisi 7)
9. Memiliki pengalaman merancang dan melaksanakan kajian keragaman
hayati serta analisisnya (posisi 8)
10. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bidang desain grafis dan menguasai
aplikasi komputer seperti Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,
Macromedia Freehand (posisi 9)
11. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang komunikasi (posisi 10)
12. Bersedia melakukan banyak perjalanan dinas ke lapangan (posisi 1, 2,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
13. Bersedia bekerja secara penuh di lokasi-lokasi terpencil (posisi 3)
14. Menguasai dengan baik Bahasa Inggris secara lisan dan tulisan (semua
Lamaran dan CV serta referensi harus diterima sebelum tanggal 28 Mei 2008
dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi
syarat yang akan dipanggil utuk wawancara. Lamaran dapat dikirimkan melalui:
Email :
Bogor 16001, INDONESIA
Henny M Sembiring
GAA Division
Burung Indonesia
Jl. Dadali No. 32, Bogor 16161
Telp. 0251-357 222
Fax. 0251-357 961
Website: http://www.burung. org
Project Leader LIF (due: May 26, 2008)
Leuser International Foundation (LIF)
Job Opportunity
JobTitle: Project Leader
Location: Banda Aceh
Reports to: the Program Director and the Program
Support Director
Starting date: 16 June 2008
Background to the position:
The Leuser International Foundation (LIF) is currently implementing the Aceh Forest and Environment Project (AFEP), funded by the Multi Donor Fund to help integrate environment and forest protection into the recovery and future development of Aceh. To help implement this project, there is an opening for a Project Leader based in Banda Aceh.
Primary Function:
Supervise the implementation of AFEP in the Leuser Ecosystem Area
Prepare all the necessary reports relating to the project.
Specific duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
* Supervise and motivate a team making up the Area Management Unit (AMU) focusing on the Leuser Ecosystem.
* Oversee and direct the work of the top line managers in the AMU, such as the Administrative and Finance Manager, the Ecosystem Manager, and the Spatial Planning & Awareness Manager
* Liaise with the Forestry Redesign Team in Aceh to get the redesign process completed with LIF conservation concerns included.
* Collaborate and co-ordinate activities with Project Coordination Unit AFEP and FFI for effective implementation of project.
* Liaise with the relevant government agencies to ensure smooth implementation of the AFEP project.
* Be ultimately responsible for project expenditures, procurements and the implementation of project activities
* Represent the Area Management Unit at Steering Committee meetings.
* Organize and be responsible for the production of project reports and financial audits and to submit these on time to stakeholders.
* Collaborate with the management of LIF on issues such as administration, fund raising, communication, and policies.
* Prepare projects for the sustainable financing of the Leuser Ecosystem conservation activities.
* Responsible for the implementation of AFEP Communication Strategy.
* Responsible for achieving project logframe results.
Required Qualifications and Competencies:
* Tertiary qualification in forestry/protected areas/conservation.
* At least 10 years in project management with experience in conservation.
* Experience in working with civil societies
* Experience in working in collaboration with the government
* Fluent in English.
* Knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia is an added asset
* Knowledge about remote sensing techniques an asset
* Work well with local communities as well as government officials
* Willing to work in a high-pressure environment and dedicated to working full time.
* Working experience in providing leadership to field staff.
Position will be based in Banda Aceh, with frequent travel to project sites and LIF offices (Aceh, North Sumatra, Jakarta).
Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract (renewable for another year)
Grade & Salary: As agreed in contract.
How to apply
Closing date: 26 May 2008
Submit a cover letter and CV to :
Leuser International Foundation
Plaza Gani Djemat 6th floor
Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 76 - 78
Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Please include details of current post and remuneration and details of referees.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Job Opportunity
JobTitle: Project Leader
Location: Banda Aceh
Reports to: the Program Director and the Program
Support Director
Starting date: 16 June 2008
Background to the position:
The Leuser International Foundation (LIF) is currently implementing the Aceh Forest and Environment Project (AFEP), funded by the Multi Donor Fund to help integrate environment and forest protection into the recovery and future development of Aceh. To help implement this project, there is an opening for a Project Leader based in Banda Aceh.
Primary Function:
Supervise the implementation of AFEP in the Leuser Ecosystem Area
Prepare all the necessary reports relating to the project.
Specific duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
* Supervise and motivate a team making up the Area Management Unit (AMU) focusing on the Leuser Ecosystem.
* Oversee and direct the work of the top line managers in the AMU, such as the Administrative and Finance Manager, the Ecosystem Manager, and the Spatial Planning & Awareness Manager
* Liaise with the Forestry Redesign Team in Aceh to get the redesign process completed with LIF conservation concerns included.
* Collaborate and co-ordinate activities with Project Coordination Unit AFEP and FFI for effective implementation of project.
* Liaise with the relevant government agencies to ensure smooth implementation of the AFEP project.
* Be ultimately responsible for project expenditures, procurements and the implementation of project activities
* Represent the Area Management Unit at Steering Committee meetings.
* Organize and be responsible for the production of project reports and financial audits and to submit these on time to stakeholders.
* Collaborate with the management of LIF on issues such as administration, fund raising, communication, and policies.
* Prepare projects for the sustainable financing of the Leuser Ecosystem conservation activities.
* Responsible for the implementation of AFEP Communication Strategy.
* Responsible for achieving project logframe results.
Required Qualifications and Competencies:
* Tertiary qualification in forestry/protected areas/conservation.
* At least 10 years in project management with experience in conservation.
* Experience in working with civil societies
* Experience in working in collaboration with the government
* Fluent in English.
* Knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia is an added asset
* Knowledge about remote sensing techniques an asset
* Work well with local communities as well as government officials
* Willing to work in a high-pressure environment and dedicated to working full time.
* Working experience in providing leadership to field staff.
Position will be based in Banda Aceh, with frequent travel to project sites and LIF offices (Aceh, North Sumatra, Jakarta).
Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract (renewable for another year)
Grade & Salary: As agreed in contract.
How to apply
Closing date: 26 May 2008
Submit a cover letter and CV to :
Leuser International Foundation
Plaza Gani Djemat 6th floor
Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 76 - 78
Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Please include details of current post and remuneration and details of referees.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Berbagai lowongan di ACCESS (due 23 mei 2008)
ACCESS (Australian Community Development and Civil Society Strengthening Scheme), sebuah Program Inisiatif Pemerintah Australia (AusAID), dengan focus area NTB, NTT, Sulsel dan Sultra, membuka lowongan kerja untuk Fase II. Tujuan dari posisi berikut adalah menjamin kualitas, kesetaraan dan keberlanjutan program dan efektivitas kinerja di tingkat propinsi.
1. Senior Technical Officer (Capacity Building):
bertanggungjawab untuk membangun, mengelola dan menjaga kualitas strategi dan kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas serta memberikan dukungan kepada Tim Propinsi. STO-CB akan bekerjasama dengan multi stakeholder untuk memberikan dukungan teknis kepada Koordinator Propinsi untuk menjaga kualitas, sumber daya dan keberlanjutan program di masing-masing propinsi.
2. Senior Technical Officer (Monitoring Evaluation & Learning):
bertanggungjawab atas strategi pembelajaran ACCESS; mengembangkan dan mengelola sistem M&E dan membantu tim propinsi dalam penerapannya. STO-MEL akan menjamin bahwa kegiatan ME&L berkontribusi pada keberhasilan ACCESS secara kesuluruhan.
3. Senior Technical Officer (Community Engagement & Governance):
akan mengembangkan strategi untuk mendorong peran masyarakat dan pemerintah di berbagai isu strategis termasuk kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas di tingkat kabupaten. STO – CE/Gov bertanggungjawab atas proses penjajakan dan perencanaan yang dipimpin masyarakat dan strategi advokasi. STO-CE/Gov akan mendukung manajemen ACCESS melalui analisis dari keberhasilan program dan pembelajaran diantara propinsi.
Ketiga posisi STO harus memiliki pengalaman sbb:
- Kualifikasi akademik yang sesuai dengan bidang pengembangan masyarakat, masyarakat sipil dan tata pemerintahan
- Berpengalaman minimal 8 tahun dalam pengelolaan dan pengimplementasian program peningkatan kapasitas dan/atau pengembangan masyarakat sipil
- Bisa mendemonstrasikan pengalaman dan pengertian ttg pendekatan terbaru pada peningkatan kapasitas (posisi 1); tata pemerintahan, dan ‘community engagement’ (posisi 2): monitoring dan evaluasi (posisi 3); yg berkait dengan organisasi masyarakat sipil di semua tingkat di Indonesia
- Bisa mendemonstrasikan pengetahuan ttg proses partisipasi dan ‘gender dan poverty mainstreaming’.
- Berpengalaman bekerjasama secara efektif dengan pemerintah di tingkat lokal
- Memiliki hubungan interpersonal yg sangat baik dalam lingkungan program internasional
- Memiliki ketrampilan analitis dan mampu menulis laporan dengan mutu tinggi
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Bali dan perjalanan ke daerah dengan alokasi 40% dari waktunya
4. Koordinator Provinsi:
bertanggungjawab atas keseluruhan program ACCESS di tingkat propinsi; menjaga hubungan degan stakeholder; mendorong pembelajaran terus menerus; mengelola dana hibah dan menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengembangan kapasitas mitra ACCESS.
Posisi KorProp harus memiliki pengalaman sbb:
- Minimal S1 dengan ilmu yg relevan
- Minimal 7 tahun bekerja dengan OMS/LSM dan pemerintah daerah
- Pengelolaan siklus program dan menunjukkan pendekatan partisipatif dan ‘gender dan poverty inclusive’
- Memiliki kemampuan menganalisa dan membuat laporan yg bermutu tinggi
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Lombok (NTB), Sumba (NTT), Bantaeng (SulSel) dan
- Buton (Sultra).
5. Program Officer (PO):
membantu KorProp mencapai tujuan program dan bertanggungjawab atas pengelolaan program dan relasi antar stakeholder di tingkat kabupaten.
Posisi PO harus memiliki pengalaman sbb:
- Minimal S1 dengan ilmu yg relevan
- Mimimal 7 tahun untuk Korprop dan 5 tahun untuk PO dengan OMS/LSM dan
- pemerintah daerah
- Pengelolaan siklus program dan menunjukkan pendekatan partisipatif dan ‘gender
- dan poverty inclusive’
- Memiliki kemampuan menganalisa dan membuat laporan yg bermutu tinggi
6. Provincial Administrative Officer:
mendukung pekerjaan KorProp dan PO melalui pengelolaan admin dan keuangan kantor propinsi dan komunikasi dng stakeholders
Harus memiliki pengalaman sbb:
- Minimal 3 tahun mengelola administrasi dan keuangan kantor
- Mengelola hubungan yg efektif dgn LSM, Pemda dll
- Kemampuan pendokumentasian (foto dll)
- Bisa mengendarai sepeda motor/mobil dan memiliki SIM A/C
7. Finance and Grants Manager:
bertanggunjawab atas manajemen dan administrasi keuangan grants maupun operasional program dan supervisi untuk tim keuangan dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun diposisi yang sama
- Berpengalaman dalam mengelola grant, audit di tingkat LSM dan masyarakat dan pelatihan keuangan untuk LSM
8. Finance Officer Grants:
bertanggungjawab mengelola grant dana hibah, audit dan pelatihan keuangan untuk mitra LSM, dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun dengan posisi yg sama
- Berpengalaman dalam mengelola grant, auditing di tingkat LSM dan masyarakat dan pelatihan keuangan untuk LSM
9. Finance Officer Operasional:
bertangungjawab mengelola keuangan oprasional sehari-hari dan payroll staf, dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal D3 akuntansi/keuangan
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun diposisi yang sama
- Berpengalaman mengelola proyek dan budgeting
10. Office Manager:
bertanggungjawab sehari-hari pada semua administrasi program termasuk SDM, pengadaan barang dan liaison dengan stakeholder, dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal S1 dari ilmu Manajmen
- Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun diposisi yang sama
- Berpengalaman kerjasama dengan organisasi Internasional
- Mampu menterjemahkan Inggris-Indonesia.
