Oct 31, 2008

staf peneliti - PIRAC

Dibutuhkan Segera

PIRAC (Public Interest Research and advocacy Center), Sebuah LSM yang bergerak dalam bidang filantropi, resource mobilization dan pengembangan kapasitas Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (OMS) mencari beberapa staf peneliti dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Berusia maksimal 35 tahun
Berpendidikan minimal S1 dari berbagai disiplin ilmu
Menguasai metode penelitian (kuantitatif dan kualitatif)
Memiliki pengalaman dan keterampilan dalam merancang dan melakukan penelitian, termasuk riset pasar (marketing research)
Memiliki kemampuan/keterampilan menulis
Bisa berbahasa Inggris (aktif dan pasif)
Terampil menggunakan komputer (Word, Excel,dll.)
Memiliki pengalaman organisasi
Berminat untuk mengembangkan riset-riset aplikatif untuk pengembangan filantropi, resource mobilization dan sektor nirlaba
Kepada pelamar diminta untuk mengirimkan surat lamaran yang dilampiri CV via pos atau e-mail paling lambat 3 November 2008 dan ditujukan kepada:

Direktur PIRAC

d/a. Jl. M. Ali No.2 Tanah Baru,

Kecamatan Beji, Depok

Email: pirac@cbn.net.id

Informasi seputar profil organisasi dan kegiatan PIRAC bisa diakses di www.pirac.org

Conflict and Development Specialist (CDS) for Bappenas-World Bank PCF

Conflict and Development Specialist (CDS) for Bappenas-World Bank PCF
Grant: "Supporting Post-Conflict Development in Indonesia"

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Duration: 150 days short-term consultant (World Bank) The World Bank's Conflict and Development program—working with the Government of Indonesia's National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), regional governments, and civil society—will implement the Supporting Post-Conflict Development in Indonesia program. The program aims to support peacebuilding efforts in Indonesia, while establishing and testing response models for supporting violence-free development in middle incomes states.

To facilitate the policy-related aims of the program, the World Bank plans to hire an Indonesian national as a Conflict and Development Specialist (CDS). The CDS will assist Bappenas in managing inputs to support policy and program formulation, and will ensure close coordination between research and policy activities. The consultant will be based in the Bappenas office, and will coordinate between and work closely with Bappenas and the World Bank's Conflict and Development team.

Desirable qualifications for the CDS include: a postgraduate degree in a social (and political) science (preferably to Masters level); experience working on conflict and development issues in Indonesia; experience working closely with government on development issues; excellent Indonesian writing skills; and fluent English preferred.

The terms of reference for the position is attached.

Applications should be sent by email to Ambar Mawardi (amawardi@wboj.or.id), copying Sri Kusumastuti Rahayu (skusumastuti@wboj.or.id) and Dave McRae (dmcrae@wboj.or.id) by close of day Wednesday, November 5, 2008. Applications should consist of a CV (in English) and a short cover statement. Only applicants who are selected for an interview will be contacted.

International Consultant - UNDP

Post Title: International Consultant
Type of Contract: SSA
Starting Date: Mid-January 2009 (TBD)
Duration: 30 consultancy days, including 2 missions
Location: Chisinau, Moldova

Project: Moldova 2009 National Human Development Report “Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova and Policy Options to Adapt”

I. Background
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the world’s environment, society and economy today. Its impact can already be seen across the globe, and Moldova will not be immune. As climate change impacts are inevitable, the need to adapt to the changing climate becomes more pressing, not just in the way we live, but in the way we do development. In response to this challenge, the 2009 National Human Development Report (NHDR) is dedicated to the climate change from human development perspective. Moldova, in the context of NHDR, will develop a detailed account of the socio-economic policy implications of climate change in the country. The main purpose of this activity is to support the national policy dialogue on the socio-economic implications of climate change and policy options at the national level.

Moldova is highly prone to climate-related natural disasters such as droughts, floods and hail. The socio-economic costs of hazard damage in Moldova are significant, constituting 5-15% of GDP. The catastrophic drought of 2007 and the 2008 summer floods are a manifestation of an overall trend of current climatic conditions in a country with high incident of rural poverty and heavy reliance on the productive systems, such as agriculture, sensitive to climate variability and long term change.

With the support of UNDP and UN agencies in Moldova, the National Human Development Report will address the key issues of poverty, socio-economic welfare, gender, and migration, with particular emphasis on climate related risks to rural economies and local livelihoods. This fully responds to the UN’s efforts to effectively mitigate devastating impact of recent natural disasters in Moldova and avert its short and long term implications on human development.

The study on Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova and Policy Options to Adapt, as an integral and key substantive part of the 2009 NHDR (the other part being the calculation and interpretation of human development indices), has to demonstrate, through rigorous economic analysis, that climate change is of critical importance to the short-, medium- and long-term development priorities of Moldova. To that end, the study will produce a nationally-owned, credible and widely disseminated analysis of the impact of climate change on the economy as a whole and on selected sectors important to the national development, both at national and sub-national level.

The purpose of the project would be to provide evidence and analysis on the economics of climate change that is specific to Moldova. The study will contribute to a more detailed understanding of the costs of climate change impacts in the absence of adaptation policies and measures at the national level, with particular focus on the priority sectors subject to the anticipated impacts. The project aims to provide economic analysis for decision-makers that need to manage the impacts of climate change by minimizing negative impacts and maximizing any beneficial opportunities. Therefore, the project aims to provide policy recommendations for the Moldovan government for implementation of adaptation measures that will benefit the human development of the country.

II. Organizational Setting

The International Consultant will work under the overall supervision of Country Office management and direct supervision of the UNDP Portfolio Manger, in close cooperation with a local expert team (think-tank). After the local expert team is identified (tentatively by December 2008), the International Consultant will assume the leading role for the analytical part of the 2009 NHDR - the report on Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova and Policy Options to Adapt. He/she will provide oversight, guidance and leadership, as well as substantive inputs based on regional/global experience and lessons learnt. The local expert team will join efforts with the International Consultant and will be contributing with collecting and analyzing Moldova-specific data (social, economic, demographic, environmental, etc.). The local expert team shall also be responsible for the human development indices part of NHDR.

Technical (substantive) support will be provided by the UNDP Regional Technical Advisor and Headquarters on costing methodologies, climate change information, review and comments on draft reports.

Logistical support will be provided by the local expert team.

III. Time-frame

The contract is provided for a total of 30 consultancy days which, upon further consultations, will be
The assignment is expected to start in mid-January 2009, and continue through September 2009 (tentatively), when the NHDR final draft is expected to be circulated for review, discussions and approval. The specific sequencing and time-frame of activities will be established once both the International Consultant and the local expert team are identified.

IV. Responsibilities
The International Consultant will be responsible for conducting the study and its timely submission of the analytical report on Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova and Policy Options to Adapt.
The study will be carried out in two phases. Phase I is a scoping exercise, gathering information on climate change in Moldova and building consensus on priority issues, as well as defining the scope of work, in consultation with national expert team and stakeholders. This phase will also identify the composition of expert team, roles, responsibilities and timeframes for expert inputs. Phase II is a detailed analysis, reporting and awareness raising on the subject matter.

Phase I: Initial scoping exercise and consultation with key stakeholders.

This exercise would determine the disaggregated level of country data and analysis in relation to the impacts of climate change and assessment of the costs of adaptation policy options.

• Desk review of climate change initiatives, activities, research and existing capacities in Moldova and in the region that has relevance and identifies current adaptive capacity in the country.
• Comprehensive stakeholder analysis in the key sectors.
• Review of current vulnerability and risk assessments available in Moldova; Identification of gaps in assessing the impact of climate change nationally; addressing the gaps as much as the scope of the study requires.
• Conduct consultations with the stakeholders on the methodology and content of the study, based on national priorities.
• Identify required composition of expert team.
• Brief the National counterparts (e.g. Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Ministry of Economy and Trade, etc.) and UNDP, as well as other cooperating partners on the results of the Phase I.