11. MIS Manager:
bertanggungjawab dalam membangun dan mengelola sistem informasi program, termasuk database, website, informasi M&E, materi promosi dll.dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal S1 dari ilmu yang relevan
- Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun di posisi yang sama
- Berpengalaman dalam web design, graphic, MS Access, pengelolan IT
12. Secretary:
dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal D3 dari ilmu yang relevan
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun di posisi yang sama
13. Office Administrator:
dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal D3 administrasi
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun diposisi yang sama
- Bisa mengendarai sepeda motor/mobil dan memiliki SIM
Semua calon diharuskan memiliki kemampuan:
- Mengoperasikan komputer dengan MS Office
- Berbahasa Inggris untuk posis STO dan Koordinator Propinsi
- Biasa bekerja sama dengan tim
Pelamar perempuan dan berpengalaman kerja di wilayah focus area tersebut lebih
Pelamar dapat mengirim lamaran dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar, CV dan 2
referensi paling lambat 23 Mei 2008 ke Bagi yg tidak memenuhi
kriteria lamaran tidak dipertimbangkan.
1. Senior Technical Officer (Capacity Building):
bertanggungjawab untuk membangun, mengelola dan menjaga kualitas strategi dan kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas serta memberikan dukungan kepada Tim Propinsi. STO-CB akan bekerjasama dengan multi stakeholder untuk memberikan dukungan teknis kepada Koordinator Propinsi untuk menjaga kualitas, sumber daya dan keberlanjutan program di masing-masing propinsi.
2. Senior Technical Officer (Monitoring Evaluation & Learning):
bertanggungjawab atas strategi pembelajaran ACCESS; mengembangkan dan mengelola sistem M&E dan membantu tim propinsi dalam penerapannya. STO-MEL akan menjamin bahwa kegiatan ME&L berkontribusi pada keberhasilan ACCESS secara kesuluruhan.
3. Senior Technical Officer (Community Engagement & Governance):
akan mengembangkan strategi untuk mendorong peran masyarakat dan pemerintah di berbagai isu strategis termasuk kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas di tingkat kabupaten. STO – CE/Gov bertanggungjawab atas proses penjajakan dan perencanaan yang dipimpin masyarakat dan strategi advokasi. STO-CE/Gov akan mendukung manajemen ACCESS melalui analisis dari keberhasilan program dan pembelajaran diantara propinsi.
Ketiga posisi STO harus memiliki pengalaman sbb:
- Kualifikasi akademik yang sesuai dengan bidang pengembangan masyarakat, masyarakat sipil dan tata pemerintahan
- Berpengalaman minimal 8 tahun dalam pengelolaan dan pengimplementasian program peningkatan kapasitas dan/atau pengembangan masyarakat sipil
- Bisa mendemonstrasikan pengalaman dan pengertian ttg pendekatan terbaru pada peningkatan kapasitas (posisi 1); tata pemerintahan, dan ‘community engagement’ (posisi 2): monitoring dan evaluasi (posisi 3); yg berkait dengan organisasi masyarakat sipil di semua tingkat di Indonesia
- Bisa mendemonstrasikan pengetahuan ttg proses partisipasi dan ‘gender dan poverty mainstreaming’.
- Berpengalaman bekerjasama secara efektif dengan pemerintah di tingkat lokal
- Memiliki hubungan interpersonal yg sangat baik dalam lingkungan program internasional
- Memiliki ketrampilan analitis dan mampu menulis laporan dengan mutu tinggi
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Bali dan perjalanan ke daerah dengan alokasi 40% dari waktunya
4. Koordinator Provinsi:
bertanggungjawab atas keseluruhan program ACCESS di tingkat propinsi; menjaga hubungan degan stakeholder; mendorong pembelajaran terus menerus; mengelola dana hibah dan menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengembangan kapasitas mitra ACCESS.
Posisi KorProp harus memiliki pengalaman sbb:
- Minimal S1 dengan ilmu yg relevan
- Minimal 7 tahun bekerja dengan OMS/LSM dan pemerintah daerah
- Pengelolaan siklus program dan menunjukkan pendekatan partisipatif dan ‘gender dan poverty inclusive’
- Memiliki kemampuan menganalisa dan membuat laporan yg bermutu tinggi
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Lombok (NTB), Sumba (NTT), Bantaeng (SulSel) dan
- Buton (Sultra).
5. Program Officer (PO):
membantu KorProp mencapai tujuan program dan bertanggungjawab atas pengelolaan program dan relasi antar stakeholder di tingkat kabupaten.
Posisi PO harus memiliki pengalaman sbb:
- Minimal S1 dengan ilmu yg relevan
- Mimimal 7 tahun untuk Korprop dan 5 tahun untuk PO dengan OMS/LSM dan
- pemerintah daerah
- Pengelolaan siklus program dan menunjukkan pendekatan partisipatif dan ‘gender
- dan poverty inclusive’
- Memiliki kemampuan menganalisa dan membuat laporan yg bermutu tinggi
6. Provincial Administrative Officer:
mendukung pekerjaan KorProp dan PO melalui pengelolaan admin dan keuangan kantor propinsi dan komunikasi dng stakeholders
Harus memiliki pengalaman sbb:
- Minimal 3 tahun mengelola administrasi dan keuangan kantor
- Mengelola hubungan yg efektif dgn LSM, Pemda dll
- Kemampuan pendokumentasian (foto dll)
- Bisa mengendarai sepeda motor/mobil dan memiliki SIM A/C
7. Finance and Grants Manager:
bertanggunjawab atas manajemen dan administrasi keuangan grants maupun operasional program dan supervisi untuk tim keuangan dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun diposisi yang sama
- Berpengalaman dalam mengelola grant, audit di tingkat LSM dan masyarakat dan pelatihan keuangan untuk LSM
8. Finance Officer Grants:
bertanggungjawab mengelola grant dana hibah, audit dan pelatihan keuangan untuk mitra LSM, dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun dengan posisi yg sama
- Berpengalaman dalam mengelola grant, auditing di tingkat LSM dan masyarakat dan pelatihan keuangan untuk LSM
9. Finance Officer Operasional:
bertangungjawab mengelola keuangan oprasional sehari-hari dan payroll staf, dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal D3 akuntansi/keuangan
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun diposisi yang sama
- Berpengalaman mengelola proyek dan budgeting
10. Office Manager:
bertanggungjawab sehari-hari pada semua administrasi program termasuk SDM, pengadaan barang dan liaison dengan stakeholder, dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal S1 dari ilmu Manajmen
- Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun diposisi yang sama
- Berpengalaman kerjasama dengan organisasi Internasional
- Mampu menterjemahkan Inggris-Indonesia.
11. MIS Manager:
bertanggungjawab dalam membangun dan mengelola sistem informasi program, termasuk database, website, informasi M&E, materi promosi dll.dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal S1 dari ilmu yang relevan
- Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun di posisi yang sama
- Berpengalaman dalam web design, graphic, MS Access, pengelolan IT
12. Secretary:
dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal D3 dari ilmu yang relevan
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun di posisi yang sama
13. Office Administrator:
dengan kwalifikasi sbb:
- Berpendidikan minimal D3 administrasi
- Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun diposisi yang sama
- Bisa mengendarai sepeda motor/mobil dan memiliki SIM
Semua calon diharuskan memiliki kemampuan:
- Mengoperasikan komputer dengan MS Office
- Berbahasa Inggris untuk posis STO dan Koordinator Propinsi
- Biasa bekerja sama dengan tim
Pelamar perempuan dan berpengalaman kerja di wilayah focus area tersebut lebih
Pelamar dapat mengirim lamaran dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar, CV dan 2
referensi paling lambat 23 Mei 2008 ke Bagi yg tidak memenuhi
kriteria lamaran tidak dipertimbangkan.
May 8, 2008
Call for Proposal APFED Showcase 2008 (deadline 31 may 2008)
APFED Showcase Programme 2008
Send your innovative environmental project proposals!
The APFED Showcase Programme was launched in 2006 to support projects that promote innovative policies, measures, and actions for sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region as recommended by the APFED Final Report.
The programme provides a grant of up to US$30,000 to each sustainable development project that showcases innovative approaches to support the development, implementation, monitoring, and information dissemination of innovative policies, measures and actions for promoting sustainable development in the region. For more information on the programme, please see "About the Programme." (http://www.apfed. net/showcase/ about/index. html)
APFED Secretariat now calls for proposals for showcase projects in 2008 to be conducted under the Showcase Programme.
How to apply
The proposal must be written in English, following the proposal format attached as “Appendix I”. It must provide all information requested. Proposals with incomplete information will be disregarded. Reference documents can be submitted as attachments to the application.
For more details on applying please see "How to Apply".
Submission deadline
All the proposals must be submitted to the APFED Showcase Facility Secretariat at the following address either by post, email, or fax. All proposals should be received by the Showcase Facility Secretariat before 31 May 2008.
APFED Showcase Facility Secretariat
c/o Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/ROAP)
United Nations Bldg., Rajdamnern Ave. Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Email: unep-apfed@un. org
Fax: +66-2-280-3829
Further inquiries
For any further inquiries concerning the Showcase Programme, please contact:
Ms. Aretha Aprilia
UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP/ROAP)
e-mail: unep-apfed@un. org, fax: +66-2-280-1029
Ms. Yatsuka Kataoka
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
e-mail: apfed@iges.or. jp, fax:+81-46-855- 3809
Website: http://www.apfed. net/showcase/
Send your innovative environmental project proposals!
The APFED Showcase Programme was launched in 2006 to support projects that promote innovative policies, measures, and actions for sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region as recommended by the APFED Final Report.
The programme provides a grant of up to US$30,000 to each sustainable development project that showcases innovative approaches to support the development, implementation, monitoring, and information dissemination of innovative policies, measures and actions for promoting sustainable development in the region. For more information on the programme, please see "About the Programme." (http://www.apfed. net/showcase/ about/index. html)
APFED Secretariat now calls for proposals for showcase projects in 2008 to be conducted under the Showcase Programme.
How to apply
The proposal must be written in English, following the proposal format attached as “Appendix I”. It must provide all information requested. Proposals with incomplete information will be disregarded. Reference documents can be submitted as attachments to the application.
For more details on applying please see "How to Apply".
Submission deadline
All the proposals must be submitted to the APFED Showcase Facility Secretariat at the following address either by post, email, or fax. All proposals should be received by the Showcase Facility Secretariat before 31 May 2008.
APFED Showcase Facility Secretariat
c/o Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/ROAP)
United Nations Bldg., Rajdamnern Ave. Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Email: unep-apfed@un. org
Fax: +66-2-280-3829
Further inquiries
For any further inquiries concerning the Showcase Programme, please contact:
Ms. Aretha Aprilia
UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP/ROAP)
e-mail: unep-apfed@un. org, fax: +66-2-280-1029
Ms. Yatsuka Kataoka
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
e-mail: apfed@iges.or. jp, fax:+81-46-855- 3809
Website: http://www.apfed. net/showcase/
Short-term Training in Conflict reconciliation and Peace-Building
Short-term Training in Conflict reconciliation and Peace-Building
Time Line: September 2008
Number of Placement: 16 Total (4 persons to be dispatched/year)
Program Description:
• Short term courses up to 4 weeks in the U.S. or third countries on topics such as peace building; conflict resolution; peace journalism; conflict management and mitigation or other topics that important in supporting peace-building efforts in Indonesia.
• The objective of this program is to support NGOs/University staff or individuals who actively work in conflict, conflict prone or post-conflict areas in Indonesia, with up to date knowledge about the theory and best practices to engage on conflict resolution and peace building efforts.
Target Participants:
• Representatives from Universities, NGOs, Women activists; Journalists, individuals that are actively dealing with conflict. The candidates from potentially conflict/postconflict areas in Indonesia such as NAD, Central Sulawesi, North Maluku and
Maluku and Papua will be prioritized. The priority should also be given to NGO that are/were beneficiaries of USG-funded conflict reconciliation programs.
Technical Qualification:
• Gender balance should be considered
• Candidates should have nomination letters from their organizations
Request for application forms and questions about the selection process should be directed to AED at or download them at
Completed application packets must be received at the following AED address by 5 May 2008 at the latest:
Academy for Educational Development
Wisma Nugra Santana 16th Floor Suite 1616
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 7-8
Jakarta, Indonesia 10220
Tel: (021) 5100-0052
Time Line: September 2008
Number of Placement: 16 Total (4 persons to be dispatched/year)
Program Description:
• Short term courses up to 4 weeks in the U.S. or third countries on topics such as peace building; conflict resolution; peace journalism; conflict management and mitigation or other topics that important in supporting peace-building efforts in Indonesia.
• The objective of this program is to support NGOs/University staff or individuals who actively work in conflict, conflict prone or post-conflict areas in Indonesia, with up to date knowledge about the theory and best practices to engage on conflict resolution and peace building efforts.
Target Participants:
• Representatives from Universities, NGOs, Women activists; Journalists, individuals that are actively dealing with conflict. The candidates from potentially conflict/postconflict areas in Indonesia such as NAD, Central Sulawesi, North Maluku and
Maluku and Papua will be prioritized. The priority should also be given to NGO that are/were beneficiaries of USG-funded conflict reconciliation programs.
Technical Qualification:
• Gender balance should be considered
• Candidates should have nomination letters from their organizations
Request for application forms and questions about the selection process should be directed to AED at or download them at
Completed application packets must be received at the following AED address by 5 May 2008 at the latest:
Academy for Educational Development
Wisma Nugra Santana 16th Floor Suite 1616
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 7-8
Jakarta, Indonesia 10220
Tel: (021) 5100-0052
Master's Degree in Conflict Resolutions and Peace Studies
Long-term & Short-term Training Opportunities
Master's Degree in Conflict Resolutions and Peace Studies
Time Line: 2009
Number of Placements: 3 persons
Program Description:
• Master's program (one-year or two-year program) in the U.S. or third countries in areas such as peace-building, conflict resolutions, conflict transformation and conflict management.
• The objective of this program is to support staff of NGOs and universities who work intensively in conflict, potential conflict or post-conflict areas in Indonesia, to acquire knowledge and skills, both the practical and theoretical bases of mediation and management. They will learn how to analyze conflict and how to uncover the philosophical underpinnings of conflicts of various and divergent natures, as well as how to defuse situations that arise between both individuals and organizations to develop a sustainable institutional capacity for building peace and resolving conflict in their communities.
Target Participants:
• Representatives from universities and NGOs who are actively dealing with conflict. The candidates from post conflict areas in Indonesia such as Aceh, Central Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua will be prioritized.
Technical Qualifications:
• Has bachelor's degree
• Has adequate English proficiency
Long-term & Short-term Training Opportunities
Master's Degree in Conflict Resolutions and Peace Studies
Time Line: 2009
Number of Placements: 3 persons
Program Description:
• Master's program (one-year or two-year program) in the U.S. or third countries in areas such as peace-building, conflict resolutions, conflict transformation and conflict management.
• The objective of this program is to support staff of NGOs and universities who work intensively in conflict, potential conflict or post-conflict areas in Indonesia, to acquire knowledge and skills, both the practical and theoretical bases of mediation and management. They will learn how to analyze conflict and how to uncover the philosophical underpinnings of conflicts of various and divergent natures, as well as how to defuse situations that arise between both individuals and organizations to develop a sustainable institutional capacity for building peace and resolving conflict in their communities.
Target Participants:
• Representatives from universities and NGOs who are actively dealing with conflict. The candidates from post conflict areas in Indonesia such as Aceh, Central Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua will be prioritized.
Technical Qualifications:
• Has bachelor's degree
• Has adequate English proficiency
Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program Secretariat
Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program Secretariat
We are pleased to inform you that we'll accept application for FY2008
Program starting from April 25, 2008.
This year's topic is the pressing worldwide environmental issues of
"global warming" and "bio-diversity." The program has two categories of
grants as same as last year's. One is "general grants" with no
restriction on the implementation sites or on the grant amount per
project. And the other is "small-scale grants," targeting activities in
Japan, with a limit on the grant amount per project.
Also please note that past grantees of Small Scale Grants are not
eligible in the same category for the purpose to make the category as a
step toward General Grant category and to provide opportunities to more
For the details, please see the program summary below.
We would very much appreciate it if you could kindly circulate this
information among those whom it may concern.
[FY2008 Program Summary]
1. Topic for Grants
Global warming, bio-diversity
2. Grant Categories
(1) General Grants
There is no restriction regarding project implementation site(s) or
limit on the grant amount per project. This grant targets projects aimed
at environmental education activities and hands-on learning (or
creating/providing the opportunities for such activities), as well as
projects aimed at implementing experiment-based environmental technology
at the community level.
(2) Small-scale Grants
Projects should be implemented in Japan, with the maximum grant amount
of two million Japanese yen per project. This grant targets practical,
community-based grassroots activities aimed at protecting the local
3. Grant Period
Up to three years for general grants and up to two years for small-scale
grants (starting from January 2009).
4. Application Period
April 25 to June 20, 2008 (applications must arrive by June 20)
5. Notification of Decision
The Selection Committee, consisting of seven experts from Japan and
overseas, will review the applications and select grantees. Applicants
will be notified in writing by the end of October 2008.
6. Contact Information
Inquiries regarding application procedures and further details about the
program should be addressed to:
Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program Secretariat
MBE Box 363, 2-3-6 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-3272-1925 Fax: +81-3-3272-1926
7. Detailed information is available online from April 25, 2008, at:
Please kindly inform us in case you would rather not receive this kind
of information in the future. Your name will be immediately removed from
our mailing list.
We are looking forward to receiving your application.
Best regards,
Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program Secretariat
MBE Box 363,2-3-6 Otemachi,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-0004 JAPAN
TEL:+81-3-3272-1925 FAX:+81-3-3272-1926
We are pleased to inform you that we'll accept application for FY2008
Program starting from April 25, 2008.
This year's topic is the pressing worldwide environmental issues of
"global warming" and "bio-diversity." The program has two categories of
grants as same as last year's. One is "general grants" with no
restriction on the implementation sites or on the grant amount per
project. And the other is "small-scale grants," targeting activities in
Japan, with a limit on the grant amount per project.
Also please note that past grantees of Small Scale Grants are not
eligible in the same category for the purpose to make the category as a
step toward General Grant category and to provide opportunities to more
For the details, please see the program summary below.
We would very much appreciate it if you could kindly circulate this
information among those whom it may concern.
[FY2008 Program Summary]
1. Topic for Grants
Global warming, bio-diversity
2. Grant Categories
(1) General Grants
There is no restriction regarding project implementation site(s) or
limit on the grant amount per project. This grant targets projects aimed
at environmental education activities and hands-on learning (or
creating/providing the opportunities for such activities), as well as
projects aimed at implementing experiment-based environmental technology
at the community level.
(2) Small-scale Grants
Projects should be implemented in Japan, with the maximum grant amount
of two million Japanese yen per project. This grant targets practical,
community-based grassroots activities aimed at protecting the local
3. Grant Period
Up to three years for general grants and up to two years for small-scale
grants (starting from January 2009).
4. Application Period
April 25 to June 20, 2008 (applications must arrive by June 20)
5. Notification of Decision
The Selection Committee, consisting of seven experts from Japan and
overseas, will review the applications and select grantees. Applicants
will be notified in writing by the end of October 2008.
6. Contact Information
Inquiries regarding application procedures and further details about the
program should be addressed to:
Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program Secretariat
MBE Box 363, 2-3-6 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-3272-1925 Fax: +81-3-3272-1926
7. Detailed information is available online from April 25, 2008, at:
Please kindly inform us in case you would rather not receive this kind
of information in the future. Your name will be immediately removed from
our mailing list.
We are looking forward to receiving your application.
Best regards,
Toyota Environmental Activities Grant Program Secretariat
MBE Box 363,2-3-6 Otemachi,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-0004 JAPAN
TEL:+81-3-3272-1925 FAX:+81-3-3272-1926
Nippon Foundation Fellowship (UNNF)
Nippon Foundation Fellowship (UNNF)
Saat ini telah dibuka pendaftaran untuk fellowship bidang kelautan dan perikanan dari PBB, the United Nations - Nippon Foundation Fellowship (UNNF) Programme. Formulir lamaran telah tersedia dan bisa didownload. Batas waktu penerimaan formulir untuk sesi 2009-2010 adalah 15 August 2008.
Saya sudah dokumentasikan informasi fellowship ini yang dapat diakses di: http://hendrasiry. wordpress. com/2008/ 05/05/united- nations-nippon- foundation-fellowship/
PhD Candidate
Resource Management in Asia-Pacific Program (RMAP)
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS)
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi:
UNNF Fellow 2006 - 2007
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
T: + 61 2 6125 9152
F: + 61 2 6125 1635
M: + 61 423 725 229
Saat ini telah dibuka pendaftaran untuk fellowship bidang kelautan dan perikanan dari PBB, the United Nations - Nippon Foundation Fellowship (UNNF) Programme. Formulir lamaran telah tersedia dan bisa didownload. Batas waktu penerimaan formulir untuk sesi 2009-2010 adalah 15 August 2008.
Saya sudah dokumentasikan informasi fellowship ini yang dapat diakses di: http://hendrasiry. wordpress. com/2008/ 05/05/united- nations-nippon- foundation-fellowship/
PhD Candidate
Resource Management in Asia-Pacific Program (RMAP)
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS)
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi:
UNNF Fellow 2006 - 2007
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
T: + 61 2 6125 9152
F: + 61 2 6125 1635
M: + 61 423 725 229
Equator Prize 2008
Dear friends and colleagues,
The Equator Initiative is requesting nominations for the Equator Prize 2008: Celebrating Community Success in Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction.
This marks the fourth round of the internationally renowned Equator Prize. Awarded biennially, the Equator Prize recognizes community-based initiatives that demonstrate extraordinary achievement in reducing poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the equatorial belt. Prize winners receive worldwide recognition for their work as well as an opportunity to help shape national and global policy and practice in the field.
Twenty-five community organizations will be honored with the Equator Prize 2008 and US$5,000 each. Five of these communities will receive special recognition and an additional US $15,000. Special recognition will be given in the following categories: one for each region of eligibility (Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean), one to the initiative that best exemplifies community approaches to adapt to climate change, and one to the initiative that best exemplifies the conservation of agricultural biodiversity. The Equator Prize will be presented in October 2008, in Barcelona, Spain, at the IUCN World Conservation Congress. All winners will have the opportunity to showcase their work in the “Poble” Dialogue Space at the Congress.