Phase II: Cost - benefit analysis of climate change and adaptation.
Use existing and develop new analysis to assess impacts and costs of climate change in Moldova, including the following:

1. Compile a range of climate change scenarios for Moldova, based on various emissions projections (IPCC), to determine potential negative changes in the biophysical systems that can be expected due to climate change in Moldova.
2. Examine the impact of these scenarios on Moldova’s economic growth and development objectives, including distributional impact on the poorest.
3. Determine the extent to which climate has changed (climatology, hydrology, 10-15 years behind), including the evidence of extreme weather events, scale and associated costs of damages caused due to historical climate, on the basis of existing data, or extrapolate them from global/general projections.
4. Identify the most vulnerable sectors of economy as well as geographic areas subject to climate change impacts (stemming from the current structure of economy in Moldova a predetermined emphasis will be placed on Agriculture).
5. Identify one or two key sectors on which the success of the mid-term (2008-2015) and long-term development plans depend, in order to demonstrate social and/or economic impacts of climate change.
6. Investigate the economic, social and environmental consequences of climate change in Moldova, especially in monetary terms/costing, taking into account the risks of increased climate variability and major irreversible impacts.
7. Quantify, as far as possible, the adaptation costs expected at different levels of global climate change scenarios, including taking no action (i.e. business as usual) scenarios;
8. Draft Policy recommendations based on the above analysis and provide recommendations on choices relevant to Moldova’s development objectives. Issues to be addressed include:
• What is the “order of magnitude” for climate risks and the net economic costs of climate change impacts?
• What is the menu of “no-regret/low-regret” adaptation options for Moldova or win-win measures?
• What is the estimate of net benefits of adaptation options to specific climate change impacts for the purpose of choosing between different options?
• How can international financial flows further support adaptation to already observed climate change and enhance climate-resilient development paths?
• How can public and private capital be leveraged / enhanced to support efforts to both adapt to climate change and enhance climate-resilient development paths?
• How can these opportunities be utilized to help meet Moldova’s stated objectives within human development?

V. Expected outputs (deliverables)
The key product expected is the comprehensive analytical report that should comprise the following:
 Executive summary;
 Introduction;
 Review of existing research and available data on climate change impact;
 Description of the assessment methodology;
 Situation analysis with regard to socio-economic impacts of climate change on priority sectors/issues (with particular emphasis on agriculture and rural livelihood economies);
 Review the cost of adaptation options through ranging them (no regret, no cost, low cost; etc.), determine the options for change in policies and business practices that would help to better adapt to climate change in Moldova;
 Recommendations on adaptation measures.

The analytical report, presented by the International Consultant, is expected to be in line with the key basic principles that govern the NHDR process, including:
- national ownership (through involvement of key relevant stakeholders and the development of national capacities of those who contribute to the compilation of the report);
- independence of analysis;
- quality of analysis;
- participatory and inclusive preparation;
- flexibility and creativity in presentation (clear and user-friendly manner); and
- clear options for sustained follow-up, including explicit dissemination strategies.

VI. Qualifications and Experience
 Advanced university degree (Master's or PhD level) in environmental economics or other related field;
 At least 7 years of work experience in the field of sustainable environment and good environmental governance, sound knowledge on climate change;
 Experience in conducting research/analytical studies combined with capacity development efforts;
 Affiliation with recognized international think-tanks, applied research institutes and/or universities is expected;
 Demonstrated skills in drafting reports, knowledge and competencies/experience in policy analysis, capacity development and mainstreaming issues such as climate proofing, human rights and gender;
 Experience with a UN organization is an asset;
 Strong interpersonal and communication skills, ability to work effectively with stakeholders with different backgrounds, including government officials and civil society;
 Strong skills in the use of computers for word processing, spreadsheets, database statistical data analysis and internet-based communication tools;
 Fluency in both written and spoken English is mandatory, knowledge of Russian or Romanian would be considered an asset.

Interested persons should submit their applications, consisting of a duly completed Personal History Form (P11, attached below), detailed CV, Cover Letter and a Financial Proposal (fee per day) for carrying out the tasks, with the mark: "International Consultant on Socio-Economic Impact of Climate Change in Moldova" by 31 October 2008, 17:30 (local time) to the following address: UNDP Office, 131, 31 August Str., MD 2012, Chisinau Moldova, or alternatively by email to vacancies-moldova@undp.org
Only those short-listed will be contacted.
Failure of candidates to submit a duly completed P11 form, as well as false representations on this form, shall constitute sufficient grounds for withdrawal of further consideration of the application. All information provided in the P11 form will be treated as strictly confidential.

Analyst International Climate Policy-NEAA

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency analyses spatial and social developments in an (inter)national context, which are important to the human, plant and animal environment. The agency conducts scientific assessments and policy evaluations, relevant to strategic government policy. These assessments and evaluations are produced both on request and at the agency's own initiative.

The Global Sustainability and Climate Team (KMD) explores and assesses all aspects of national energy and climate policy in the context of sustainability. KMD supports the Dutch government in positioning itself in international climate policy on the European and global scale. KMD uses models to analyse global sustainability issues; these models are often geared to the European Union and broader international agencies, such as the UN Environment Programme, the World Bank and the OECD.

KMD is currently looking for an:

Analyst International Climate Policy

The next two years will be crucial for formulating and setting the global and European climate policies for the period following 2012. This is partly due to the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen as part of the UN climate negotiations, which will take place at the end of 2009. Quantitative cost analyses, long-term policy strategies and possible reduction measures, all play an important and supporting role for setting these policies. As a result of an assignment, given to us by the European Commission, we are looking for the right person to contribute to these analyses.

Your profile
You are academically educated (natural and environmental sciences, economy) and you are able to contribute to the analyses of global climate policies, by using existing computer models. You will need some years of proven experience in working with mathematical models and conducting quantitative analyses, preferably in the fields of energy and climate mitigation. Interaction with other research institutes and European policymakers will be part of your work. In addition, it is important that you have good editorial and communicative skills, and that you are able to work in a team.

Our offer
We offer a gross salary, depending on education level and experience, of up to € 4.294,82 a month (BBRA scale 11), on a full-time basis (36-hour week), excluding 8% holiday pay. It concerns a temporary position for the duration of 1,5 years.

More Information
For more information please contact:
Mirjam Harmelink
M: +31 6 42342483

Your Response
If you recognize yourself in this profile please send an application letter and CV in English to post@harmelinkconsulting.com before the 28th of October.

nternational Fellow/Senior International Fellow Pew Center on Global Climate Change,

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT – International Fellow/Senior International Fellow Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Arlington, Virginia, USA The Pew Center on Global Climate Change seeks a highly qualified and committed individual to work with the International team on policy analysis and outreach. Starting Date: November/December

Responsibilities Include: • Research and analyze international climate policy issues • Closely monitor and help develop input to UNFCCC negotiations • Establish and maintain relations with representatives of governments, institutions, and stakeholders engaged in international climate policy • Manage reports and other projects commissioned by the Pew Center • Coordinate planning and logistics for workshops, briefings, and other events • Conduct outreach at international climate negotiations and other meetings and conferences • Monitor climate policy developments outside the U.S. • Assist with administrative tasks as needed Qualifications: • Advanced degree in environmental policy, international relations, energy/resources or related field • Strong analytical, quantitative, writing, and editing skills • Strong familiarity with UNFCCC process and current negotiating issues • Interdisciplinary understanding of the climate change issue (technology, politics, economics) • Expertise on energy and climate policy in China and other developing countries a strong plus • Attention to detail • Willingness to pitch in at all levels • Willingness to travel • English fluency; other languages a strong plus Compensation: Competitive salary commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits. Status: Full-time, regular, exempt Application Deadline: Oct 27 About the Pew Center on Global Climate Change: The Pew Center is an independent, non-profit, and non-partisan organization established in 1998 o provide credible information, straight answers, and innovative solutions in the effort to address global climate change. The Center strives to inform the debate by publishing reports in the areas of domestic and international policy, economics, environmental impacts, and practical solutions relating to climate change. To facilitate dialogue among business, government, and non-governmental organizations, the Center hosts conferences and workshops on climate-relevant topics. Pew Center staff participate in meetings on international climate change issues, including the ongoing negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The Center’s Business Environmental Leadership Council (BELC), comprised of major companies in diverse sectors with combined annual revenues in excess of $2.8 trillion and more than 3.8 million employees worldwide, demonstrates leadership in addressing the challenge of global climate change by assessing opportunities for emissions reductions, establishing and meeting emissions reduction objectives, and investing in new, more efficient products, practices and technologies. For more information about the Pew Center visit www.pewclimate.org. For more information about the Pew Center visit www.pewclimate.org. Send resume and cover letter to: Human Resources Office Attn: International Fellow Pew Center on Global Climate Change 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 550 Arlington, VA 22201 Fax: 703-8141-1422 Email: hr@pewclimate.org

Post-doctoral position in the research area "The Environment and Natural Resources"

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy seeks candidates for a
Post-doctoral position
in the research area "The Environment and Natural Resources"
Applicants interested in the activities of the research area (see our homepage) should have (or close to
completion) a Ph.D. degree in economics or a related field. Candidates should be fluent in English, have
an outstanding academic record and show the potential for excellence in research.
We expect the candidate to have a strong quantitative background and interest in applied modelling.

position’s primary focus will be on the application of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models to
issues related to climate policy and climate change. Thus, knowledge of CGE modelling - though not
required - is of advantage. In addition, there will be room to follow individual research interests within the
foci of the research area.
Being internationally renowned in research and policy consulting, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy
provides excellent support to potential candidates who are interested in developing their career in
research and teaching.
The position is initially for two years but may subsequently be extended. Salary is determined according to
the salary scheme of the German public sector (max EG14 TV-L, depending on the candidate’s
qualification). Part-time employment is possible.
This call remains open until we are able to fill the position. Applicants should submit a letter of interest,
curriculum vitae, relevant publications and 2 letters of recommendation to: (We encourage applications
via e-mail)
Angela Husfeld
Institut für Weltwirtschaft
an der Universität Kiel
24100 Kiel, Germany
The Kiel institute is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
For further information, please contact Dr. Sonja Peterson (mail: sonja.peterson@ifw-kiel.de, tel: +49-
Please visit our homepage at: http://www.ifw-kiel.de/research/the-environment-and-natural-resources

GHG Project Analyst

GHG Project Analyst
The Advisory and Research arm of Natsource is currently looking for a research analyst to assist in delivery risk
assessments of project‐based GHG reduction, in particular within the Flexible Mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol
(Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation).

The position involves monitoring of regulatory
developments, evaluation of GHG mitigation projects; GHG emission reduction calculations; GHG technology and
methodology analysis; monitoring and assistance of projects through the regulatory cycle; liaising with internal
clients and project proponents/representatives; and development of assessment reports and analytical research
products. The analyst would be located in Ottawa, Canada (London, UK, is also an option).
The ideal candidate has familiarity with and interest in climate change mitigation technologies, the CDM/JI
process, the fundamentals of project‐ or facility‐based GHG emission reductions, the carbon market, and UNFCCC
regulatory developments. S/he preferably has a university degree in engineering, energy or environmental
technology, strong technical and/or scientific background, and at least 2 years of relevant experience. The
candidate should have demonstrated numeracy, excellent oral and written command of English, good working
knowledge of Microsoft office applications; as well as ability to constantly exercise sound judgment and work
under pressure. The ideal candidate has excellent interpersonal, organizational and analytical skills and the ability
to work both individually or as part of a team and to manage his/her own work effectively and prioritize tasks.
Language skills are an advantage, given the location of many projects in non‐English speaking countries.
Natsource is a leading global provider of asset management, origination and structuring and advisory and research
services in emissions and renewable energy markets. For more information about Natsource, please refer to our
website at www.natsource.com .
Should you be interested in this position, please send your resume to Rina Cerrato at rcerrato@natsource.ca.

licy analysts in EPA’s Program Integration Branch, Climate Change Division.

Openings in EPA’s Program Integration Branch
Climate Change Division, Office of Air & Radiation

EPA has two openings for policy analysts in EPA’s Program Integration Branch, Climate Change Division.

The Climate Change Division (CCD) is responsible for conducting economic analyses of the mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs); assessing long-term projections of climate change, including potential impacts to human health and the environment; coordinating domestic and international policies relating to climate change; and developing the official U.S. inventory of GHGs.

These positions are in the Program Integration Branch (PIB) within the Climate Change Division. The Program Integration Branch develops, formulates, and implements a variety of climate change programs, including coordination of the annual U.S. greenhouse gas emissions inventory, as well as undertaking policy analyses of a full range of issues related to climate change. The Branch serves as the principal point of contact in the Agency for greenhouse gas emissions inventory issues, use of market mechanisms for climate change both in the U.S. and other countries, and communication and outreach on climate change.

For additional information on EPA’s climate change activities, go to: www.epa.gov/climatechange

For these positions, the salary range is from GS-9 to GS-13 ($48,108 to $107,854), dependent upon qualifications.

This invitation for resumes is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to us. It is not an official job application process. All job openings will be announced in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s EZ-hire website (http://www.epa.gov/ezhire).

EPA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Selection for these positions will be based solely on merit without regard to race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status, or any other non-merit factors. U.S. citizenship is required.

If interested please, e-mail a cover letter and resume to the following address (email only):

Positions and Qualifications

The focus of the positions is to support policy and technical analyses of U.S. and international greenhouse gas policy issues and to support development of the U.S. greenhouse gas emissions inventory. The work may encompass providing analytic expertise for use in EPA regulatory programs (e.g., regulations requiring mandatory reporting of GHG emissions), providing policy analyses of legislative proposals (e.g., emission trading), analyzing issues associated with emissions inventories and offsets, policy analysis of international proposals, and serving as a contributing member of the team developing the U.S. greenhouse gas inventory that is submitted in fulfillment of treaty obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Applicants should be self-motivated analysts capable of contributing to the design and implementation of EPA’s climate change programs. Strong communication skills are necessary to facilitate interactions with other analysts, stakeholders, and contractors. Excellent writing skills are required to communicate the results of research and analysis. The applicants will be required to work in a team and multi-disciplinary setting.

Successful candidates must have a strong background in environmental and energy policy analysis and should be familiar with climate change science and policy. Ideal candidates should have an advanced degree in economics, engineering, public policy or a related discipline, with significant exposure to environmental and energy policy. Strong quantitative and analytical skills are preferred.

This position requires a strong commitment to environmental protection, excellent writing skills, a high energy level, and project management experience. Domestic and international travel may be required.

Openings in EPA’s Climate Economics Branch Climate Change Division, Office of Air & Radiation

Openings in EPA’s Climate Economics Branch
Climate Change Division, Office of Air & Radiation

EPA has two openings for Environmental/Energy Economists in EPA’s Climate Economics Branch, Climate Change Division.

The Climate Change Division (CCD) is responsible for conducting economic analyses of the mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs); assessing long-term projections of climate change, including potential impacts to human health and the environment; coordinating domestic and international policies relating to climate change; and developing the official U.S. inventory of GHGs.

These positions are in the Climate Economics Branch (CEB) within the Climate Change Division, which is responsible for conducting analyses of the economic effects of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and carbon sequestration, including areas such as capital turn-over and technological diffusion. The CEB develops strategies and analytical tools to address a variety of types of climate change policies and initiates economic research to advance the state of knowledge of climate change economics. The CEB is also responsible for developing and applying EPA’s economic models for GHG emission projections, conducting mitigation analysis, and assessing issues related to long-term scenarios of economic development, GHG emissions, and climate change. For additional information on the CEB, go to: www.epa.gov/climatechange/economics/index.html

For these positions, the salary range is from GS-9 to GS-13 ($48,108 to $107,854), dependent upon qualifications.

This invitation for resumes is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to us. It is not an official job application process. All job openings will be announced in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s EZ-hire website (http://www.epa.gov/ezhire).

EPA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Selection for these positions will be based solely on merit without regard to race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status, or any other non-merit factors. U.S. citizenship is required.

If interested please, e-mail a cover letter and resume to the following address (email only):

Economist Positions and Qualifications

The focus of the positions is to contribute to the analysis of the impact of GHG policies using a variety of economic models. Previous experience with or exposure to economic modeling is desired, particularly integrated assessment and computable general equilibrium modeling.

Applicants should be self-motivated analysts capable of contributing to the design of a research program that meets the analytical needs of the EPA. Strong communication skills are necessary to facilitate interactions with other economists, stakeholders, and contractors. Excellent writing skills are required to communicate the results of research and analysis. The applicants will be required to work in a team and multi-disciplinary setting.

Successful candidates must have a strong background in economics and quantitative analysis, and should be familiar with climate change science and policy. Ideal candidates should have an advanced degree in economics, engineering, public policy or a related discipline, with significant exposure to environmental and energy economics, and public policy. Strong quantitative and analytical skills such as mathematical economics, econometrics, and statistics are required.

This position requires a strong commitment to environmental protection, excellent writing skills, a high energy level, and project management experience. Domestic and international travel may be required.

Business Development Manager Brazil (Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo)

Business Development Manager
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo) | $3,000 per month
A pioneering technology and science based energy efficiency business has expanded to create the opportunity for a Business Development Manager to open up the business channels in Brazil.
My Client provides sophisticated computer software, unique in its capability to provide core weather and climate data, to companies working and investing in renewable energy.

Covering all weather driven renewables, wind, solar and hydro, this product is essential to maximise the commercial and globally essential generation of clean renewable energy.
Thriving in North America, my Client is globally expanding their portfolio providing the opportunity for a successful and hungry Business Development Manager to spearhead the operation. Based in either Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo you will levy off existing international clients establishing new business in Brazil.
Your business development responsibilities will include:
• Identifying potential clients for renewable energy forecasting and assessment products
• Establish contact and build credibility and successful relationships
• Develop, implement and follow through with sales strategies
• Work with partners to gather market intelligence to expand product sales
You will have gained skills and experience in the following:
• Proven pan Brazilian sales experience
• Ability to comprehend and communicate complex science and engineering concepts
• Outstanding communication skills
• Passion and conviction in renewable energies and the ability to convey this to others
• Ability to self manage
• A degree (or equivalent) in marketing, sales, or a physical science
This opportunity is an incredibly exciting development in the renewable clean energy sphere and requires an individual with belief and drive to deliver. Extensive travel throughout Brazil and often to the US will be necessary. You will be supported at the highest level and will benefit from close learning provided by the scientific department to ensure your understanding and confidence in the product.
For more information about this opportunity contact Beth Mitchell on +44 (0) 203 170 8034 or click here to apply.