The Equator Prize 2008 nomination process will be open through May 31, 2008. Details on the criteria for the Prize, information on the award process, and the online nomination system can be accessed through the Equator Initiative website at
We encourage you to nominate qualified community initiatives that are active in environmental conservation and sustainable development within the equatorial region. Self-nominations are welcome.
Please disseminate this announcement widely to your electronic newsletters and networks! With your help and nominations, we can continue to honor and celebrate exceptional communities around the world, support their invaluable work and grow a stronger network of community best practice in biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction.
We look forward to receiving your nomination!
Warm regards.
Eileen de Ravin and the Equator Initiative Team
UNDP Equator Initiative
405 Lexington Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10174
The Equator Initiative is requesting nominations for the Equator Prize 2008: Celebrating Community Success in Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction.
This marks the fourth round of the internationally renowned Equator Prize. Awarded biennially, the Equator Prize recognizes community-based initiatives that demonstrate extraordinary achievement in reducing poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the equatorial belt. Prize winners receive worldwide recognition for their work as well as an opportunity to help shape national and global policy and practice in the field.
Twenty-five community organizations will be honored with the Equator Prize 2008 and US$5,000 each. Five of these communities will receive special recognition and an additional US $15,000. Special recognition will be given in the following categories: one for each region of eligibility (Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean), one to the initiative that best exemplifies community approaches to adapt to climate change, and one to the initiative that best exemplifies the conservation of agricultural biodiversity. The Equator Prize will be presented in October 2008, in Barcelona, Spain, at the IUCN World Conservation Congress. All winners will have the opportunity to showcase their work in the “Poble” Dialogue Space at the Congress.
The Equator Prize 2008 nomination process will be open through May 31, 2008. Details on the criteria for the Prize, information on the award process, and the online nomination system can be accessed through the Equator Initiative website at
We encourage you to nominate qualified community initiatives that are active in environmental conservation and sustainable development within the equatorial region. Self-nominations are welcome.
Please disseminate this announcement widely to your electronic newsletters and networks! With your help and nominations, we can continue to honor and celebrate exceptional communities around the world, support their invaluable work and grow a stronger network of community best practice in biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction.
We look forward to receiving your nomination!
Warm regards.
Eileen de Ravin and the Equator Initiative Team
UNDP Equator Initiative
405 Lexington Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10174
Director, Forests and Governance Programme -CIFOR Global Position
Director, Forests and Governance Programme
Location: Bogor, Indonesia
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for creative and visionary Director of Forests and Governance Programme.
The Director will lead research on how society can make more informed and democratic decisions that support sustainable forests and livelihoods. The multidisciplinary programme currently includes research on decentralization and devolution, forest finance and law enforcement, and collaborative forest management. In the future, the programme will also contribute to Center-level initiatives emerging from CIFOR’s new strategy, including one on climate change and forests. This position reports to the Director General and is a member of the Management Team.
The Director of the Forests and Governance programme will:
* Contribute to the overall leadership of CIFOR as a member of the management team;
* Facilitate development of strategic direction and lead the Forests and Governance programme;
* Lead a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural research group (with approx. 30 staff-members who are located both at the headquarters and the regional/project offices), and encourage teamwork;
* Foster collaboration with other CIFOR research programmes, regional offices, and partner organizations;
* Represent CIFOR in relevant international fora;
* Develop, implement and coordinate global fund-raising strategies.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in a relevant field and a minimum of 10 years professional experience including research management and field experience. Proven expertise in leading collaborative research is required. The Director will have a clear understanding of the current state -- and have visions of the future state -- of knowledge about the governance of natural resource systems, and be conversant with relevant global processes. She or he will have experience in both research and development fields, and a relevant publications record. The Director will be supportive of staff development, and will focus on continuous improvement and learning.
The ideal candidate will have a proven fund-raising record and substantial proposal-writing experience. She or he will have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including excellent writing skills. Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other international languages is desirable.
Terms of Employment:
* • CIFOR offers an internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* • The positions are based in Bogor, Indonesia and extensive international travel is required.
* • Commencing early 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Consideration of external and internal applicants has just started. Interviews will be held in Bogor, Indonesia and is tentatively scheduled at the end of October or early November.
All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence.
A letter of interest and a curriculum vita should be sent to:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
To learn more about CIFOR and living in Indonesia, visit our web site at:
Location: Bogor, Indonesia
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for creative and visionary Director of Forests and Governance Programme.
The Director will lead research on how society can make more informed and democratic decisions that support sustainable forests and livelihoods. The multidisciplinary programme currently includes research on decentralization and devolution, forest finance and law enforcement, and collaborative forest management. In the future, the programme will also contribute to Center-level initiatives emerging from CIFOR’s new strategy, including one on climate change and forests. This position reports to the Director General and is a member of the Management Team.
The Director of the Forests and Governance programme will:
* Contribute to the overall leadership of CIFOR as a member of the management team;
* Facilitate development of strategic direction and lead the Forests and Governance programme;
* Lead a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural research group (with approx. 30 staff-members who are located both at the headquarters and the regional/project offices), and encourage teamwork;
* Foster collaboration with other CIFOR research programmes, regional offices, and partner organizations;
* Represent CIFOR in relevant international fora;
* Develop, implement and coordinate global fund-raising strategies.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in a relevant field and a minimum of 10 years professional experience including research management and field experience. Proven expertise in leading collaborative research is required. The Director will have a clear understanding of the current state -- and have visions of the future state -- of knowledge about the governance of natural resource systems, and be conversant with relevant global processes. She or he will have experience in both research and development fields, and a relevant publications record. The Director will be supportive of staff development, and will focus on continuous improvement and learning.
The ideal candidate will have a proven fund-raising record and substantial proposal-writing experience. She or he will have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including excellent writing skills. Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other international languages is desirable.
Terms of Employment:
* • CIFOR offers an internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* • The positions are based in Bogor, Indonesia and extensive international travel is required.
* • Commencing early 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Consideration of external and internal applicants has just started. Interviews will be held in Bogor, Indonesia and is tentatively scheduled at the end of October or early November.
All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence.
A letter of interest and a curriculum vita should be sent to:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
To learn more about CIFOR and living in Indonesia, visit our web site at:
(other) Senior Scientists - CIFOR Global position
Senior Scientists
(4 positions)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for creative and visionary candidates to join its Research Team as Senior Scientists. The Scientists, who will work closely with other CIFOR research programmes, will help facilitate and identify strategic opportunities in the fields of forests and livelihoods, and/or environmental services. The Scientists will undertake research, develop and maintain functional partnerships, support capacity-building initiatives, and assist in developing and maintaining donor relations. They will be supportive of staff development, and will encourage continuous improvement and learning. Each position reports to the Director of respective Programme.
(a) Senior Scientists – Climate Change (3 positions). Each Scientist will be attached to one of CIFOR’s Research Programme: Forests and Governance Programme; Forests and Livelihoods Programme and the Environmental Services; and Sustainable Use of Forests Programme. The Scientists will contribute to CIFOR’s Climate Change and Forests Initiative.
(b) Senior Scientist – Forests and Livelihoods (1 position). The Scientists will be attached to the Forests and Livelihoods Programme. The research focus could be on any of the topics covered in the program (conservation and development outcomes; forests and human well being; forest industry and local livelihoods).
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline, experienced in collaborative research. Have global track record as researcher with knowledge of forest, livelihoods and/or climate change issues. The Scientist will have excellent team leadership, facilitation and organizational skills. The candidate has excellent interpersonal and communication skills, experienced in working with and/or has led multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary research teams. She or he will have a strong publications record, proven fund-raising record and substantial proposal-writing experience. Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other international languages is desirable.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers an internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* The positions are based in Bogor, Indonesia and extensive international travel is required.
* Commencing in 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Consideration of external and internal applicants has just begun. Interviews will be held in Bogor, Indonesia.
All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
The above announcement is posted on CIFOR web site
To learn more about CIFOR and living in Indonesia, visit our web site at:
(4 positions)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for creative and visionary candidates to join its Research Team as Senior Scientists. The Scientists, who will work closely with other CIFOR research programmes, will help facilitate and identify strategic opportunities in the fields of forests and livelihoods, and/or environmental services. The Scientists will undertake research, develop and maintain functional partnerships, support capacity-building initiatives, and assist in developing and maintaining donor relations. They will be supportive of staff development, and will encourage continuous improvement and learning. Each position reports to the Director of respective Programme.
(a) Senior Scientists – Climate Change (3 positions). Each Scientist will be attached to one of CIFOR’s Research Programme: Forests and Governance Programme; Forests and Livelihoods Programme and the Environmental Services; and Sustainable Use of Forests Programme. The Scientists will contribute to CIFOR’s Climate Change and Forests Initiative.
(b) Senior Scientist – Forests and Livelihoods (1 position). The Scientists will be attached to the Forests and Livelihoods Programme. The research focus could be on any of the topics covered in the program (conservation and development outcomes; forests and human well being; forest industry and local livelihoods).
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline, experienced in collaborative research. Have global track record as researcher with knowledge of forest, livelihoods and/or climate change issues. The Scientist will have excellent team leadership, facilitation and organizational skills. The candidate has excellent interpersonal and communication skills, experienced in working with and/or has led multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary research teams. She or he will have a strong publications record, proven fund-raising record and substantial proposal-writing experience. Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other international languages is desirable.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers an internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* The positions are based in Bogor, Indonesia and extensive international travel is required.
* Commencing in 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Consideration of external and internal applicants has just begun. Interviews will be held in Bogor, Indonesia.
All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
The above announcement is posted on CIFOR web site
To learn more about CIFOR and living in Indonesia, visit our web site at:
Communications Manager - CIFOR
Location: Bogor, Indonesia
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for an outstanding Communications Manager.
The position will be reporting to the Director General.
The Communications Manager will provide strategic leadership and facilitate the Center’s activities in the areas of public awareness, media relations, scientific publishing, web presence, and knowledge management.
Building upon CIFOR’s highly successful communications strategy, the Communications Manager will ensure that the Center uses innovative ways to get its messages out to key stakeholders and target audiences in a timely manner. He/she will play a key role in enhancing CIFOR’s international profile and reputation as a credible and reliable source of information on tropical forests and the people who depend on them. He/she should have a proven track record in translating complex scientific findings into simple and understandable language accessible to policy makers, opinion leaders and the general public.
As the person primarily responsible for the quality of CIFOR’s corporate publications, web presence and outreach, the Communications Manager will provide advice and assistance to management and staff on policies, procedures and innovative approaches concerning all aspects of communications and knowledge management.
The Communications Manager should have considerable experience in working within a multicultural environment, and in managing a highly motivated team—with a clear vision and empowered members—to meet CIFOR’s mission. He/she will: undertake team building activities; develop strategies and work plans; assist staff to set goals and objectives, and conducted annual performance assessments; identify and monitor the work of consultants engaged in communications-related work throughout CIFOR; prepare, defend and monitor the communications budget; represent the center in communications-related fora within the CGIAR and the global forestry arena; and engage in collaborative communication activities with key partner institutions.
The Communications Manager will also contribute to enhancing internal communications within CIFOR by advising management on messaging and using appropriate mechanisms that maximize interaction.
* Advanced degree in communication, journalism or related field. Alternatively, a degree in science with formal training in journalism or communications;
* At least 10 years of progressively responsible experience in communications work, including 5 years of international experience in a senior position;
* Ability to manage sensitive and high profile communication tasks that could potentially create reputational risks for the organization;
* Fully conversant with use of new technology for communications and outreach, including the web and multimedia tools;
* Excellent interpersonal and management skills;
* Excellent communications skills in both spoken and written forms;
* Ability to effectively interact with people at all levels in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment;
* Values the sharing of information and continuous improvement in a cooperative atmosphere of constructive evaluation and learning, and is committed to staff’s development;
* Fluency in English, and proficiency in other international languages is desirable.