ADB - CLimate change adaptation

Staff Consultant for Climate Change Adaptation
Terms of Reference
Program: Climate Change Adaptation
Assignment: Provide expert advices and technical support to the Pacific Department
(PARD) Climate Change Adaptation program
Position: Climate Change Adaptation Expert (Staff Consultant)
Duty station: ADB Headquarter, Manila, Philippines with travel to ADB’s Pacific
Developing Member Countries
Duration: 12 person-months, to be commenced as soon as possible (estimated
commencement date: mid November 2008)

Objective/Purpose of the Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to provide technical and administrative support to the Pacific
Department (PARD) Climate Change Adaptation program, particularly in mainstreaming and
incorporating climate change adaptation into PARD operation.
The Pacific Developing Member Countries (Pacific DMCs)1 are among the most environmentally
vulnerable nations in the world. Six of the Pacific DMCs are rated as facing extreme
environmental vulnerability, with a further three rated as highly vulnerable. ADB publication on
Climate Proofing: A Risk-based for Adaptation and Climate Risk Profile (CRP) of ten Pacific
DMCs highlight the increasing risks of the Pacific countries from climate change, particularly
due to change in rainfalls, temperature, wind gust, and sea level rise; this is further emphasized
by the ADB Midterm Review of the Pacific Strategy (2005-2009). A recent report by the World
Bank also presented similar conclusion. Sea surface temperatures have increased and these
changes are also linked in part to an increased frequency and intensity of El Niño events. Rates
of change are likely to increase in the future in terms of average and extreme conditions, and
increasing climate variability. The consequence is that the need for the Pacific countries to
adapt to the adverse effect of climate change.
In response to the increasing problems faced by the Pacific DMCs, PARD is in the effort of
mainstreaming climate change adaptation into country program, including ensuring that climate
change adaptation is adequately considered in all facets of economic development, and in
alignment with each DMCs’ Country Partnership Strategy (CPS),2 and climate proofing of
programs and projects those are climate sensitive. In addition, PARD (in cooperation with
Regional Sustainable Development Department of ADB [RSDD]) is preparing Climate Change
1 Pacific DMCs consist of: Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Palau, Papua
New Guinea (PNG), Samoa, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Timor Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu.
2 CPS is a document prepared by ADB in cooperation with the Government that describes cooperation and
partnership in program and project to be implemented within 4 years.
Implementation Plan (CCIP) for the Pacific countries that will further guide the implementation of
climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Pacific. The work is started in October, 2008
until 31 March 2009. The output of the work will be a Climate Change Implementation Plan for
the Pacific DMCs.
The ADB’s portfolio of adaptation actions is accelerating. This includes the recently established
Climate Change Fund (CCF), opportunities to undertake small adaptation projects (at pilot
scale) through available Small Grants for Adaptation (SGA) projects, and PARD RETAs on
Regional Partnership on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Preparedness. There is also
the need to coordination with other partners (multilateral, bilateral agencies, inter-governmental
organizations in the Pacific such as SPC, SPREP, SOPAC, nongovernmental organizations,
etc). As such, additional climate adaptation knowledge, technical capacity, and administrative
support is immediately required in-house to manage increasing internal demands, along with
external enquiries and project demands from ADB’s DMC stakeholders.
Scope of Works
The Staff Consultant will provide technical and administrative support to the overall PARD
climate change adaptation program, particularly in providing support for CCIP implementation in
each Pacific DMC, mainstreaming and incorporating climate change adaptation into PARD
operation; assist in climate proofing of program and projects (in coordination with the PPTA
consultants); develop knowledge product on climate change for training purposes, and
coordination with RSDD and other related institutions outside ADB in climate change adaptation
Detailed Tasks
The Consultant will work under the direction of Safeguards Specialist of PARD to undertake
specific tasks, but not limited to the following:
i. Provide support to PARD overall program on climate change adaptation, including
support the work of CCIP consultant (to be engaged during October, 2008 to March,
2009) in undertaking climate risk assessment in 14 Pacific DMCs, prepare sector
strategy and adaptation program, and formulate necessary actions for CCIP;
ii. The staff consultant will assist in the implementation of CCIP for the Pacific countries in
coordination with RSDD and other partners (multilateral, bilateral agencies, intergovernmental
organizations such as SPC, SPREP, SOPAC, nongovernmental
organizations, etc);
iii. Suggest appropriate programs, projects, and interventions for climate change adaptation
at regional level as well as for the Pacific DMCs;
iv. Based on CCIP, CRP,3 and other relevant information, incorporate and mainstream
climate change adaptation in the CPS to ensure that climate change adaptation
adequately addressed in strategy and program for Pacific DMCs;
v. Review PARD’s existing and pipeline program and projects in each country and at
regional level, assist with risk screening of programs and projects those are climate
sensitive, produce a prioritized inventory of vulnerable projects (portfolio at risk), and
suggest requisite adaptive priorities;
vi. Assist PARD project officer in addressing climate change adaptation (through working
with project preparatory technical assistance [PPTA] consultants) to estimate
incremental cost of adaptation, and ensure that climate change consideration
incorporated in the project design;
3 CRPs have been prepared by ADB for Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Fiji Islands, Kiribati,
Palau, Samoa, Marshall Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu.
vii. Aside from ADB sources, explore available climate change adaptation funds and funding
viii. Assist staff in undertaking review of draft policies, plans, guidelines, and/or procedures;
also in administration of technical assistance projects on climate change related issues,
and undertake missions to selected Pacific DMCs as necessary;
ix. While climate change adaptation will be the primary task, the staff consultant may also
provide advice and assistance in addressing climate change mitigation in the Pacific.
x. Gather information (paper, reports, books, etc) and other pertinent reports and
knowledge products on climate change as source of information for training program in
the forms of brief presentation, materials for short-term and long-term training course (in
PARD as well as to be used for institutions in the region, such as University of the
Pacific), as necessary;
Output/Reporting Requirements
(i) Reports on progress of CCIP implementation
(ii) Technical assistance projects are properly implemented;
(iii) Climate change adaptation inputs incorporated in the CPS, and other PARD documents
(iv) Incremental costs for climate change adaptation of infrastructure project appropriately
costed, and project design incorporate climate change adaptation consideration
(v) Training materials
Professional & Technical Requirements
i. Graduate degree (or equivalent combination of academic training and experience) in
climate change, environmental science/natural sciences, or relevant discipline.
ii. Familiarity with various risk management & adaptation tools & institutional strategies,
adaptation planning approaches, adaptation policy reforms, current adaptation research.
Understanding and capability to run climate modelling will be beneficial for the
iii. Familiarity with climate change stakeholders (eg. UNFCCC, GEF, UNDP, UNEP, WMO,
VARG, Pacific DMC Climate Change Focal Points, International NGOs & Climate
Change Research Institutes), and funding mechanisms;
iv. Well versed in sectoral climate risk management and adaptation (e.g., in agriculture,
coastal zone management, water resource management, health, etc), and impact
scenarios (e.g. low-lying coastal systems, and small island ecosystems).
v. Adequate project design knowledge, management and administration requirements, and
vi. Highly proficient in English, and good communications skills, including written products.



The Centre for Development Finance (CDF) at the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) (www.ifmr.ac.in/cdf/) is immediately seeking to fill three senior positions on the Environmentally Sustainable Project Finance (ESPF) team. The positions are based in Chennai, India.

This is an opportunity to play an important strategic role in growing and sustaining a young, internationally diverse research and policy organization. Compensation is competitive.

To apply for any of these positions, please send a cover letter, writing sample, and resume to cdfrecruiting@ifmr.ac.in. Please indicate clearly in the subject line which position you are applying for. The writing sample should be based on original research and highlight your ability to deliver succinct, clear analysis and draw insightful conclusions. We will contact you shortly after submission if we are interested in interviewing.

Centre for Development Finance

The Centre for Development Finance (CDF) is a nonprofit development economics research and consulting group at the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) in Chennai, India. (http://www.ifmr.ac.in/cdf). CDF was formally established in February 2006 with a mission to develop sustainable models for financing infrastructure and services to support inclusive growth and holistic development. Its research and consulting draws on methods from social science and business administration to identify ways to improve the efficiency and targeting of public and private financing for infrastructure, identify priority infrastructure and services for policymakers and social entrepreneurs seeking maximum impact, and develop viable business plans for private partners seeking to serve bottom of the pyramid customers.

The Environmentally Sustainable Project Finance (ESPF) team is focused on fostering markets and promoting policies that firmly orient India on a path of sustainable growth. ESPF undertakes action research and advocacy to improve the delivery of pro-environment and pro-growth infrastructure and services and to effect regulatory reform. Current projects include a partnership with the World Resources Institute (WRI) to map energy use at the bottom of the pyramid; development of a comprehensive state-level index of environmental outcomes and policies (to be launched in November 2008); and development of a rigorous set of environmental risk management guidelines for the Indian financial sector. ESPF recently spun off a social venture (Engage Carbon) to create a trading platform for voluntary and certified emissions reductions for small emissions reductions projects.