Terms and Conditions:
* An internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare is provided.
* The position is based in Bogor, Indonesia and extensive international travel may be required.
Application Process:
Applications will be considered until the selected candidate is identified.Consideration of applicants will begin as soon as possible. Interviews will be held in CIFOR Headquarters in Bogor, Indonesia.
All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to the following address:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
The above announcement is posted on CIFOR web site
To learn more about CIFOR and living in Indonesia, visit our web site at:
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for an outstanding Communications Manager.
The position will be reporting to the Director General.
The Communications Manager will provide strategic leadership and facilitate the Center’s activities in the areas of public awareness, media relations, scientific publishing, web presence, and knowledge management.
Building upon CIFOR’s highly successful communications strategy, the Communications Manager will ensure that the Center uses innovative ways to get its messages out to key stakeholders and target audiences in a timely manner. He/she will play a key role in enhancing CIFOR’s international profile and reputation as a credible and reliable source of information on tropical forests and the people who depend on them. He/she should have a proven track record in translating complex scientific findings into simple and understandable language accessible to policy makers, opinion leaders and the general public.
As the person primarily responsible for the quality of CIFOR’s corporate publications, web presence and outreach, the Communications Manager will provide advice and assistance to management and staff on policies, procedures and innovative approaches concerning all aspects of communications and knowledge management.
The Communications Manager should have considerable experience in working within a multicultural environment, and in managing a highly motivated team—with a clear vision and empowered members—to meet CIFOR’s mission. He/she will: undertake team building activities; develop strategies and work plans; assist staff to set goals and objectives, and conducted annual performance assessments; identify and monitor the work of consultants engaged in communications-related work throughout CIFOR; prepare, defend and monitor the communications budget; represent the center in communications-related fora within the CGIAR and the global forestry arena; and engage in collaborative communication activities with key partner institutions.
The Communications Manager will also contribute to enhancing internal communications within CIFOR by advising management on messaging and using appropriate mechanisms that maximize interaction.
* Advanced degree in communication, journalism or related field. Alternatively, a degree in science with formal training in journalism or communications;
* At least 10 years of progressively responsible experience in communications work, including 5 years of international experience in a senior position;
* Ability to manage sensitive and high profile communication tasks that could potentially create reputational risks for the organization;
* Fully conversant with use of new technology for communications and outreach, including the web and multimedia tools;
* Excellent interpersonal and management skills;
* Excellent communications skills in both spoken and written forms;
* Ability to effectively interact with people at all levels in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment;
* Values the sharing of information and continuous improvement in a cooperative atmosphere of constructive evaluation and learning, and is committed to staff’s development;
* Fluency in English, and proficiency in other international languages is desirable.
Terms and Conditions:
* An internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare is provided.
* The position is based in Bogor, Indonesia and extensive international travel may be required.
Application Process:
Applications will be considered until the selected candidate is identified.Consideration of applicants will begin as soon as possible. Interviews will be held in CIFOR Headquarters in Bogor, Indonesia.
All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to the following address:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
The above announcement is posted on CIFOR web site
To learn more about CIFOR and living in Indonesia, visit our web site at:
Program Development Coordinator-CIFOR, BAsed in Bogor
CIFOR is looking for a creative and dynamic Program Development Coordinator
Location: Bogor, Indonesia
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for a creative and dynamic Program Development Coordinator
The Program Development Coordinator will play a key role in developing and updating CIFOR’s donor strategy that encompasses all aspects related to project development, donor relations, market intelligence, grant compliance, funding and monitoring to ensure sustained support for the Center’s work to achieve impact on alleviating rural poverty and protecting the environment. In addition, the Program Development Coordinator will ensure that proposals and concept notes are of an acceptably high standard and consistent with CIFOR’s strategy, policies and practices. The Coordinator will report to the Deputy Director General.
Qualifications and Competencies:
* A graduate degree in forestry, development, marketing, international relations, social sciences, or environmental sciences with at least 5 five years experience in resource mobilization/fund raising and proposal development initiatives;
* Experience with bilateral, multilateral funding agencies, and familiarity with private foundations that fund conservation activities is required;
* A team player, who has proven performances in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment; Have excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills;
* Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other international languages is desirable.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers an internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* The position is based in Bogor, Indonesia; international travel is required.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is identified. Interviews will be held in Bogor, Indonesia. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence. A letter of interest and a curriculum vita should be sent to:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
Location: Bogor, Indonesia
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for a creative and dynamic Program Development Coordinator
The Program Development Coordinator will play a key role in developing and updating CIFOR’s donor strategy that encompasses all aspects related to project development, donor relations, market intelligence, grant compliance, funding and monitoring to ensure sustained support for the Center’s work to achieve impact on alleviating rural poverty and protecting the environment. In addition, the Program Development Coordinator will ensure that proposals and concept notes are of an acceptably high standard and consistent with CIFOR’s strategy, policies and practices. The Coordinator will report to the Deputy Director General.
Qualifications and Competencies:
* A graduate degree in forestry, development, marketing, international relations, social sciences, or environmental sciences with at least 5 five years experience in resource mobilization/fund raising and proposal development initiatives;
* Experience with bilateral, multilateral funding agencies, and familiarity with private foundations that fund conservation activities is required;
* A team player, who has proven performances in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment; Have excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills;
* Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other international languages is desirable.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers an internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* The position is based in Bogor, Indonesia; international travel is required.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is identified. Interviews will be held in Bogor, Indonesia. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence. A letter of interest and a curriculum vita should be sent to:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
Senior Scientists - CIFOR Global position
Senior Scientists(4 positions)
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is looking for creative and visionary candidates to join its research team as Senior Scientists.
Senior Scientists – Trade and Investment (2 positions)
CIFOR is strengthening its work on the impacts of globalized trade and investment on forests, and two of the positions are earmarked for this research domain:
* One scientist (in the Forests and Governance Programme) is expected to develop global and regional scenarios of trade and investment trends that will influence forests and forest-based communities, including those related to forest product industries and biofuels. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline, experienced in collaborative research, and have a global track record as a researcher. Expertise in Africa is an added advantage.
* One Scientist (in the Forests and Livelihoods Programme) is expected to conduct research at the landscape level, investigating how major trends in forest-related trade and investment play out on the ground in terms of livelihood strategies and institutional arrangements for managing landuse trade-offs. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline, experienced in collaborative research, and have a background in household and other rural survey methods.
Senior Scientist – Forests and Livelihoods Programme (1 position)
The Senior Scientist is expected to contribute to research on one or more of the topics covered in the Programme: payment for environmental services, livelihood outcomes of conservation and development initiatives, household adaptation to climate change, and livelihood impacts of REDD. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline, experienced in collaborative research, and have a global track record as a researcher.
Senior Scientist – Forests and Governance Programme (1 position)
CIFOR is expanding its work on rights and responsibilities for local forest management. This work will be in the context of one or more of the following trends: land and forest resource tenure reform, decentralization, REDD. The ideal candidate will have skills related to community organization, collective action and community-based natural resource management. Strong analytical capacities are required to ensure global comparative work, with a strong emphasis on Africa. The candidate is expected to have a record of quality publications in good social science journals, and a PhD in the social sciences.
The Scientists will undertake research, develop and maintain functional partnerships, support capacity-building initiatives, and assist in developing and maintaining donor relations. Each position reports to the Director of respective Programme. Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other languages is desirable.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers an internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* The positions are based in Bogor, Indonesia and international travel is required.
* Commencing in 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the suitable candidates are identified. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview in Bogor, Indonesia. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to the following address:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is looking for creative and visionary candidates to join its research team as Senior Scientists.
Senior Scientists – Trade and Investment (2 positions)
CIFOR is strengthening its work on the impacts of globalized trade and investment on forests, and two of the positions are earmarked for this research domain:
* One scientist (in the Forests and Governance Programme) is expected to develop global and regional scenarios of trade and investment trends that will influence forests and forest-based communities, including those related to forest product industries and biofuels. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline, experienced in collaborative research, and have a global track record as a researcher. Expertise in Africa is an added advantage.
* One Scientist (in the Forests and Livelihoods Programme) is expected to conduct research at the landscape level, investigating how major trends in forest-related trade and investment play out on the ground in terms of livelihood strategies and institutional arrangements for managing landuse trade-offs. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline, experienced in collaborative research, and have a background in household and other rural survey methods.
Senior Scientist – Forests and Livelihoods Programme (1 position)
The Senior Scientist is expected to contribute to research on one or more of the topics covered in the Programme: payment for environmental services, livelihood outcomes of conservation and development initiatives, household adaptation to climate change, and livelihood impacts of REDD. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline, experienced in collaborative research, and have a global track record as a researcher.
Senior Scientist – Forests and Governance Programme (1 position)
CIFOR is expanding its work on rights and responsibilities for local forest management. This work will be in the context of one or more of the following trends: land and forest resource tenure reform, decentralization, REDD. The ideal candidate will have skills related to community organization, collective action and community-based natural resource management. Strong analytical capacities are required to ensure global comparative work, with a strong emphasis on Africa. The candidate is expected to have a record of quality publications in good social science journals, and a PhD in the social sciences.
The Scientists will undertake research, develop and maintain functional partnerships, support capacity-building initiatives, and assist in developing and maintaining donor relations. Each position reports to the Director of respective Programme. Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other languages is desirable.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers an internationally competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* The positions are based in Bogor, Indonesia and international travel is required.
* Commencing in 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the suitable candidates are identified. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview in Bogor, Indonesia. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to the following address:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
Scientists - CIFOR
(2 positions, based in Cameroon)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for Scientists (2), to be based in Cameroon, to join its Research Team. The Scientists will be based in the Environmental Services and Sustainable Use of Forests Programme and the Forests and Livelihoods Programme.
The Scientists will work closely with colleagues in other programmes, will help facilitate and identify strategic opportunities, and will be responsible for research and project management, in close consultation with the CIFOR Regional Coordinator for Central Africa and under the overall guidance of the respective Programme Directors.
Both scientists are expected to contribute to the implementation of several large projects in the Central Africa region, including but not necessarily limited to the following:
* An EC funded, FAO coordinated project on reinforcement of forestry and agricultural research capacity in the Democratic Republic of Congo
* An EC funded, CIFOR coordinated project on establishment of a forestry research network in ACP countries (especially focusing on the Central Africa component)
* An EC funded, CIRAD-CIFOR-FRM-UCL coordinated project on developing an information center (observatory) of Central African forests
* An EC funded, FAO coordinated, large Central African project on non-timber forest products focusing on ecological and livelihoods aspects.
* An IDRC funded, CIFOR coordinated project on forests and strategies for climate change adaptation in the Congo Basin.
(a) Scientist – Environmental Services and Sustainable Use of Forests Programme (1 position)
The Scientist is expected to contribute to research on one or more of the topics covered in the program within the broad area of sustainable use of forests. Candidates are expected to have a good track record in publications covering environmental aspects of forest use.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline (forest ecology, conservation biology or forest management) and at least 5 years of experience in research in Central Africa.
(b) Scientist – Forests and Livelihoods (1 position)
The Scientist is expected to contribute to research on one or more of the topics covered in the program within the broad area of livelihood outcomes of forest conservation and management, and forests and human well being. Candidates are expected to have a good track record in publications covering livelihood aspects of forest use.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline (conservation biology or social sciences) and at least 5 years of experience in collaborative research in Central Africa.
Requirements for both positions:
* Significant experience in capacity building and training
* Proven record of project management
* Excellent team leadership, facilitation and organizational skills
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
* Experience in working with and/or leading multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary research teams
* Complete fluency in both English and French
* Knowledge of another language, e.g. Spanish and of the management procedures of the European Commission will be an advantage.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* The positions are based in Yaoundé, Cameroon and extensive international travel is required.
* Commencing early 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Consideration of applicants will begin on 1st December 2007. Interviews will be held in Yaounde, Cameroon or in Europe.
All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to the following address:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
Please indicate the position in the email subject line
The above announcement is posted on CIFOR web site
To learn more about CIFOR, visit our web site at:
(2 positions, based in Cameroon)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for Scientists (2), to be based in Cameroon, to join its Research Team. The Scientists will be based in the Environmental Services and Sustainable Use of Forests Programme and the Forests and Livelihoods Programme.
The Scientists will work closely with colleagues in other programmes, will help facilitate and identify strategic opportunities, and will be responsible for research and project management, in close consultation with the CIFOR Regional Coordinator for Central Africa and under the overall guidance of the respective Programme Directors.
Both scientists are expected to contribute to the implementation of several large projects in the Central Africa region, including but not necessarily limited to the following:
* An EC funded, FAO coordinated project on reinforcement of forestry and agricultural research capacity in the Democratic Republic of Congo
* An EC funded, CIFOR coordinated project on establishment of a forestry research network in ACP countries (especially focusing on the Central Africa component)
* An EC funded, CIRAD-CIFOR-FRM-UCL coordinated project on developing an information center (observatory) of Central African forests
* An EC funded, FAO coordinated, large Central African project on non-timber forest products focusing on ecological and livelihoods aspects.
* An IDRC funded, CIFOR coordinated project on forests and strategies for climate change adaptation in the Congo Basin.
(a) Scientist – Environmental Services and Sustainable Use of Forests Programme (1 position)
The Scientist is expected to contribute to research on one or more of the topics covered in the program within the broad area of sustainable use of forests. Candidates are expected to have a good track record in publications covering environmental aspects of forest use.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline (forest ecology, conservation biology or forest management) and at least 5 years of experience in research in Central Africa.
(b) Scientist – Forests and Livelihoods (1 position)
The Scientist is expected to contribute to research on one or more of the topics covered in the program within the broad area of livelihood outcomes of forest conservation and management, and forests and human well being. Candidates are expected to have a good track record in publications covering livelihood aspects of forest use.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an appropriate discipline (conservation biology or social sciences) and at least 5 years of experience in collaborative research in Central Africa.
Requirements for both positions:
* Significant experience in capacity building and training
* Proven record of project management
* Excellent team leadership, facilitation and organizational skills
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
* Experience in working with and/or leading multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary research teams
* Complete fluency in both English and French
* Knowledge of another language, e.g. Spanish and of the management procedures of the European Commission will be an advantage.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers competitive salary and expatriated benefits package including housing, transportation, home leave, education support and comprehensive healthcare.
* The positions are based in Yaoundé, Cameroon and extensive international travel is required.
* Commencing early 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Consideration of applicants will begin on 1st December 2007. Interviews will be held in Yaounde, Cameroon or in Europe.
All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to the following address:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
Please indicate the position in the email subject line
The above announcement is posted on CIFOR web site
To learn more about CIFOR, visit our web site at:
Information Officer (Senior Librarian)
Information Officer (Senior Librarian)
(Based: Bogor, Indonesia)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation. CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests.
CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for a dynamic Information Officer (Senior Librarian)
The Information Officer will provide leadership in managing digital library and information services and in managing repository and online publishing of the Center's scientific research outputs as global public goods.
The Information Officer will ensure efficient information services to all staff including regional offices, project sites and partners or collaborators located globally, and ensure efficient access to e-resources. She/he will ensure the complete capture of CIFOR scientific publications for archive and online publishing and for producing various reports.
The Information Officer will be responsible for the management and development of library systems in collaboration with the ICT team, and ensure the use of innovative ways to opening access of the scientific publications outputs to global audiences. She/he will also collaborate with international information centers to achieve high visibility and usability of CIFOR research outputs.
The Information Officer ensures that intellectual property rights or copyright regulations are appropriately applied. As the person responsible for managing the archive/repository and online dissemination of CIFOR's scientific publications, she/he will provide advice and assistance to researchers/scientists and management on copyright and open access policies.
The Information Officer should have considerable experience in working in special library and in working with or collaborate with international partners - that empowered the library to efficiently meet CIFOR's mission. She/he will: undertake collection and information resources development; develop strategies and work plans to improve efficient information services; supervise and mentor library staff. The Information Officer will also contribute to enhancing sharing of information within CIFOR and stakeholders.
Qualifications and Competencies:
* An advanced degree in Library Science with 10 years progressive experience in library and information services works, including 4 years of managerial position;
* Have a proven track record in both digital library management and information services;
* Fully conversant with use of new technology for communications and digital publishing, including the web tools; have the ability to manage digital & conventional materials;
* A good team leader and a team player who has proven performances in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment;
* Have excellent communication skills in both spoken and written forms;
* Have excellent management and organizational skills;
* Values the sharing of information and continuous improvement in a cooperative atmosphere of constructive evaluation and learning development;
* Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other international languages is desirable;
* Willingness to travel overseas if required.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Compensation will be commensurate with skills and experience.
* The position is based in Bogor, Indonesia.
Application Process:
* Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is identified. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence.
* Interviews will be held in Bogor, Indonesia.
Interested candidates are invited to send a letter of interest and CV (including names and contact details of 3 referees) to:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
To learn more about CIFOR and living in Indonesia, visit our web site at:
(Based: Bogor, Indonesia)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation. CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests.
CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for a dynamic Information Officer (Senior Librarian)
The Information Officer will provide leadership in managing digital library and information services and in managing repository and online publishing of the Center's scientific research outputs as global public goods.
The Information Officer will ensure efficient information services to all staff including regional offices, project sites and partners or collaborators located globally, and ensure efficient access to e-resources. She/he will ensure the complete capture of CIFOR scientific publications for archive and online publishing and for producing various reports.
The Information Officer will be responsible for the management and development of library systems in collaboration with the ICT team, and ensure the use of innovative ways to opening access of the scientific publications outputs to global audiences. She/he will also collaborate with international information centers to achieve high visibility and usability of CIFOR research outputs.
The Information Officer ensures that intellectual property rights or copyright regulations are appropriately applied. As the person responsible for managing the archive/repository and online dissemination of CIFOR's scientific publications, she/he will provide advice and assistance to researchers/scientists and management on copyright and open access policies.
The Information Officer should have considerable experience in working in special library and in working with or collaborate with international partners - that empowered the library to efficiently meet CIFOR's mission. She/he will: undertake collection and information resources development; develop strategies and work plans to improve efficient information services; supervise and mentor library staff. The Information Officer will also contribute to enhancing sharing of information within CIFOR and stakeholders.
Qualifications and Competencies:
* An advanced degree in Library Science with 10 years progressive experience in library and information services works, including 4 years of managerial position;
* Have a proven track record in both digital library management and information services;
* Fully conversant with use of new technology for communications and digital publishing, including the web tools; have the ability to manage digital & conventional materials;
* A good team leader and a team player who has proven performances in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment;
* Have excellent communication skills in both spoken and written forms;
* Have excellent management and organizational skills;
* Values the sharing of information and continuous improvement in a cooperative atmosphere of constructive evaluation and learning development;
* Fluency in English is required; proficiency in other international languages is desirable;
* Willingness to travel overseas if required.
Terms of Employment:
* CIFOR offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Compensation will be commensurate with skills and experience.
* The position is based in Bogor, Indonesia.
Application Process:
* Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is identified. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All correspondence will be held in confidence.
* Interviews will be held in Bogor, Indonesia.
Interested candidates are invited to send a letter of interest and CV (including names and contact details of 3 referees) to:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
To learn more about CIFOR and living in Indonesia, visit our web site at:
Research Assistants - Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA) Projec
Research Assistants - Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA) Project
(3 national positions, based in Yaoundé, Bangui and Kinshasa respectively)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
Research Assistants - Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA) Project
(3 national positions, based in Yaoundé, Bangui and Kinshasa respectively)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation. CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for three (3) Research Assistants to join
the Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA) Project
Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA) is a four year EU-funded project of CIFOR and CATIE implemented in eight countries across three continents; Central America (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras); West Africa (Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana) and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines). The primary goal of the project is mainstreaming climate change adaptation into national development policies. TroFCCA will be replicating its activities in the Congo Basin Forests through a three year IDRC funding under the Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) program.
(More detailed information about the project is described in the Terms of Reference of the position)
The Research Assistants will report to the Regional Coordinator and the Scientist for Central Africa, TroFCCA, and will be responsible for the following activities:
1. Assist in project management:
* Maintaining appropriate communications with key stakeholders and partners, including local and national government agencies, environmental and development, social advocacy NGOs, (private companies – if applicable), and donor organizations;
* Contribute to the development of project proposals;
* Maintain and monitor financial records, in close collaboration with the Finance Unit;
* Assist in organizing workshops, training or field work as required;
* Assist in reporting (minutes, translation, etc);
* Other duties as required by the project.
2. Participate in research:
* Coordinate research/fieldwork to achieve all the project field-base objectives;
* Maintain databases related to the project
* Conduct and document a regional literature search and review of forest ecosystem services provision, livelihoods etc data analysis
* Assist with baseline characterizations of livelihood strategies, vulnerability analysis (gender vulnerability analysis, indigenous groups etc)
* Assist in the elaboration of forest communities perception of climate change and climate risks,
* Conduct surveys for the identification of indigenous and innovative coping strategies
* Assist in project monitoring and evaluation
* Assist with the preparation and publication of research results/reports;
* Assist in other research activities as required.
3. Qualifications and Competencies:
a. Technical Competencies:
* A relevant university degree, or equivalent qualifications and experience in forestry, ecology, environmental sciences, social sciences (sociology, anthropology, economics, etc).
* At least 2 years of relevant professional experience preferably in the Central African region, and multidisciplinary working environment;
* Familiarity with aid donor activities and processes is desirable;
* Excellent command in written and spoken English and French
* Strong computer skills in word processing and other relevant office applications software packages (i.e. MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access).
b. Personal Competencies:
* Ability to work with a high degree of autonomy and to take initiative and exercise good judgment;
* Competency in personal organization, priority setting and accuracy, with the ability to work effectively under time pressure and manage multiple priorities;
* Good interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to effectively interact with people in a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment and to be an effective team player;
* Creative, and flexible to respond to changing requirements.
Terms and Conditions:
* The Research Assistants of TroFCCA are National recruited positions, based in Yaounde Cameroon; Bangui Central African Republic, and Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo.
* CIFOR offers a competitive remuneration and will be commensurate with skills and experience.
* The appointment will be for a period of 2 years from the date of appointment (including 3 months probationary period), with a possibility of extension contingent upon performance, continued relevance of the position and available resources.
Letter of application and curriculum vitae should be submitted in both English and French (including names and full contact details of two or more professional referees) and sent by email not later than January 20, 2008 to:
CIFOR Central Africa Regional Office
C/O PO BOX 2008, Messa Yaoundé
Please indicate the position in the email subject.