Job Description
The program head will manage the initiatives and staff of the ESPF team and will contribute to achieving the overall objectives of CDF. His/her responsibilities will include:
• Identifying key intellectual and policy contributions that CDF-ESPF can make in the energy/environment space.
• Developing and updating 3-5 year strategic vision with detailed outcomes and outputs.
• Creating and implementing a monitorable work plan supporting the strategic vision.
• Research and publication on topics of relevance to current policy debates in India.
• Professional representation of CDF-ESPF at relevant conferences, meetings and other venues.
• Developing and implementing an advocacy and dissemination strategy for CDF-ESPF research.
• Outreach, partnership-building, fund-raising and donor compliance.
• Recruiting.

Required Qualifications
• Masters or advanced degree in public policy, environmental studies, development studies, economics or business administration.
• Minimum 7 years’ experience working in the fields of environment, energy, corporate social responsibility or development. Candidates must have strong knowledge of the energy and environment space in India. Candidates who are demonstrated thought leaders in the realm of environmentally sustainable development will be preferred.
• Strong research and analytical skills.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are essential, as are strong public speaking skills and comfort interacting with high-level executives and officials.
• Candidates must be able to mutli-task and manage multiple projects and other responsibilities within target deadlines.
• International work experience preferred.
• Computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point) and the Internet.
• Willingness to travel.
• Knowledge of Hindi or another major Indian language preferred.


Job Description
The senior researcher would be expected to develop a strategy and series of projects for improving access to clean, sustainable energy at the BoP. He/she would undertake a comprehensive study to quantify BoP energy needs, existing uses and preferences, perform a competitive analysis of emerging and established off-grid and household energy technologies, develop business plans for commercially viable BoP energy enterprises, and design and implement energy access pilot projects. CDF has partnered with the World Resources Institute and a consortium of international partners led by the Scripps Institute at UCSD to undertake joint research in this programmatic area; the senior researcher would be encouraged to identify more strategic partners. The senior researcher may be required to manage one or more researchers or interns and contract staff.

The senior researcher would be a key member of the ESPF team and would be expected to take an active role in ESPF research and policy advising related to India’s sustainable growth.

Required Qualifications
• Masters or advanced degree in business administration preferred. Candidates with advanced degrees in public policy, economics, development studies or environmental studies will also be considered.
• Minimum 6 years’ work experience, with at least 2 years’ experience in a business development role in development, finance, consulting or energy sectors. Project management experience required. Experience in the energy sector is an advantage.
• Strong research and analytical skills.
• Candidates must be able to mutli-task and manage multiple projects and other responsibilities within target deadlines.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are essential. Fluency in Hindi, Tamil or another major Indian language preferred, but not required..
• Computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point) and the Internet. Knowledge of Stata or another data management tool helpful.
• Willingness to travel in India and undertake field assignments.


Job Description
The senior researcher will lead an initiative to create and implement sustainability standards for the Indian financial sector. She/he will work with CDF and its partners to develop content, including websites, reports, interactive tools, seminars and other media, and a strategy to engage and influence target audiences, namely, financial institutions, industries, ratings agencies, the legal community and regulatory authorities. CDF has identified partners in this area; the senior researcher will be expected to identify additional partners for strategic alliances. The senior researcher will represent ESPF at conferences and seminars and will liaise with external partners. The senior researcher may be required to manage one or more researchers or interns and contract staff.

The senior researcher would be a key member of the ESPF team and would be expected to take an active role in ESPF research and policy advising related to India’s sustainable growth.

Required Qualifications
• Masters or advanced degree in business administration, public policy, economics or environmental studies.
• Ideal candidate would have minimum 6 years’ work experience in banking, project finance or infrastructure development. Candidates with environmental consulting or other financial sector experience will also be considered. Project management experience required.
• Strong research and analytical skills
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are essential, as are strong public speaking skills and comfort interacting with high-level executives and officials.
• Candidates must be able to mutli-task and manage multiple projects and other responsibilities within target deadlines.
• Computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point) and the Internet.
• Willingness to travel

Oct 15, 2008

Biomass expert

Biomass expert

Post Title: International Consultant
Duration of Assignment: October 20 – December 20 (output-based)
Type of Contract: SSA/RLA
Deadline for application: 16 October, 2008, 5:00 p.m.

Background information
Before 1990, industry accounted for the largest share of Albania’s GDP (about 58%) using the country’s rich chromites and copper deposits that are found in the north-central and northern parts of the country. Albania has also been subject to 25 years of oil and gas exploration in the south-western parts of the country. After the start of the transition period, however, industrial production decreased considerably owing to the closure of the main branches of heavy industry.

By 1999 the share of industrial production in the GDP was only 11.9%. Agriculture has declined to 25% of GDP, industry and construction account for 20% and services have risen to 55%. However, Albania’s cumulative growth reaches an annual average of 6.3%, due to basically successful stabilisation programmes, significant structural transformation and migrants’ remittances.

Presently, Albania is a potential candidate country for the European Union. In June 2006 it signed the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). A number of commitments have been made by the Government within this context and all the efforts the country is currently undertaking are concentrated to achieve this ultimate goal - the EU accession.

Albania’s priorities to date have focused on the reforms needed to rebuild the economy and to improve general living conditions. Commitments have been made to take accurate account of environmental values in decision making. Despite this, the country faces numerous and in some cases intensifying, environmental problems. Such problems reflect both a historic backlog of environmental neglect as well as new problems associated with recent rapid growth.

Despite the efforts done so far, one of the main problems the country faces is the energy supply. Several studies, like Albania’s National Communication to the UNFCCC (First and the Second ) and the Technology Needs Assessment highlight that climate variability and its extreme events have a significant impact on Albania’s economy and ecosystems, which in turn have impacted Albania’s development. For example, this impact has been shown to be highly significant in the generation of electricity which is currently dominated by hydropower output at over 90% levels. During the period 2000-2002 there was a significant decline in electricity generation estimated at 25% less than multiyear average production due to a prolonged drought.

In June 2003 Albania developed a National Energy Strategy (NES) as an integral part of the National Strategy for Social and Economic Development and is currently putting together a long term investment plan in the energy sector.

Documents like Albania’s First National Communication (FNC) to the UNFCCC, Albania’s Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Report and Albania’s National Energy Strategy have stimulated the current proposal.

Current situation
Estimates under the FNC show that in Albania, per capita emissions of GHG are relatively low due to the fact that over 90% of electric power is generated by hydro sources. However, emissions per GDP are relatively high. The main source of GHG emissions is the energy sector, which accounts for 65% of the total. Based on the predictions for future emissions, it is expected that by 2020 total GHG emissions will rise from 7,061.45 Gg in 1994 to a level of 37,653 Gg.

A primary objective of the NES is to improve Albania’s energy security position. In relation to the electricity-generating sector, while installed capacity is 1,659MW (2003), and peak load demand is 1,200MW, the country must import significant amounts of electricity in dry years. For instance, in 1991 Albania imported 1.7 TWh from Bulgaria and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is because over 90% of domestic generating capacity comes from hydropower. No new power plant has been built since 1988 and the electricity demand is increasing at a yearly growth rate of 8.3%. Over 80% of domestic hot water is produced with electricity, and the highest demand for electricity (67% of the total) comes from the household sector especially for space heating and domestic hot water. The National Energy Strategy estimated the demand for electricity to grow from 6.0 TWh in 1999 to 9.6 TWh by 2015. The strategy proposes both demand and supply side responses to the growing disparity between domestic electricity generating and demand. Among the most important objectives which have to be reached through this Strategy are:
1. Restructuring of the Albanian energy sector, based on the principles of market economy and development of a contemporary energy policy for the establishment of an effective institutional and regulatory framework of the public energy companies to the effect of their quick privatisation.
2. Incitement of efficient and economic use of energy and with a minimal effect on the environment, in a way that the energy sector be a supporting sector for the steady development of all the other economic and social sectors.
3. Optimising the system of power supply, relying on the concept of low cost planning and minimal impact on the environment.
4. Boosting security in the supply with power resources through the diversification of the energy system and construction of new generation works and inter-connection lines.
5. Incitement of the use of renewable resources of energy (solar, small power stations, wind, biomass) in order to make possible the maximal use of the local resources.
6. Opening the domestic market of electrical power and active participation in its regional market, in the framework of the Community Energy Treaty of South-Eastern European Countries, this is based on the requirements of the European Union for reforming the electrical power sector (Directive 54/2003 of EU).
In this context, and given Albania’s potential, attention should be given to the renewable energy. For renewable energy to make a significant contribution to economic development, job creation, reduced oil dependence, and lower greenhouse gas emissions, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of technologies, reduce their costs, and develop mature, self-sustaining industries to manufacture, install and maintain renewable energy systems.

UNDP/GEF finances in Albania a project aiming to the market transformation to use solar water heaters. Use of biomass is another option that worth to be investigated. Biomass has many advantages over conventional energy sources, as well as over some other renewable energies, in particular, relatively low costs, less dependence on short-term weather changes, promotion of regional economic structures and provision of alternative sources of income for farmers.

Biomass in the region

UNDP/GEF is currently implementing 12 projects under GEF Operational Programme 6 which focus on the use of biomass from forest, agricultural or sawmill wastes through direct combustion in boilers, gasification or production of liquid biofuels. These projects share many of the same challenges in ensuring the adequacy of the fuel-supply or input flows as well as ensuring the commercial foundations of the energy outflows. The projects are located in three regions: Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and the Asia and Pacific region.

Five UNDP/GEF biomass energy projects have been implemented in Europe and the CIS region. These projects are:
• Integrated Approach to Wood Waste Combustion for Heat Production in Poland
• Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions trough the Use of Biomass Energy in Northwest Slovakia
• Slovenia - Removing Barriers to the Increased Use of Biomass as an Energy Source
• Biomass Energy for Heating and Hot Water Supply in Belarus
• Economic and Cost-effective use of Wood Waste for Municipal Heating Systems in Latvia

The lessons learnt from projects described above are related to the following:
• Woody biomass from forest residues and the wood-processing industries (wood-chips, sawdust, bark, pellets, etc.)
• Principally heat provision with CHP
• Industrial heating, heating of municipal buildings, and district heating systems
• Small- to medium-scale heating systems (between a few 10s of kilowatts to about 10 megawatts thermal)

All biomass that can be used for energy generation comes either from farming (industry, forestry and agriculture) or natural vegetation. Because of their frequent low cost (sometimes zero or even negative if there are costs associated with disposal) biomass ‘waste’ is usually the first choice for use as biomass fuel. Formal harvesting of vegetation will almost always be more expensive than farm and forest residues, and informal collection is unlikely to provide a sufficiently reliable supply of fuel for power and heat generation in the formal sector and this is the case in the Europe and CIS region. The ‘wet’ bioconversion processes, digestion and fermentation, are currently not covered by any UNDP/GEF projects in the region. Biomass heat applications represent the largest single contribution to renewable energy in Europe, larger even than hydropower.

Wood energy industrial development is far from being homogeneous in Europe. Many countries are just beginning to exploit their potential, while others, like Finland and Sweden, have already developed a high-tech industrial sector (in particular with combined heat and power – CHP – systems) and have already largely tapped their potential. New EU members like Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and the Baltic States possess abundant raw material, as do the accession states of Bulgaria and Romania, and countries further to the east including Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation. However, this potential remains largely unused or badly used due to a lack of investment in modern, effective technologies. In these countries household fires and stoves are the main users of wood for heat.

Several barriers have been identified in the context of the EU Biomass Action Plan. Out of these, the following are the most important in Albanian situation:

• Lack of appropriate policies and political uncertainty over the duration as well as the level of financial support given to biomass energy. In the words of the Biomass Action Plan “This factor appears to be the most important barrier to tackle since it is convincingly proven that whenever appropriate policies are implemented, the market reacts positively and develops the necessary structures and operational systems to deliver results in accordance with the policy requirements”.
• Lack of awareness among consumers about the benefits of bioenergy and negative attitudes with some concern regarding pollutant emissions.

Biomass in Albania
Biomass in Albania is another renewable source of energy having an extension almost all over the territory of our country. In addition to the firewood which continues to be exploited in an unsteady way, a considerable interest is posed even by the very essential property of bushes and urban solid waste. With regard to the biomass from the agricultural plants, it can not be taken into account since these agricultural remains are being used as food or shelter for domestic animals during the winter period. Biomass produced by the livestock hasn’t been taken into account so far due to the non-considerable number of domestic animals, as well as from the fact that they are not grouped in big livestock farms. For this reason, the biomass produced this way is scarce and presently used as organic fertilizer.
In figures, the contribution of biomass in 2003 has been round 229 ktoe and it is foreseen to reach 201 ktoe in 2020 covering around 7.1% of the energy supply in same year. Following is presented a very rough estimation of the Albania’s technical potential on biomass:
Forest Cover 39%
Total Roundwood Production 409 thousand m3
District heating marketshare in 2002 10% to 19%
Equivalent animal units 792,400.00 units
Total primary crops 3,930,424.00 tonnes
Biomass technical potential in 2003 19 TWth

During the past 7-8 years small applications/studies have been developed in the country. Among them it is interesting to mention:

• Market Analysis for the Fuel Wood Consumption in Households, Commercial-Service, Agriculture and Industrial (SME) Sectors, performed under the GEF-UNDP Project on Second National Communication;
• Pre-feasibility study for carbon projects development in the forestry sector, performed under the UNDP-ADA Project “Building capacities to access Carbon Financing in Albania”;
• Pre-assessment of the country’s potential for the exploitation of biomass through modelling, performed by a joint group of researchers from the Faculty of Forestry Sciences, Tirana Agriculture University and Faculty of Natural Sciences, Chemistry Department, Tirana University.
Recently, a working group has been established including Prime Minister cabinet, academia and private sector. This group have including persons in different professions: Technologist chemist, Engineer chemist, Biologist, Engineer forest, Physics, Agronomist, Chemist analyst, Mushroom producer etc.
Given the Albanian condition it is important to estimate the technical potential for biomass use in the country, for different sources (forest residues, agriculture residues, animal wastes, urban wastes – after appropriate separation, fuel woods).

The objective of this assignment is to explore potential for a biomass project development in Albania to be further followed either within the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) or by a CDM project.

Duties and responsibilities

• Based on information received from the CO-Albania, the consultant will prepare very clear guidelines on the type of information required from the national counterparts to assist in the project development and a draft agenda for the mission;
• Brief national partners on the GEF CC Focal Area Strategy, project development process and requirements;
• Conduct a brief stakeholder analysis;
• Based on the desk review and data collected during the mission to Albania, assess the Albania’s current situation with regard to the current and planned biomass utilization;
• Estimate the technical potential for biomass use in Albania, as per different sources (fuel woods, urban wastes, agriculture residues, forest residues, and animal wastes);
• Analyze the main biomass technologies available in the country and assess the technology needs with regards to the efficiency improvement;
• Conduct a quick financial analysis of the application of different biomass technologies in Albania;
• Identify the main barriers and based on them the main “drivers” for positive decision making per identified biomass resources in order to enable the biomass technology transfer in Albania;
• Identify initial list of potential projects/partners to invest in biomass;
• Identify and elaborate on the best possible follow up of his/her input, i.e. either a GEF application (in this situation the consultant must ensure that the report he/she is preparing contents all necessary information to develop the Project Identification Form - PIF and the Project Preparation Grant – PPG) or a pre-feasibility study for non-renewable biomass projects that will be suitable to be implemented under the CDM mechanism;
• Prepare ToRs for the major consultancies to be undertaken during the next stage;



Deliverable 1: Feasibility study on biomass related technologies suitable for Albania November 20
Deliverable 2: Recommendations for the best follow up activities suitable for Albania November 30
Deliverable 3: Final report December 20


• Excellent understanding of issues pertaining to biomass utilization, supported by an advanced post-graduate degree in environmental disciplines, renewable energy, forestry, etc.;
• A working knowledge of Biomass Projects preferably in Europe. Previous experience on project design (UNDP, CDM and/or GEF projects is an advantage);
• Fluency in written and spoken English;
• Very good interpersonal and cross-cultural communication and negotiating skills with project partners;
• Excellent organizational, written and verbal communication skills.

Timeline and implementation arrangements

The total duration of assignment will be up to 20 working days in the period between October 20 and December 20, 2008. The assignment will involve desk study and one 5-days mission to Albania. Throughout the assignment the consultant will work in close collaboration with UNDP Country Office and relevant stakeholders. The consultant will report on his/her work to Ms. Adriana Micu, UNDP Head of Crosscutting Cluster.

Starting date

20 October 2008

Payment schedule

The consultant will be paid a lump-sum fee upon delivery of the final versions of all the deliverables. Travel expenses will be paid prior to the travel (or upon agreement with consultant). Lump-sum will be calculated based on UNDP’s salary scale and needed daily inputs.

To apply
The interested candidates are requested to apply on-line not later than October 16, 2008, at the http://europeandcis.undp.org/home/jobs/.

Financial proposal shall be submitted together with application.

Analyst International Climate Policy

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency analyses spatial and social developments in an (inter)national context, which are important to the human, plant and animal environment. The agency conducts scientific assessments and policy evaluations, relevant to strategic government policy. These assessments and evaluations are produced both on request and at the agency's own initiative.

The Global Sustainability and Climate Team (KMD) explores and assesses all aspects of national energy and climate policy in the context of sustainability. KMD supports the Dutch government in positioning itself in international climate policy on the European and global scale. KMD uses models to analyse global sustainability issues; these models are often geared to the European Union and broader international agencies, such as the UN Environment Programme, the World Bank and the OECD.