To know more about the position, please go to CIFOR website:
CIFOR is an international and equal opportunity organization. We believe that diversity of our staff contributes to excellence, and we encourage applications from women and nationals from developing countries
(3 national positions, based in Yaoundé, Bangui and Kinshasa respectively)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation.
Research Assistants - Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA) Project
(3 national positions, based in Yaoundé, Bangui and Kinshasa respectively)
Headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia with offices in Africa and South America, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a leading international forestry research organization established in response to global concerns about the social, environmental, and economic consequences of forest loss and degradation. CIFOR is dedicated to developing policies and technologies for sustainable use and management of forest products and services, and for enhancing the well being of people in developing countries who rely on tropical forests. CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
CIFOR is looking for three (3) Research Assistants to join
the Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA) Project
Tropical Forests and Climate Change Adaptation (TroFCCA) is a four year EU-funded project of CIFOR and CATIE implemented in eight countries across three continents; Central America (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras); West Africa (Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana) and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines). The primary goal of the project is mainstreaming climate change adaptation into national development policies. TroFCCA will be replicating its activities in the Congo Basin Forests through a three year IDRC funding under the Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) program.
(More detailed information about the project is described in the Terms of Reference of the position)
The Research Assistants will report to the Regional Coordinator and the Scientist for Central Africa, TroFCCA, and will be responsible for the following activities:
1. Assist in project management:
* Maintaining appropriate communications with key stakeholders and partners, including local and national government agencies, environmental and development, social advocacy NGOs, (private companies – if applicable), and donor organizations;
* Contribute to the development of project proposals;
* Maintain and monitor financial records, in close collaboration with the Finance Unit;
* Assist in organizing workshops, training or field work as required;
* Assist in reporting (minutes, translation, etc);
* Other duties as required by the project.
2. Participate in research:
* Coordinate research/fieldwork to achieve all the project field-base objectives;
* Maintain databases related to the project
* Conduct and document a regional literature search and review of forest ecosystem services provision, livelihoods etc data analysis
* Assist with baseline characterizations of livelihood strategies, vulnerability analysis (gender vulnerability analysis, indigenous groups etc)
* Assist in the elaboration of forest communities perception of climate change and climate risks,
* Conduct surveys for the identification of indigenous and innovative coping strategies
* Assist in project monitoring and evaluation
* Assist with the preparation and publication of research results/reports;
* Assist in other research activities as required.
3. Qualifications and Competencies:
a. Technical Competencies:
* A relevant university degree, or equivalent qualifications and experience in forestry, ecology, environmental sciences, social sciences (sociology, anthropology, economics, etc).
* At least 2 years of relevant professional experience preferably in the Central African region, and multidisciplinary working environment;
* Familiarity with aid donor activities and processes is desirable;
* Excellent command in written and spoken English and French
* Strong computer skills in word processing and other relevant office applications software packages (i.e. MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access).
b. Personal Competencies:
* Ability to work with a high degree of autonomy and to take initiative and exercise good judgment;
* Competency in personal organization, priority setting and accuracy, with the ability to work effectively under time pressure and manage multiple priorities;
* Good interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to effectively interact with people in a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment and to be an effective team player;
* Creative, and flexible to respond to changing requirements.
Terms and Conditions:
* The Research Assistants of TroFCCA are National recruited positions, based in Yaounde Cameroon; Bangui Central African Republic, and Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo.
* CIFOR offers a competitive remuneration and will be commensurate with skills and experience.
* The appointment will be for a period of 2 years from the date of appointment (including 3 months probationary period), with a possibility of extension contingent upon performance, continued relevance of the position and available resources.
Letter of application and curriculum vitae should be submitted in both English and French (including names and full contact details of two or more professional referees) and sent by email not later than January 20, 2008 to:
CIFOR Central Africa Regional Office
C/O PO BOX 2008, Messa Yaoundé
Please indicate the position in the email subject.
To know more about the position, please go to CIFOR website:
CIFOR is an international and equal opportunity organization. We believe that diversity of our staff contributes to excellence, and we encourage applications from women and nationals from developing countries
Executive Assistant - Forests and Livelihoods Programme
Executive Assistant - Forests and Livelihoods Programme
(Based: Bogor, Indonesia)
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is an international research and global knowledge institution committed to conserving forests and improving the livelihoods of people in the tropics. With Headquarters in Bogor, Indonesia and offices in Asia, Africa and South America, CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
Executive Assistant - Forests and Livelihoods Programme
(Based: Bogor, Indonesia)
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is an international research and global knowledge institution committed to conserving forests and improving the livelihoods of people in the tropics. With Headquarters in Bogor, Indonesia and offices in Asia, Africa and South America, CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
The Executive Assistant will work very closely with the Director of the program, and will also work with Scientists in Bogor and in various locations globally.
Duties and Reponsibilities:
* Assisting the Director and Scientists meet deadlines for proposals and reports, through planning for the deadlines, facilitating the inputs from various parties and compiling the documents.
* Managing the individual performance management system, to ensure timely inputs from Scientists and their peers
* Managing the program performance assessment process, including working with Scientists to ensure that their inputs are complete.
* Dealing with the daily flow of emails – including responding, prioritisation for the Director and re-direction
* Managing the in-house publications from the program, including making an annual plan, ensuring review, and preparing, with Scientists inputs, popular communication products (e.g. policy briefs, brochures, media releases) for events and policy processes. This work requires close liaison with the Communications specialists at CIFOR.
* Planning and conducting events (including in-house workshops and meetings, policy dialogues, symposia and project meetings)
* Supervising the program secretaries
Position Requirements:
* Being very organised to cope with the multiple partners, donors and deadlines; and able to effectively interact with people at all levels in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment;
* Has initiative and good in multi-tasking;
* Being able to plan and conduct events;
* Ability to communicate fluently in English (as almost all business is conducted with partners, donors and Scientists in English); knowledge of French would be an advantage;
* Computer literate, including spreadsheets.
Terms of Employment:
* The position is based in Bogor, Indonesia.
* Commencing in 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the suitable candidates are identified. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview in Bogor, Indonesia. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to the following addresses:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
(Based: Bogor, Indonesia)
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is an international research and global knowledge institution committed to conserving forests and improving the livelihoods of people in the tropics. With Headquarters in Bogor, Indonesia and offices in Asia, Africa and South America, CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
Executive Assistant - Forests and Livelihoods Programme
(Based: Bogor, Indonesia)
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is an international research and global knowledge institution committed to conserving forests and improving the livelihoods of people in the tropics. With Headquarters in Bogor, Indonesia and offices in Asia, Africa and South America, CIFOR works in over 30 countries worldwide and has links with researchers in 50 international, regional and national organizations. CIFOR is a member of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).
The Executive Assistant will work very closely with the Director of the program, and will also work with Scientists in Bogor and in various locations globally.
Duties and Reponsibilities:
* Assisting the Director and Scientists meet deadlines for proposals and reports, through planning for the deadlines, facilitating the inputs from various parties and compiling the documents.
* Managing the individual performance management system, to ensure timely inputs from Scientists and their peers
* Managing the program performance assessment process, including working with Scientists to ensure that their inputs are complete.
* Dealing with the daily flow of emails – including responding, prioritisation for the Director and re-direction
* Managing the in-house publications from the program, including making an annual plan, ensuring review, and preparing, with Scientists inputs, popular communication products (e.g. policy briefs, brochures, media releases) for events and policy processes. This work requires close liaison with the Communications specialists at CIFOR.
* Planning and conducting events (including in-house workshops and meetings, policy dialogues, symposia and project meetings)
* Supervising the program secretaries
Position Requirements:
* Being very organised to cope with the multiple partners, donors and deadlines; and able to effectively interact with people at all levels in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment;
* Has initiative and good in multi-tasking;
* Being able to plan and conduct events;
* Ability to communicate fluently in English (as almost all business is conducted with partners, donors and Scientists in English); knowledge of French would be an advantage;
* Computer literate, including spreadsheets.
Terms of Employment:
* The position is based in Bogor, Indonesia.
* Commencing in 2008.
Application Process:
Applications will be accepted until the suitable candidates are identified. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview in Bogor, Indonesia. All correspondence will be held in confidence. Letter of interest and CV should be sent to the following addresses:
Human Resources Department, CIFOR
(Please indicate the position in the email subject line)
May 7, 2008
various job at BOSF
Sebuah organisasi non pemerintah yang berlokasi di Provinsi Kalimantan
Timur dalam rencana pengembangan program rehabilitasi lahan,
konservasi kawasan, perlindungan dan penyelamatan satwa membutuhkan
segera tenaga-tenaga profesional yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap
pelestarian alam dan lingkungan untuk beberapa posisi :
Managerial Level:
A. Assisten Manager Konservasi Kawasan (AMK)
B. Assisten Manajer Kerjasama Pengembangan Program (AMKP)
C. Assisten Manager Offfice/Kantor (AMO)
KoOrdinator Level:
D. Koordinator Penataan Areal, Database dan Litbang (KPL)
E. Koordinator Pembangunan Tanaman (KPT)
F. Koordinator Logistik dan Nutrisi Satwa (KLN)
G. Koordinator Administrasi dan Umum (KAU)
H. Koordinator Sumber Daya Manusia (KSDM)
I. Koordinator Keuangan (KK)
J Senior Sekertaris Program (SSP)
Staff Level:
K. Staff Komunikasi dan Pendidikan (SKP)
L. Staff Desain Grafis (SDG)
M. Staff Pembelian dan Pengadaan (SPP)
N. Staff Persediaan dan Stock (SPS)
O. Staff Administrasi dan Asset (SAA)
P. Staff Training Program (STP)
Q. Staff Litbang Penanganan Satwa (SLS)
R. Staff Litbang Pembangunan Tanaman (SLP)
Teknisi Level:
S. Security Lapangan (SL)
T. Teknisi Perawatan Satwa (TPS)
U. Teknisi Lapangan (TL)
V. Teknisi Perawatan Bangunan/Aset (TPB)
W. Driver/Sopir (DRI)
Persyaratan khusus:
• A, B, C – Pendidikan min. Sarjana sesuai bidang dibutuhkan dengan
pengalaman kerja min. 5 tahun, memiliki kemampuan menyusun desain
program dan standar operasi prosedur, pengendalian dan evaluasi hasil
kerja, pendampingan dan pelatihan staff, bekerjasama dengan berbagai
stakeholders, berbahasa Inggris aktif, kemampuan mengoperasikan
computer dan lebih diutamakan pernah bekerja untuk program Lembaga
• D, E, F, G, H, I – Pendidikan min. Sarjana sesuai bidang dibutuhkan
dengan pengalaman kerja min. 3 tahun, memiliki kemampuan menyusun
anggaran dan rencana kerja, mengkoordinir pelaksanaan program,
supervisi dan pengawasan staff, penyusunan laporan kerja, memahami
bahasa Inggris, dan kemampuan mengoperasikan computer.
• J – Pendidikan min. Sarjana dengan pengalaman kerja min. 5 tahun,
memiliki kemampuan kesekretariatan dan administrasi project, translate
berbagai tulisan dari dan ke bahasa Inggris, mengedit project proposal
dan pelaporan ke lembaga Donor, berbahasa Inggris aktif dan kemampuan
mengoperasikan computer.
• K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R – Pendidikan min. Diploma sesuai dengan
bidang dibutuhkan dengan pengalaman kerja min. 2 tahun, diutamakan
mampu mengoperasikan computer dan pernah bekerja di sektor
Kehutanan/Pertanian/Lingkungan Hidup.
• S, T, U, V, W – Pendidikan min. SMU atau sederajat, diutamakan
memiliki pengalaman kerja lebih dari 2 tahun dibidangnya, dan pernah
bekerja di sektor Kehutanan/Pertanian/ Lingkungan Hidup.