KMD is currently looking for an:

Analyst International Climate Policy

The next two years will be crucial for formulating and setting the global and European climate policies for the period following 2012. This is partly due to the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen as part of the UN climate negotiations, which will take place at the end of 2009. Quantitative cost analyses, long-term policy strategies and possible reduction measures, all play an important and supporting role for setting these policies. As a result of an assignment, given to us by the European Commission, we are looking for the right person to contribute to these analyses.

Your profile
You are academically educated (natural and environmental sciences, economy) and you are able to contribute to the analyses of global climate policies, by using existing computer models. You will need some years of proven experience in working with mathematical models and conducting quantitative analyses, preferably in the fields of energy and climate mitigation. Interaction with other research institutes and European policymakers will be part of your work. In addition, it is important that you have good editorial and communicative skills, and that you are able to work in a team.

Our offer
We offer a gross salary, depending on education level and experience, of up to € 4.294,82 a month (BBRA scale 11), on a full-time basis (36-hour week), excluding 8% holiday pay. It concerns a temporary position for the duration of 1,5 years.

More Information
For more information please contact:
Mirjam Harmelink
M: +31 6 42342483

Your Response
If you recognize yourself in this profile please send an application letter and CV in English to post@harmelinkconsulting.com before the 28th of October.

IIEC Opportunities in Energy Sector

IIEC Opportunities in Energy Sector
5 September 2008

International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC), a leading international not-for profit non-governmental organization, with a mandate to promote energy efficiency and environmental solutions, with headquarters in USA and regional offices in Asia, Africa and the Americas, is seeking highly qualified individuals to work on energy efficiency initiatives primarily throughout Asia, Pacific and Africa. The positions are based in Mumbai, India and may require travel within country and occasionally in the Asia Pacific region.

Candidates should preferably have an advanced Masters degree, preferably in engineering, economics or management, with a sound background in energy and environmental programs. Candidates should have at least 10 years experience in energy efficiency or renewable energy. Management experience preferably should include program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, project finance. Technical background is desirable in central HVAC systems, end-use efficiency improvement programs in the municipal, industrial, commercial and domestic sectors. Direct experience in conducting end-use load research programs is desirable though not essential. Candidates applying for this position should have experience in leading a small team of analysts and should have the capability to interact with IIEC clients effectively. Candidates should have strong interpersonal and project management skills with a hands-on attitude. Strong skill-set in written and spoken English is essential. Work experience in India and other South/South East Asian countries will be an asset.
Candidates should have an advanced degree, preferably in engineering or economics, with a sound background in energy and environmental programs. Candidates should have at least 5 to 7 years experience in energy efficiency, demand-side management (DSM) and renewable energy. Experience preferably should be in one or more of the following areas - DSM program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; ESCO finance, end-use energy efficiency, appliance standards or building codes, energy resource planning and energy auditing. Experience in energy policy, climate change and regulatory issues are also desirable. Candidates should have strong interpersonal and project management skills. Strong skill-set in written and spoken English is essential. Work experience in India and other South/South East Asian countries will be an asset.

An attractive salary package and benefits to commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered to the right candidates.
Interested candidates should forward detailed Curriculum Vitae no later than 20 September 2008 to jobs@iiec.org. All applications shall be treated in confidence.

Climate Adaptation Specialist


Climate Adaptation Specialist

I. Objective/Purpose of the Assignment

1. To prepare the Central and West Asia CWRD Climate Change Implementation Plan (CCIP) following the guidelines, ADB Preparation of Climate Change Implementation Guidelines and Template, August 2008.

II. Background

2. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is responding to the challenge of climate change by taking an active role in promoting the mainstreaming of mitigation and adaptation considerations throughout the Asia and Pacific Region.

3. ADB’s Climate Change Implementation Plan (CCIP), currently in draft form, is envisioned as a guiding framework to enable Regional Departments to leverage additional climate change investment funds, and help their respective DMCs develop and implement region-wide, country-specific, and sectoral climate change investments and action plans to 2015. This CCIP needs to be formulated at the level of each Regional Department (RD), in parallel with the formulation of other RD CCIPs, and in alignment (where plausible) with each DMCs Country Partnership Strategy (CPS)

III. Detailed Tasks/ Scope of Work

4. CWRD has formed a Climate Change team drawn from each division. The Climate Change Adaptation Specialist will work directly with the leader of the CWRD Climate Change Team in the formulation of the CCIP.

5. Tasks will include:

A. Preparation and Editing of the Climate Change Implementation Plan
• The Climate Change Adaptation Specialist will take overall responsibility for preparation and editing of the CCIP. In this role; the Adaptation Specialist
(i) Act as the team leader for the CCIP;
(ii) Identify key stakeholders and organize necessary meetings and workshops to engage them in the CCIP preparation
(iii) Work closely with CWRD Climate Change Team members to ensure alignment of the CCIP with departmental strategy and programs
(iv) Develop an annotated outline for the CCIP;
(v) Gather, review, and analyze all relevant information related to climate change adaptation required for preparation of the CCIP;
(vi) Coordinate the activities and inputs of the Climate Change Mitigation Specialist
(vii) Draft the CCIP in accordance with ADB Preparation of Climate Change Implementation Plan Guidelines and Template, August 2008
(viii) Organize a review of the draft CCIP by ADB and other relevant stakeholders; and
(ix) Prepare the final CCIP; and
(x) Prepare a power point presentation on the background, main findings, and key recommendations of the CCIP.

B. Knowledge Review
• Identify key issues and needs, key DMC stakeholders/focal points, and priority sectors and investment activities [(partly based on ADB investment portfolio (CPS)]
• Review ADB's climate change related documents, including the CCIP draft Guidelines, and become acquainted with the target Regional Department’s mitigation and adaptation priorities, and ongoing programs relevant to the CCIP.
• Carry out ongoing desktop research to review and assess existing literature/information on climate change impact and adaptation, and review efforts at the regional, country and sectoral levels to identify gaps that can be supported by ADB.
• Conduct a stock-taking of target DMC climate change documentation

C. Drafting of the CCIP
• Support CWRD Climate Change Team to formulate strategic framework for the CCIP. This includes formulating a methodology to allow for the incorporation of specific inputs (e.g. CPS, carbon credit investment portfolio, climate change road maps, screening and risk assessment guidelines, downscaled projections,).
• During CCIP formulation, through a review of CWRD activities and reports, help identify operational entry points for the incorporation & mainstreaming of complementary and stand-alone adaptation interventions (pilots, TAs, studies) in existing and future projects
• Identify key areas of ADB support for adaptation interventions including; incorporating vulnerabilities risks into CPSs; adjusting sector strategies for climate realities; screening of investment projects; and incorporating social dimensions.
• Identify policy options/mechanisms to be implemented within ADB, DMCs, the private sector, and at the community level/NGOs (i) for carbon investment; and, (ii) to reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts

D. Stakeholder Consultations
• Conduct DMC field visits, in coordination with RD, and coordinate and lead inter-agency stakeholder consultations with relevant government, multilateral development banks, donor, and civil society stakeholders, both for mitigation & adaptation, to identify entry points between DMC climate change priorities (National Climate Change Program) and DMC/ADB priority investments (legal, policy, financial)
• Advise CWRD on the status of target DMCs: Adaptation Plans (NAPAs, UNFCCC National Communications); priority needs based on country/sectoral impacts; existing sectoral risk assessments & availability of relevant downscaled models; in-country adaptation research capacity/existing adaptation research; portfolio of climate adaptation funds available to DMC [Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF), Adaptation Fund (AF), Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), Climate Investment Fund (CIF), bilateral, etc.]; institutional impediments
• Help identify, in dialogue with CWRD, appropriate adaptation tools, policies, and practices for CCIP consideration.

E. Final draft CCIP
• Incorporate inputs from participating DMC stakeholder and CWRD consultations, and help finalize RD CCIP
• Identify funding sources; and develop compendium of mitigation and adaptation funds, & rules of engagement.

IV. Reporting Requirements & Implementation Arrangements

6. The Climate Adaptation Specialist will report to the leader of the CWRD Climate Change Team. Follow-up reports will be provided, through the RD, to the CCIP Committee through the Coordinating Group (RSID/RSES). Reporting requirements include:

• CCIP outline/framework and methodology for CWRD CCIP
• First draft for RD CCIP
• Final draft CCIP

V. Professional & Technical Requirements

7. Essential Qualifications

• Adept at leading high-level multi-stakeholder consultative sessions on strategy development
• Well-versed with various carbon development, and risk management & adaptation institutional & frameworks and strategies, planning approaches, policy reforms, portfolio at risk and screening methodologies, current climate change research
• Familiarity with international climate change stakeholders, DMC climate change focal points, international NGOs, & climate change research institutes, and funding mechanisms
• Familiar with project design, management and administration requirements in large institutions
• Ability to clearly articulate international standards on climate change mitigation & adaptation, & related sectoral issues
• Well versed in sectoral climate change issues (e.g., in agriculture, land-use, renewable energy, coastal zone management, water resource management), and emissions and disaster impact scenarios

8. Academic Qualifications
• Graduate degree (or equivalent combination of academic training and experience) in climate change, business planning, environmental science/natural sciences, or relevant discipline.