Persyaratan umum:
• Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi kerja organisasi
• Mampu bekerja independent maupun secara team
• Kreatif, enerjik dan memiliki motivasi kerja tinggi
• Normal dan berbadan sehat
• Jujur, berdedikasi dan loyal
Apabila anda berminat dan memiliki kemampuan sesuai kriteria diatas,
kirimkan surat lamaran dengan dilampirkan CV/Bio Data, ijazah
terakhir, sertifikat sesuai bidang terkait, pasfoto ukuran 4x6 cm,
gaji/salary yang diharapkan dan cantumkan kode posisi yang sesuai pada
sudut kiri amplop, selambat-lambatnya tanggal 14 Mei 2008, melalui
Email : atau :
Alamat : Regional Manager, PO. BOX 500/BPP. Hanya pelamar yang
memenuhi syarat yang akan melalui proses seleksi.
Sebuah organisasi non pemerintah yang berlokasi di Provinsi Kalimantan
Timur dalam rencana pengembangan program rehabilitasi lahan,
konservasi kawasan, perlindungan dan penyelamatan satwa membutuhkan
segera tenaga-tenaga profesional yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap
pelestarian alam dan lingkungan untuk beberapa posisi :
Managerial Level:
A. Assisten Manager Konservasi Kawasan (AMK)
B. Assisten Manajer Kerjasama Pengembangan Program (AMKP)
C. Assisten Manager Offfice/Kantor (AMO)
KoOrdinator Level:
D. Koordinator Penataan Areal, Database dan Litbang (KPL)
E. Koordinator Pembangunan Tanaman (KPT)
F. Koordinator Logistik dan Nutrisi Satwa (KLN)
G. Koordinator Administrasi dan Umum (KAU)
H. Koordinator Sumber Daya Manusia (KSDM)
I. Koordinator Keuangan (KK)
J Senior Sekertaris Program (SSP)
Staff Level:
K. Staff Komunikasi dan Pendidikan (SKP)
L. Staff Desain Grafis (SDG)
M. Staff Pembelian dan Pengadaan (SPP)
N. Staff Persediaan dan Stock (SPS)
O. Staff Administrasi dan Asset (SAA)
P. Staff Training Program (STP)
Q. Staff Litbang Penanganan Satwa (SLS)
R. Staff Litbang Pembangunan Tanaman (SLP)
Teknisi Level:
S. Security Lapangan (SL)
T. Teknisi Perawatan Satwa (TPS)
U. Teknisi Lapangan (TL)
V. Teknisi Perawatan Bangunan/Aset (TPB)
W. Driver/Sopir (DRI)
Persyaratan khusus:
• A, B, C – Pendidikan min. Sarjana sesuai bidang dibutuhkan dengan
pengalaman kerja min. 5 tahun, memiliki kemampuan menyusun desain
program dan standar operasi prosedur, pengendalian dan evaluasi hasil
kerja, pendampingan dan pelatihan staff, bekerjasama dengan berbagai
stakeholders, berbahasa Inggris aktif, kemampuan mengoperasikan
computer dan lebih diutamakan pernah bekerja untuk program Lembaga
• D, E, F, G, H, I – Pendidikan min. Sarjana sesuai bidang dibutuhkan
dengan pengalaman kerja min. 3 tahun, memiliki kemampuan menyusun
anggaran dan rencana kerja, mengkoordinir pelaksanaan program,
supervisi dan pengawasan staff, penyusunan laporan kerja, memahami
bahasa Inggris, dan kemampuan mengoperasikan computer.
• J – Pendidikan min. Sarjana dengan pengalaman kerja min. 5 tahun,
memiliki kemampuan kesekretariatan dan administrasi project, translate
berbagai tulisan dari dan ke bahasa Inggris, mengedit project proposal
dan pelaporan ke lembaga Donor, berbahasa Inggris aktif dan kemampuan
mengoperasikan computer.
• K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R – Pendidikan min. Diploma sesuai dengan
bidang dibutuhkan dengan pengalaman kerja min. 2 tahun, diutamakan
mampu mengoperasikan computer dan pernah bekerja di sektor
Kehutanan/Pertanian/Lingkungan Hidup.
• S, T, U, V, W – Pendidikan min. SMU atau sederajat, diutamakan
memiliki pengalaman kerja lebih dari 2 tahun dibidangnya, dan pernah
bekerja di sektor Kehutanan/Pertanian/ Lingkungan Hidup.
Persyaratan umum:
• Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi kerja organisasi
• Mampu bekerja independent maupun secara team
• Kreatif, enerjik dan memiliki motivasi kerja tinggi
• Normal dan berbadan sehat
• Jujur, berdedikasi dan loyal
Apabila anda berminat dan memiliki kemampuan sesuai kriteria diatas,
kirimkan surat lamaran dengan dilampirkan CV/Bio Data, ijazah
terakhir, sertifikat sesuai bidang terkait, pasfoto ukuran 4x6 cm,
gaji/salary yang diharapkan dan cantumkan kode posisi yang sesuai pada
sudut kiri amplop, selambat-lambatnya tanggal 14 Mei 2008, melalui
Email :
Alamat : Regional Manager, PO. BOX 500/BPP. Hanya pelamar yang
memenuhi syarat yang akan melalui proses seleksi.
WWF Indonesia - Communication and Marketing Manager Coral Triangle Network Initiative (CTNI) Program
JOB: WWF Indonesia - Communication and Marketing Manager Coral Triangle Network Initiative (CTNI) Program
The Coral Triangle Initiative of WWF urgently seeks a highly qualified candidate for the position of :
Communications & Marketing Manager Coral Triangle Network Initiative (CTNI) Program.
This position will be based preferably in a Coral Triangle based WWF National Office, or Programme Office (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, PNG, Solomons, Fiji) and report to the CTNI Leader. Nationals from Coral Triangle countries have an advantage.
The Position Description/Terms of Reference (TOR) is attached which explains the nature & detailed description of the position.
Interested candidates should send an application with covering letter, CV and statement addressing the selection criteria via e-mail to:
Made Putri Karidewi
Closing date for this application is Wednesday, May 14, 2008.
TOR: TOR Comms Manager CTNI
The Coral Triangle Initiative of WWF urgently seeks a highly qualified candidate for the position of :
Communications & Marketing Manager Coral Triangle Network Initiative (CTNI) Program.
This position will be based preferably in a Coral Triangle based WWF National Office, or Programme Office (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, PNG, Solomons, Fiji) and report to the CTNI Leader. Nationals from Coral Triangle countries have an advantage.
The Position Description/Terms of Reference (TOR) is attached which explains the nature & detailed description of the position.
Interested candidates should send an application with covering letter, CV and statement addressing the selection criteria via e-mail to:
Made Putri Karidewi
Closing date for this application is Wednesday, May 14, 2008.
TOR: TOR Comms Manager CTNI
Program Officer untuk Penyelenggaraan TLAS - DKN
DKN membuka rekrutmen untuk posisi Kepala pada Pusat Pelayanan (Resource Center Desk), Program Officer untuk Mediasi Resolusi Konflik, dan Program Officer untuk Pelayanan Kelembagaan TLAS. TOR untuk masing-masing jabatan terlampir. Aplikasi ke dan
Draft terms of references
Posisi: Program Officer untuk Penyelenggaraan TLAS
Durasi : satu tahun, dapat diperpanjang
Penempatan : Jakarta
Bertanggung jawab kepada: Kepala Pusat Layanan
Koordinator Administrasi: Office Manager
Tingkat Jabatan: 3
1. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan menyusun rencana kerja Pusat Layanan tahunan dan bulanan sesuai dengan arahan National Steering Committee untuk pelembagaan TLAS
2. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan menyusun rencana keuangan Pusat Layanan tahunan dan bulanan
3. Dengan arahan Kepala Pusat Layanan menyiapkan logistik untuk kepentingan Tim Ad-hoc Pelayanan Kelembagaan TLAS
4. Mengadministrasi laporan-laporan tindakan terhadap permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
5. Melaksanakan pelayanan Tim Ad-hoc untuk permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
6. Melakukan administrasi keuangan yang berkenaan dengan operasional tim Ad-hoc pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
7. Mewakili Kepala Meja Pusat Layanan mengikuti pertemuan-pertemuan dengan para pihak berkenaan dengan pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
8. Dengan arahan Kepala Pusat Layanan menyiapkan pertemuan-pertemuan yang berkenaan dengan pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
9. Dengan arahan Kepala Pusat Layanan melakukan pencatatan (notulensi) dan perekaman gambar dan atau suara pada pertemuan-pertemuan pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
10. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan menyelesaikan permasalahan operasional proses pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
11. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan mengelola system informasi dalam pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
12. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan menyiapkan Laporan bulanan dan tahunan pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
1. Pendidikan S1 kehutanan dengan pengalaman di bidang pengurusan atau pengelolaan hutan minimal 2 tahun
2. Mempunyai kapasitas komunikasi/networking, fasilitasi kelompok, penguasaan hukum dan peraturan terutama mengenai pemanfaatan hutan dan hasil hutan, kemampuan menyelenggarakan dan mengelola pertemuan.
3. Mempunyai pemahaman yang cukup mengenai TLAS dan pelayanan kelembagaannya
4. Mempunyai kemampuan pelaporan
5. Berbahasa Inggris aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan
Draft terms of references
Posisi: Program Officer untuk Penyelenggaraan TLAS
Durasi : satu tahun, dapat diperpanjang
Penempatan : Jakarta
Bertanggung jawab kepada: Kepala Pusat Layanan
Koordinator Administrasi: Office Manager
Tingkat Jabatan: 3
1. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan menyusun rencana kerja Pusat Layanan tahunan dan bulanan sesuai dengan arahan National Steering Committee untuk pelembagaan TLAS
2. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan menyusun rencana keuangan Pusat Layanan tahunan dan bulanan
3. Dengan arahan Kepala Pusat Layanan menyiapkan logistik untuk kepentingan Tim Ad-hoc Pelayanan Kelembagaan TLAS
4. Mengadministrasi laporan-laporan tindakan terhadap permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
5. Melaksanakan pelayanan Tim Ad-hoc untuk permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
6. Melakukan administrasi keuangan yang berkenaan dengan operasional tim Ad-hoc pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
7. Mewakili Kepala Meja Pusat Layanan mengikuti pertemuan-pertemuan dengan para pihak berkenaan dengan pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
8. Dengan arahan Kepala Pusat Layanan menyiapkan pertemuan-pertemuan yang berkenaan dengan pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
9. Dengan arahan Kepala Pusat Layanan melakukan pencatatan (notulensi) dan perekaman gambar dan atau suara pada pertemuan-pertemuan pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
10. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan menyelesaikan permasalahan operasional proses pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
11. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan mengelola system informasi dalam pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
12. Membantu Kepala Pusat Layanan menyiapkan Laporan bulanan dan tahunan pelayanan permasalahan penyelenggaraan TLAS
1. Pendidikan S1 kehutanan dengan pengalaman di bidang pengurusan atau pengelolaan hutan minimal 2 tahun
2. Mempunyai kapasitas komunikasi/networking, fasilitasi kelompok, penguasaan hukum dan peraturan terutama mengenai pemanfaatan hutan dan hasil hutan, kemampuan menyelenggarakan dan mengelola pertemuan.
3. Mempunyai pemahaman yang cukup mengenai TLAS dan pelayanan kelembagaannya
4. Mempunyai kemampuan pelaporan
5. Berbahasa Inggris aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan
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