VI. VI Level of Effort

The assignment will be based in Manila, Philippines, with travel to the field, and is expected to be for 3.5 person-months (intermittent over 5 months), starting October 2008.

policy analysts in EPA’s Program Integration Branch, Climate Change Division.

Climate Change Division, Office of Air & Radiation

EPA has two openings for policy analysts in EPA’s Program Integration Branch, Climate Change Division.

The Climate Change Division (CCD) is responsible for conducting economic analyses of the mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs); assessing long-term projections of climate change, including potential impacts to human health and the environment; coordinating domestic and international policies relating to climate change; and developing the official U.S. inventory of GHGs.

These positions are in the Program Integration Branch (PIB) within the Climate Change Division. The Program Integration Branch develops, formulates, and implements a variety of climate change programs, including coordination of the annual U.S. greenhouse gas emissions inventory, as well as undertaking policy analyses of a full range of issues related to climate change. The Branch serves as the principal point of contact in the Agency for greenhouse gas emissions inventory issues, use of market mechanisms for climate change both in the U.S. and other countries, and communication and outreach on climate change.

For additional information on EPA’s climate change activities, go to: www.epa.gov/climatechange

For these positions, the salary range is from GS-9 to GS-13 ($48,108 to $107,854), dependent upon qualifications.

This invitation for resumes is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to us. It is not an official job application process. All job openings will be announced in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s EZ-hire website (http://www.epa.gov/ezhire).

EPA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Selection for these positions will be based solely on merit without regard to race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status, or any other non-merit factors. U.S. citizenship is required.

If interested please, e-mail a cover letter and resume to the following address (email only):

Positions and Qualifications

The focus of the positions is to support policy and technical analyses of U.S. and international greenhouse gas policy issues and to support development of the U.S. greenhouse gas emissions inventory. The work may encompass providing analytic expertise for use in EPA regulatory programs (e.g., regulations requiring mandatory reporting of GHG emissions), providing policy analyses of legislative proposals (e.g., emission trading), analyzing issues associated with emissions inventories and offsets, policy analysis of international proposals, and serving as a contributing member of the team developing the U.S. greenhouse gas inventory that is submitted in fulfillment of treaty obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Applicants should be self-motivated analysts capable of contributing to the design and implementation of EPA’s climate change programs. Strong communication skills are necessary to facilitate interactions with other analysts, stakeholders, and contractors. Excellent writing skills are required to communicate the results of research and analysis. The applicants will be required to work in a team and multi-disciplinary setting.

Successful candidates must have a strong background in environmental and energy policy analysis and should be familiar with climate change science and policy. Ideal candidates should have an advanced degree in economics, engineering, public policy or a related discipline, with significant exposure to environmental and energy policy. Strong quantitative and analytical skills are preferred.

This position requires a strong commitment to environmental protection, excellent writing skills, a high energy level, and project management experience. Domestic and international travel may be required.

Environmental/Energy Economists

Openings in EPA’s Climate Economics Branch
Climate Change Division, Office of Air & Radiation

EPA has two openings for Environmental/Energy Economists in EPA’s Climate Economics Branch, Climate Change Division.

The Climate Change Division (CCD) is responsible for conducting economic analyses of the mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs); assessing long-term projections of climate change, including potential impacts to human health and the environment; coordinating domestic and international policies relating to climate change; and developing the official U.S. inventory of GHGs.

These positions are in the Climate Economics Branch (CEB) within the Climate Change Division, which is responsible for conducting analyses of the economic effects of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and carbon sequestration, including areas such as capital turn-over and technological diffusion. The CEB develops strategies and analytical tools to address a variety of types of climate change policies and initiates economic research to advance the state of knowledge of climate change economics. The CEB is also responsible for developing and applying EPA’s economic models for GHG emission projections, conducting mitigation analysis, and assessing issues related to long-term scenarios of economic development, GHG emissions, and climate change. For additional information on the CEB, go to: www.epa.gov/climatechange/economics/index.html

For these positions, the salary range is from GS-9 to GS-13 ($48,108 to $107,854), dependent upon qualifications.

This invitation for resumes is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to us. It is not an official job application process. All job openings will be announced in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s EZ-hire website (http://www.epa.gov/ezhire).

EPA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Selection for these positions will be based solely on merit without regard to race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status, or any other non-merit factors. U.S. citizenship is required.

If interested please, e-mail a cover letter and resume to the following address (email only):

Economist Positions and Qualifications

The focus of the positions is to contribute to the analysis of the impact of GHG policies using a variety of economic models. Previous experience with or exposure to economic modeling is desired, particularly integrated assessment and computable general equilibrium modeling.

Applicants should be self-motivated analysts capable of contributing to the design of a research program that meets the analytical needs of the EPA. Strong communication skills are necessary to facilitate interactions with other economists, stakeholders, and contractors. Excellent writing skills are required to communicate the results of research and analysis. The applicants will be required to work in a team and multi-disciplinary setting.

Successful candidates must have a strong background in economics and quantitative analysis, and should be familiar with climate change science and policy. Ideal candidates should have an advanced degree in economics, engineering, public policy or a related discipline, with significant exposure to environmental and energy economics, and public policy. Strong quantitative and analytical skills such as mathematical economics, econometrics, and statistics are required.

This position requires a strong commitment to environmental protection, excellent writing skills, a high energy level, and project management experience. Domestic and international travel may be required.

Business Development Manager Brazil (Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo) | $3,000 per month

Business Development Manager
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo) | $3,000 per month
A pioneering technology and science based energy efficiency business has expanded to create the opportunity for a Business Development Manager to open up the business channels in Brazil.

My Client provides sophisticated computer software, unique in its capability to provide core weather and climate data, to companies working and investing in renewable energy. Covering all weather driven renewables, wind, solar and hydro, this product is essential to maximise the commercial and globally essential generation of clean renewable energy.
Thriving in North America, my Client is globally expanding their portfolio providing the opportunity for a successful and hungry Business Development Manager to spearhead the operation. Based in either Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo you will levy off existing international clients establishing new business in Brazil.
Your business development responsibilities will include:
• Identifying potential clients for renewable energy forecasting and assessment products
• Establish contact and build credibility and successful relationships
• Develop, implement and follow through with sales strategies
• Work with partners to gather market intelligence to expand product sales
You will have gained skills and experience in the following:
• Proven pan Brazilian sales experience
• Ability to comprehend and communicate complex science and engineering concepts
• Outstanding communication skills
• Passion and conviction in renewable energies and the ability to convey this to others
• Ability to self manage
• A degree (or equivalent) in marketing, sales, or a physical science
This opportunity is an incredibly exciting development in the renewable clean energy sphere and requires an individual with belief and drive to deliver. Extensive travel throughout Brazil and often to the US will be necessary. You will be supported at the highest level and will benefit from close learning provided by the scientific department to ensure your understanding and confidence in the product.
For more information about this opportunity contact Beth Mitchell on +44 (0) 203 170 8034 or click here to apply.

Business Development Manager Brazil (Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo) | $3,000 per month

Business Development Manager
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo) | $3,000 per month
A pioneering technology and science based energy efficiency business has expanded to create the opportunity for a Business Development Manager to open up the business channels in Brazil.

My Client provides sophisticated computer software, unique in its capability to provide core weather and climate data, to companies working and investing in renewable energy. Covering all weather driven renewables, wind, solar and hydro, this product is essential to maximise the commercial and globally essential generation of clean renewable energy.
Thriving in North America, my Client is globally expanding their portfolio providing the opportunity for a successful and hungry Business Development Manager to spearhead the operation. Based in either Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo you will levy off existing international clients establishing new business in Brazil.
Your business development responsibilities will include:
• Identifying potential clients for renewable energy forecasting and assessment products
• Establish contact and build credibility and successful relationships
• Develop, implement and follow through with sales strategies
• Work with partners to gather market intelligence to expand product sales
You will have gained skills and experience in the following:
• Proven pan Brazilian sales experience
• Ability to comprehend and communicate complex science and engineering concepts
• Outstanding communication skills
• Passion and conviction in renewable energies and the ability to convey this to others
• Ability to self manage
• A degree (or equivalent) in marketing, sales, or a physical science
This opportunity is an incredibly exciting development in the renewable clean energy sphere and requires an individual with belief and drive to deliver. Extensive travel throughout Brazil and often to the US will be necessary. You will be supported at the highest level and will benefit from close learning provided by the scientific department to ensure your understanding and confidence in the product.
For more information about this opportunity contact Beth Mitchell on +44 (0) 203 170 8034 or click here to apply.